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post_hoc.jl 6.95 KiB
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Define post-fitting adjustments of the sequences
module PostHoc

import ..Variables: AbstractBlock, adjust_internal, adjust_groups, adjust
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import ..Components: GradientWaveform, RFPulseComponent, BaseComponent, NoGradient
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import ..Containers: ContainerBlock, Sequence, Wait
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const UsedNamesType = Dict{Symbol, Set{Symbol}}

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    adjust(block; kwargs...)

Generate one or more new sequences/building_blocks/components with some post-fitting adjustments.
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The following adjustments are allowed:
- for MR gradients
    - `orientation`: set the orientation to a given vector.
    - `rotation`: rotate the gradient orientations using a rotations from [`Rotations.jl`](
    - `scale`: multiply the gradient strength by the given value. Note that if you use a value not between -1 and 1 you might break the scanner's maximum gradient or slew rate.
- for RF pulses:
    - `frequency`: shift the off-resonance frequency by the given value (in kHz).
    - `scale`: multiply the RF pulse amplitude by the given value (used to model the B1 transmit field).

A vector of multiple values can be passed on to any of these in order to create multiple sequences with different adjustments.
The will usually be merged together. You can get the individual sequences by passing on `merge=false`.
The time between these repeated sequences can be adjusted using the keywords described in [`merge_sequences`](@ref) passed on to the merge keyword:
e.g., `merge=(wait_time=10, )` adds a wait time of 10 ms between each repeated sequence.

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Specific sequence components that can be adjusted are identified by their `group` name.
For example, `adjust(sequence, diffusion=(orientation=[0, 1, 0], ))` will set any gradient in the group `:diffusion` to point in the y-direction.
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To affect all gradients or pulses, use `gradient=` or `pulse`, e.g.
`adjust(sequence, pulse=(scale=0.5, ))`
will divide the amplitude of all RV pulses by two.
function adjust(block::AbstractBlock; merge=true, kwargs...) 
    invalid_type = Set(key for (key, value) in pairs(kwargs) if !(value isa NamedTuple))
    if length(invalid_type) > 0
        error("All `adjust` keywords except for merge should be a NamedTuple, like (scale=3, ). This is not the case for: $(invalid_type).")
    used_names = UsedNamesType()
    n_adjust, kwargs_list = adjust_kwargs_list(; kwargs...)
    if isnothing(n_adjust)
        res = adjust_helper(block, used_names; kwargs_list[1]...)
        res = [adjust_helper(block, used_names; kw...) for kw in kwargs_list]
        if merge !== false
            if merge === true
                merge = NamedTuple()
            res = merge_sequences(res...; merge...)
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    unused_names = filter(keys(kwargs)) do key
        !(key in keys(used_names))
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    if length(unused_names) > 0
        @warn "Some group/type names were not used in call to `MRIBuilder.adjust`, namely: $(unused_names)."
    for group_name in keys(kwargs)
        if group_name in unused_names
        unused_keys = filter(keys(kwargs[group_name])) do key
            !(key in used_names[group_name])
        if length(unused_keys) > 0
            @warn "Some keywords provided for group `$(group_name)` were not used, namely: $(unused_keys)."
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function adjust_kwargs_list(; kwargs...)
    n_adjust = nothing
    for (_, named_tuple) in kwargs
        for key in keys(named_tuple)
            value = named_tuple[key]
            if key == :orientation && value isa AbstractVector{<:Number}
            if value isa AbstractVector
                if isnothing(n_adjust)
                    n_adjust = length(value)
                    @assert length(value) == n_adjust
    use_n_adjust = isnothing(n_adjust) ? 1 : n_adjust
    kwargs_list = [Dict{Symbol, Any}([field=>Dict{Symbol, Any}() for field in keys(kwargs)]...) for _ in 1:use_n_adjust]
    for (field, named_tuple) in kwargs
        for key in keys(named_tuple)
            value = named_tuple[key]
            for index in 1:use_n_adjust
                if (key == :orientation && value isa AbstractVector{<:Number}) || !(value isa AbstractVector)
                    kwargs_list[index][field][key] = value
                    kwargs_list[index][field][key] = value[index]
    return (n_adjust, kwargs_list)

function adjust_helper(block::AbstractBlock, used_names::UsedNamesType; kwargs...)
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    params = []
    for prop_name in fieldnames(typeof(block))
        push!(params, adjust_helper(getproperty(block, prop_name), used_names; kwargs...))
    new_block = typeof(block)(params...)

    for group in adjust_groups(new_block)
        if group in keys(kwargs)
            if !(group in keys(used_names))
                used_names[group] = Set{Symbol}()
            all_available_kwargs = kwargs[group]
            use_kwargs = reduce(vcat, Base.kwarg_decl.(methods(adjust_internal, (typeof(new_block), ))))
            @assert length(use_kwargs) > 0 "Invalid definition of `internal_kwargs` for $(typeof(new_block))"
            internal_kwargs = Dict(key => value for (key, value) in pairs(all_available_kwargs) if key in use_kwargs)
            union!(used_names[group], keys(internal_kwargs))
            return adjust_internal(block; internal_kwargs...)
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adjust_helper(some_value, used_names::UsedNamesType; kwargs...) = some_value
adjust_helper(array_variable::AbstractArray, used_names::UsedNamesType; kwargs...) = map(array_variable) do v adjust_helper(v, used_names; kwargs...) end
adjust_helper(dict_variable::AbstractDict, used_names::UsedNamesType; kwargs...) = typeof(dict_variable)(k => adjust_helper(v, used_names; kwargs...) for (k, v) in pairs(dict_variable))
adjust_helper(tuple_variable::Tuple, used_names::UsedNamesType; kwargs...) = map(tuple_variable) do v adjust_helper(v, used_names; kwargs...) end
adjust_helper(pair:: Pair, used_names::UsedNamesType; kwargs...) = adjust_helper(pair[1], used_names; kwargs...) => adjust_helper(pair[2], used_names; kwargs...)
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    merge_sequences(sequences...; wait_time=0.)
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Merge multiple sequences together.

Sequences will be run one after each other with `wait_time` in between.
merge_sequences(sequences::Sequence{S}...; kwargs...) where {S} = merge_internal(sequences...; name=S, kwargs...)
merge_sequences(sequences::Sequence...; kwargs...) = merge_internal(sequences...; kwargs...)
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function merge_internal(sequences...; name=:Sequence, wait_time=0.)
    wb = Wait(wait_time)
    new_blocks = ContainerBlock[sequences[1]]
    for seq in sequences[2:end]
        if !iszero(wait_time)
            push!(new_blocks, wb)
        push!(new_blocks, seq)
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    return Sequence(new_blocks; scanner=sequences[1].scanner, name=name)

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