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DRAFT: Add turtoisity

Closed Michiel Cottaar requested to merge turtoisity into main
+ 9
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Geometry
import ArgParse: ArgParseSettings, @add_arg_table!, add_arg_table!, parse_args, ArgParseError, usage_string
import StaticArrays: StaticVector
import ...Geometries.User.Obstructions: walls, Walls, spheres, Spheres, cylinders, Cylinders, annuli, Annuli, fields, field_to_docs, Field, ObstructionGroup, FieldValue
import ...Geometries.User.Obstructions: Walls, Spheres, Cylinders, Annuli, fields, field_to_docs, Field, ObstructionGroup, FieldValue
import ...Geometries.User.JSON: write_geometry, read_geometry
import ...Geometries.User.RandomDistribution: random_positions_radii
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ function get_parser()
parser["create"].description = "Create a geometry JSON file with obstructions of a specific type. Select a type for more help."
for (as_string, constructor) in [
("walls", walls),
("cylinders", cylinders),
("spheres", spheres),
("annuli", annuli),
("walls", Walls),
("cylinders", Cylinders),
("spheres", Spheres),
("annuli", Annuli),
for sub_command in ("create", "create-random")
if sub_command == "create-random" && as_string == "walls"
@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ function run_create(args::Dict{<:AbstractString, <:Any})
flags = args[obstruction_type]
output_file = pop!(flags, "output_file")
constructor = Dict(
"walls" => walls,
"cylinders" => cylinders,
"spheres" => spheres,
"annuli" => annuli,
"walls" => Walls,
"cylinders" => Cylinders,
"spheres" => Spheres,
"annuli" => Annuli,
test_group = constructor(number=0)
number = pop!(flags, "number")