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Verified Commit 445eb37a authored by Michiel Cottaar's avatar Michiel Cottaar
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Add pathway walker

parent e917c4d6
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......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ include("gradients/gradients.jl")
import .BuildSequences: build_sequence
export build_sequence
......@@ -40,6 +41,9 @@ export InstantReadout
import .Containers: Sequence, FixedBlock, FixedSequence
export Sequence, FixedBlock, FixedSequence
import .Pathways: Pathway, duration_transverse, duration_dephase, bval, bmat
export duration_transverse, duration_dephase, bval, bmat
import JuMP: @constraint, @objective, objective_function, optimize!, has_values, value, owner_model, Model
export @constraint, @objective, objective_function, optimize!, has_values, value, owner_model, Model
module Pathways
import LinearAlgebra: norm
import StaticArrays: SVector, SMatrix
import StaticArrays: SVector, SMatrix, MVector, MMatrix
import ..BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock, GradientBlock, RFPulseBlock
import ..Containers: Sequence
import ..Variables: qval, bval, area_under_curve
import ..PathwayWalkers: PathwayWalker
import ..Variables: qvec, qval, bmat_gradient, VariableType
Pathway(sequence::Sequence, pulse_effects::Vector{:Symbol/Number}, readout_index=1)
......@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ You can select which gradients to consider when accessing these values.
struct Pathway
# user provided
sequence :: Sequence
pulse_effects :: Vector{Union{:Symbol, :Number}}
pulse_effects :: Vector{Union{Symbol, Number}}
readout_index :: Integer
# computed
......@@ -59,12 +60,11 @@ end
function Pathway(sequence::Sequence, pulse_effects::AbstractVector, readout_index::Integer)
walker = PathwayWalker()
walk_pathway!(sequence, copy(pulse_effects), walker, Ref(readout_index))
walk_pathway!(sequence, interpret_pulse_effects.(pulse_effects), walker, Ref(readout_index))
return Pathway(
Dict(k => SVector{4, VariableType}(v) for (k, v) in pairs(walker.duration_states)),
Dict(k => SVector{3, VariableType}(v) for (k, v) in pairs(walker.qvec)),
Dict(k => SMatrix{3, 3, VariableType, 9}(v) for (k, v) in pairs(walker.bmat)),
......@@ -84,13 +84,7 @@ The requested state can be set using `transverse` and `positive` as follows:
- `transverse=true`, `positive=false`: -transverse
function duration_state(pathway::Pathway, transverse, positive)
index = Dict([
(false, true) => 1,
(true, true) => 2,
(false, false) => 3,
(true, false) => 4,
])[(Bool(transverse), Bool(positive))]
return pathway.duration_states[index]
return pathway.duration_states[duration_state_index(transverse, positive)]
......@@ -179,4 +173,233 @@ You can set `scale` and/or `rotate` to specific symbols to only consider gradien
bval(pathway::Pathway; scale=nothing, rotate=nothing) = tr(bmat(pathway; scale, rotate))
Interpret the various numbers and symbols that can be passed on to a `Pathway`.
The result will be one of:
- :ignore (if input is 0, :ignore, or :skip).
- :excite (if input is 90 or :excite).
- :refocus (if input is 180, :refocus, or :excite).
- :neg_excite (if input is -90, 270, or :negexcite).
function interpret_pulse_effects(number::Number)
normed = Int(number % 360)
if normed == 0
return :ignore
elseif normed == 90
return :excite
elseif normed == 180
return :refocus
elseif normed == 270
return :neg_excite
error("The pulse effect along a pathway should be divisible by 90, not $number.")
function interpret_pulse_effects(sym::Symbol)
mapping = Dict{Symbol, Symbol}(
:ignore => :ignore,
:skip => :ignore,
:excite => :excite,
:net_excite => :net_excite,
:refocus => :refocus,
:invert => :refocus,
if sym in keys(mapping)
return mapping[sym]
all_symbols = join(keys(mapping), ", ")
error("The pulse effect along a pathway should be one of ($all_symbols), not $sym.")
Helper structure for [`PathwayWalker`](@ref), which is itself a helper for `Pathway`. You are deep down the rabit hole now...
For documentation, see that structure and [`walk_pathway`](@ref) and [`update_walker_gradient!`](@ref).
mutable struct GradientTracker
last_gradient_time :: VariableType
qvec :: MVector{3, VariableType}
bmat :: MMatrix{3, 3, VariableType, 9}
GradientTracker() = GradientTracker(0., zeros(3), zeros(3, 3))
Helper structure for `Pathway`.
