import ...Variables: variables, dwell_time, duration, effective_time, get_free_variable, VariableType, nsamples, resolution
import ...BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, apply_simple_constraint!, set_simple_constraints!, fixed
ADC(nsamples; dwell_time=nothing, duration=nothing, time_to_center=duration/2)
Adds a readout event with `nsamples` readouts.
## Parameters
- `center_halfway`: by default the `time_to_center` is assumed to be half of the `duration`. Set this to false to disable this assumption.
- `nsamples`: number of samples in the readout. This can be a non-integer value during optimisation
- `dwell_time`: Time between each readout sample in ms.
- `duration`: Total duration of the ADC event in ms.
- `time_to_center`: time till the center of k-space.
function ADC(; nsamples=nothing, dwell_time=nothing, time_to_center=nothing, center_halfway=true, kwargs...)
@constraint global_model() res.dwell_time >= 0
apply_simple_constraint!(duration(res), 2 * res.time_to_center)
@constraint global_model() res.time_to_center >= 0
@constraint global_model() res.time_to_center <= duration(res)
set_simple_constraints!(res, kwargs)
return res
duration(adc::ADC) = nsamples(adc) * dwell_time(adc)
resolution(adc::ADC) = adc.nsamples
variables(::Type{<:ADC}) = [nsamples, dwell_time, duration, time_to_center, resolution]
function fixed(adc::ADC)
# round nsamples during fixing
nsamples = Int(round(adc.nsamples))
dwell_time = duration(adc) / nsamples
return ADC(nsamples, dwell_time, time_to_center(adc))