Michiel Cottaar authoredMichiel Cottaar authored
alternatives.jl 1.34 KiB
module Alternatives
import JuMP: @constraint
import ..BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, match_blocks!
import ..BuildSequences: global_model
import ..Variables: duration
AlternativeBlocks(name, blocks)
Represents a part of the sequence where there are multiple possible alternatives.
Variables can be matched across these alternatives using [`match_blocks!`](@ref).
The `name` is a symbol that is used to identify this `AlternativeBlocks` in the broader sequence.
struct AlternativeBlocks <: BuildingBlock
name :: Symbol
options :: Vector{<:BuildingBlock}
Base.getindex(alt::AlternativeBlocks, index::Int) = alt.options[index]
duration(alt::AlternativeBlocks) = maximum(duration.(alt.options))
match_blocks!(alternatives, function)
Matches the outcome of given `function` on each of the building blocks in [`AlternativeBlocks`](@ref).
For example, `match_blocks!(alternatives, duration)` will ensure that all the alternative building blocks have the same duration.
function match_blocks!(alternatives::AlternativeBlocks, func)
baseline = func(alternatives[1])
for other_block in alternatives.options[2:end]
if baseline isa AbstractVector
@constraint global_model() baseline == func(other_block)
@constraint global_model() baseline .== func(other_block)