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constant_pulses.jl 2.44 KiB
module ConstantPulses
import JuMP: @constraint
import ...AbstractTypes: RFPulseComponent, split_timestep
import ....BuildSequences: global_model
import ....Variables: duration, amplitude, effective_time, flip_angle, phase, inverse_bandwidth, VariableType, set_simple_constraints!, frequency, make_generic, get_free_variable
import ..GenericPulses: GenericPulse

    ConstantPulse(; variables...)

Represents an radio-frequency pulse with a constant amplitude and frequency (i.e., a rectangular function).

## Parameters
- `group`: name of the group to which this pulse belongs. This is used for scaling or adding phases/off-resonance frequencies.

## Variables
- [`flip_angle`](@ref): rotation expected for on-resonance spins in degrees.
- [`duration`](@ref): duration of the RF pulse in ms.
- [`amplitude`](@ref): amplitude of the RF pulse in kHz.
- [`phase`](@ref): phase at the start of the RF pulse in degrees.
- [`frequency`](@ref): frequency of the RF pulse relative to the Larmor frequency (in kHz).
struct ConstantPulse <: RFPulseComponent
    amplitude :: VariableType
    duration :: VariableType
    phase :: VariableType
    frequency :: VariableType
    group :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}

function ConstantPulse(; amplitude=nothing, duration=nothing, phase=nothing, frequency=nothing, group=nothing, kwargs...) 
    res = ConstantPulse(
        [get_free_variable(value) for value in (amplitude, duration, phase, frequency)]...,
    @constraint global_model() res.amplitude >= 0
    set_simple_constraints!(res, kwargs)
    return res

amplitude(pulse::ConstantPulse) = pulse.amplitude
duration(pulse::ConstantPulse) = pulse.duration
phase(pulse::ConstantPulse) = pulse.phase
frequency(pulse::ConstantPulse) = pulse.frequency
flip_angle(pulse::ConstantPulse) = amplitude(pulse) * duration(pulse) * 360
inverse_bandwidth(pulse::ConstantPulse) = duration(pulse) * 4
effective_time(pulse::ConstantPulse) = duration(pulse) / 2

amplitude(pulse::ConstantPulse, time::Number) = amplitude(pulse)
phase(pulse::ConstantPulse, time::Number) = phase(pulse) + frequency(pulse) * (time - effective_time(pulse))

function make_generic(block::ConstantPulse)
    d = duration(block)
    final_phase = phase(block) + d * frequency(block) * 360
    return GenericPulse(
        [0., d], 
        [amplitude(block), amplitude(block)],
        [phase(block), final_phase],

split_timestep(pulse::ConstantPulse, precision) = Inf
