Michiel Cottaar authoredMichiel Cottaar authored
variables.jl 4.42 KiB
module Variables
import JuMP: @variable, Model, @objective, objective_function, owner_model, has_values, value, AbstractJuMPScalar
import ..Scanners: gradient_strength, slew_rate
all_variables_symbols = [
# general
:duration => (:block, "duration of the building block in ms."),
:TR => (:sequence, "Time on which an MRI sequence repeats itself in ms."),
# RF pulse
:flip_angle => (:pulse, "The flip angle of the RF pulse in degrees"),
:amplitude => (:pulse, "The maximum amplitude of an RF pulse in kHz"),
:phase => (:pulse, "The angle of the phase of an RF pulse in KHz"),
:frequency => (:pulse, "The off-resonance frequency of an RF pulse (relative to the Larmor frequency of water) in KHz"),
:bandwidth => (:pulse, "Bandwidth of the RF pulse in kHz. If you are going to divide by the bandwidth, it can be more efficient to use the [`inverse_bandwidth`](@ref)."),
:inverse_bandwidth => (:pulse, "Inverse of the [`bandwidth`](@ref) of the RF pulse in ms"),
:N_left => (:pulse, "The number of zero crossings of the RF pulse before the main peak"),
:N_right => (:pulse, "The number of zero crossings of the RF pulse after the main peak"),
:slice_thickness => (:pulse, "Slice thickness of an RF pulse that is active during a gradient."),
# gradients
:qvec => (:gradient, "The spatial range and orientation on which the displacements can be detected due to this gradient in 1/um."),
:qval => (:gradient, "The spatial range on which the displacements can be detected due to this gradient in 1/um."),
:δ => (:gradient, "Effective duration of a gradient pulse ([`rise_time`](@ref) + [`flat_time`](@ref)) in ms."),
:rise_time => (:gradient, "Time for gradient pulse to reach its maximum value in ms."),
:flat_time => (:gradient, "Time of gradient pulse at maximum value in ms."),
:gradient_strength => (:gradient, "vector with maximum strength of a gradient along each dimension (kHz/um)"),
:slew_rate => (:gradient, "vector with maximum slew rate of a gradient along each dimension (kHz/um)"),
symbol_to_func = Dict{Symbol, Function}()
for (func_symbol, (block_symbol, description)) in all_variables_symbols
as_string = " $func_symbol($block_symbol)\n\n$description\n\nThis represents a variable within the sequence. Variables can be set during the construction of a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) or used to create constraints after the fact."
new_func = @eval begin
function $func_symbol end
@doc $as_string $func_symbol
symbol_to_func[func_symbol] = new_func
Returns all functions representing properties of a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) object.
variables() = [values(symbol_to_func)...]
# Some universal truths
qval(bb) = norm(qvec(bb))
# These functions are more fully defined in building_blocks.jl
function start_time end
function end_time end
function effective_time end
const VariableType = Union{Number, AbstractJuMPScalar}
get_free_variable(model, value; integer=false)
Get a representation of a given `variable` given a user-defined constraint.
get_free_variable(::Model, value::Number; integer=false) = integer ? Int(value) : Float64(value)
function get_free_variable(model::Model, value::VariableType; integer=false)
if owner_model(value) != model
if has_values(value)
return value(value)
error("Cannot set any constraints between sequences stored in different JuMP models.")
return value
get_free_variable(model::Model, ::Nothing; integer=false) = @variable(model, integer=integer)
get_free_variable(model::Model, value::Symbol; integer=false) = integer ? error("Cannot maximise or minimise an integer variable") : get_free_variable(model, Val(value))
function get_free_variable(model::Model, ::Val{:min})
var = get_free_variable(model, nothing)
@objective model Min objective_function(model) + var
return var
function get_free_variable(model::Model, ::Val{:max})
var = get_free_variable(model, nothing)
@objective model Min objective_function(model) - var
return var
bmat_gradient(gradient::GradientBlock, qstart=(0, 0, 0))
Computes the diffusion-weighting matrix due to a single gradient block.
This should be defined for every `GradientBlock`, but not be called directly.
Instead, the `bmat` and `bval` should be constrained for specific `Pathways`
function bmat_gradient end