module ChangingGradientBlocks
import StaticArrays: SVector

Michiel Cottaar
import ....Variables: VariableType, duration, qval, bmat_gradient, gradient_strength, slew_rate, get_free_variable
import ...AbstractTypes: GradientWaveform
Underlying type for any linearly changing part in a 1D or 3D gradient waveform (depending on whether `grad1` and `slew_rate` are a scalar or a vector)
Usually, you do not want to create this object directly, use a `BuildingBlock` instead.
abstract type ChangingGradient{N} <: GradientWaveform{N} end
(::Type{ChangingGradient})(grad1::VariableType, slew_rate::VariableType, duration::VariableType) = ChangingGradient1D(grad1, slew_rate, duration)
(::Type{ChangingGradient})(grad1::AbstractVector, slew_rate::AbstractVector, duration::VariableType) = ChangingGradient3D(grad1, slew_rate, duration)
struct ChangingGradient1D <: ChangingGradient{1}
gradient_strength_start :: VariableType
slew_rate :: VariableType
duration :: VariableType
struct ChangingGradient3D <: ChangingGradient{3}
gradient_strength_start :: SVector{3, <:VariableType}
slew_rate :: SVector{3, <:VariableType}
duration :: VariableType
duration(cgb::ChangingGradient) = cgb.duration
grad_start(cgb::ChangingGradient) = cgb.gradient_strength_start
slew_rate(cgb::ChangingGradient) = cgb.slew_rate
grad_end(cgb::ChangingGradient) = grad_start(cgb) .+ slew_rate(cgb) .* duration(cgb)
gradient_strength(cgb::ChangingGradient) = max.(grad_start(cgb), grad_end(cgb))

Michiel Cottaar
qval(cgb::ChangingGradient) = (grad_start(cgb) .+ grad_end(cgb)) .* (duration(cgb) * π)
_mult(g1::VariableType, g2::VariableType) = g1 * g2
_mult(g1::AbstractVector, g2::AbstractVector) = g1 .* permutedims(g2)
function bmat_gradient(cgb::ChangingGradient, qstart)
# grad = (g1 * (duration - t) + g2 * t) / duration
# = g1 + (g2 - g1) * t / duration
# q = qstart + g1 * t + (g2 - g1) * t^2 / (2 * duration)
# \int dt (qstart + t * grad)^2 =
# qstart^2 * duration +
# qstart * g1 * duration^2 +
# qstart * (g2 - g1) * duration^2 / 3 +
# g1^2 * duration^3 / 3 +
# g1 * (g2 - g1) * duration^3 / 4 +
# (g2 - g1)^2 * duration^3 / 10
return (
_mult(qstart, qstart) .* duration(cgb) .+
duration(cgb)^2 .* _mult(qstart, 2 .* grad_start(cgb) .+ grad_end(cgb)) .* 2π ./ 3 .+
diff = slew_rate(cgb) .* duration(cgb)
return (2π)^2 .* (
_mult(grad_start(cgb), grad_start(cgb)) ./ 3 .+
_mult(grad_start(cgb), diff) ./ 4 .+
_mult(diff, diff) ./ 10
) .* duration(cgb)^3
split_gradient(constant/changing_gradient_block, times...)
Split a single gradient at a given times.
All times are relative to the start of the gradient block (in ms).
Times are assumed to be in increasing order and between 0 and the duration of the gradient block.
For N times this returns a vector with the N+1 replacement [`ConstantGradientBlock`](@ref) or [`ChangingGradientBlock`](@ref) objects.
function split_gradient(cgb::ChangingGradient, times::VariableType...)
all_times = [0., times...]
durations = [times[1], [t[2] - t[1] for t in zip(times[1:end-1], times[2:end])]..., duration(cgb) - times[end]]
return [cls(cgb)(cgb.gradient_strength .+ cgb.slew_rate .* t, cgb.slew_rate, d) for (t, d) in zip(all_times, durations)]