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trapezoids.jl 9.63 KiB
Defines a set of different options for MRI gradients.
module Trapezoids

import JuMP: @constraint
import StaticArrays: SVector
import LinearAlgebra: norm
import ...Variables: variables, @defvar, scanner_constraints!, get_free_variable, set_simple_constraints!, gradient_orientation, VariableType, get_gradient, get_pulse, get_readout, adjustable, adjust_internal
import ...BuildSequences: global_model
import ...Components: ChangingGradient, ConstantGradient, RFPulseComponent, ADC
import ...Containers: BaseBuildingBlock

Parent type for any `BuildingBlock` that has a trapezoidal gradient waveform.

- [`Trapezoid`](@ref)
- [`SliceSelect`](@ref)
- [`LineReadout`](@ref)

The `N` indicates whether the gradient has a fixed orientation (N=1) or is free (N=3).
abstract type BaseTrapezoid{N} <: BaseBuildingBlock end

    Trapezoid(; orientation=nothing, group=nothing, variables...)

Defines a trapezoidal pulsed gradient

## Parameters
- `orientation` sets the gradient orientation (completely free by default). Can be set to a vector for a fixed orientation.
- `group`: assign the trapezoidal gradient to a specific group. This group will be used to scale or rotate the gradients after optimisation.

## Variables
Variables can be set during construction or afterwards as an attribute.
If not set, they will be determined during the sequence optimisation.
### Timing variables
- [`rise_time`](@ref): Time of the gradient to reach from 0 to maximum in ms. If explicitly set to 0, the scanner slew rate will be ignored.
- [`flat_time`](@ref): Time that the gradient stays at maximum strength in ms.
- [`δ`](@ref): effective pulse duration (`rise_time` + `flat_time`) in ms.
- [`duration`](@ref): total pulse duration (2 * `rise_time` + `flat_time`) in ms.
### Gradient variables
- [`gradient_strength`](@ref): Maximum gradient strength achieved during the pulse in kHz/um
- [`qval`](@ref): Spatial scale on which spins will be dephased due to this pulsed gradient in rad/um (given by `δ` * `gradient_strength`).

The `bvalue` can be constrained for multiple gradient pulses by creating a `Pathway`.
abstract type Trapezoid{N} <: BaseTrapezoid{N} end

struct Trapezoid1D <: Trapezoid{1}
    rise_time :: VariableType
    flat_time :: VariableType
    slew_rate :: VariableType
    orientation :: SVector{3, Float64}
    group :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}

struct Trapezoid3D <: Trapezoid{3}
    rise_time :: VariableType
    flat_time :: VariableType
    slew_rate :: SVector{3, VariableType}
    group :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}

function (::Type{Trapezoid})(; orientation=nothing, rise_time=nothing, flat_time=nothing, group=nothing, slew_rate=nothing, kwargs...)
    if isnothing(orientation)
        if isnothing(slew_rate)
            slew_rate = (nothing, nothing, nothing)