For documentation, see that structure and [`walk_pathway`](@ref).
mutable struct PathwayWalker
last_pulse_time :: VariableType
is_transverse :: Bool
is_positive :: Bool
duration_states :: MVector{4, VariableType}
gradient_trackers :: Dict{Any, GradientTracker}
PathwayWalker() = PathwayWalker(
0., false, true,
Dict{Any, GradientTracker}()
walk_pathway!(bb::BuildingBlock, walker::PathwayWalker, pulse_effects::Vector, nreadout::Ref{Int}, start_time)
Computes the effect of a specific [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) (starting at `start_time`) on the [`PathwayWalker`](@ref).
This needs to be defined for any [`ContainerBlock`](@ref) that the walker may encounter.
This might be as simpla as calling [`walk_pathway!`] on all the children (i.e., for a `Sequence`).
For individual pulses and gradients, the following behaviour is implemented:
- If a pulse is encountered, call [`update_walker_pulse!`](@ref)`(walker, pulse_effects, pulse_effective_time)`
- If a gradient is encountered, call [`update_walker_gradient!`](@ref)(gradient, walker, gradient_start_time)
For overlapping gradients/pulses, one should first encounter the part of the gradient before the [`effective_time`](@ref) of the pulse,
then apply the pulse, and then the rest of the gradient.
This effective time can be passed on to [`update_walker_gradient!`](@ref) to allow part of the gradient waveform to be applied.
The function should return `true` if the `Pathway` has reached its end (i.e., the final readout) and `false` otherwise.
function walk_pathway!(grad::GradientBlock, walker::PathwayWalker, pulse_effects::Vector{Symbol}, nreadout::Ref{Int}, start_time=0.::VariableType)
update_walker_gradient!(grad, walker, start_time)
return false
function walk_pathway!(pulse::RFPulseBlock, walker::PathwayWalker, pulse_effects::Vector{Symbol}, nreadout::Ref{Int}, start_time=0.::VariableType)
update_walker_pulse(walker, pulse_effects, nreadout, start_time + effective_time(pulse))
return iszero(length(pulse_effects)) && iszero(nreadout[])
update_walker_pulse!(walker::PathwayWalker, pulse_effects::Vector, pulse_time)
Apply the first element of `pulse_effects` to the `walker` at the given `pulse_time`.
The following steps will be taken if the first `pulse_effect` is not `:ignore`
- if `walker.transverse` is true before the pulse, increase the `walker.bmat` by the outer product of `walker.qvec` with itself multiplied by the time since the last gradient
- update `walker.duration_states` with time since last pulse.
- update `walker.last_pulse_time`
- update `walker.is_transverse`, and `walker.is_positive` based on the first value in `pulse_effects`.
- if `walker.is_positive` changed in the previous step than the `walker.qvec` needs to be flipped.
- remove the first element from `pulse_effects`.
If the first element is `:ignore` the only effect is that the first element is removed from `pulse_effects`.
function update_walker_pulse!(walker::PathwayWalker, pulse_effects::AbstractVector{Symbol}, pulse_time::VariableType)
if length(pulse_effects) == 0
error("Pathway definition is invalid! Another RF pulse was encountered before the number of readouts expected from `nreadout` where detected.")
instruction = popfirst!(pulse_effects)
if instruction == :ignore
# update qvec/bmat
if walker.is_transverse
for gradient_tracker in values(walker.gradient_trackers)
gradient_tracker.bmat += (
(gradient_tracker.qvec .* gradient_tracker.qvec') .*
(pulse_time - gradient_tracker.last_gradient_time)
gradient_tracker.last_gradient_time = pulse_time
prev_sign = walker.is_positive
# update durations
index = duration_state_index(walker.is_transverse, walker.is_positive)
walker.duration_states[index] = walk.duration_state[index] + (pulse_time - walker.last_pulse_time)
walker.last_pulse_time = pulse_time
# -transverse, +longitudinal, +transverse, -longitudinal, -transverse, +longitudinal
ordering = [(true, false), (false, true), (true, true), (false, false), (true, false)]
if instruction == :refocus
walker.is_positive = !walker.is_positive
elseif instruction == :excite
index = findfirst(isequal(walker.is_transverse, walker.is_positive), ordering)
(walker.is_transverse, walker.is_positive) = ordering[index + 1]
elseif instruction == :neg_excite
index = findlast(isequal(walker.is_transverse, walker.is_positive), ordering)
(walker.is_transverse, walker.is_positive) = ordering[index - 1]
error("Invalid pulse instruction ($instruction); This error should have been caught earlier.")
# flip qvec if needed
if prev_sign != walker.is_positive
for gradient_tracker in values(walker.gradient_trackers)
gradient_tracker.qvec = -gradient_tracker.qvec
update_walker_gradient!(gradient_block::GradientBlock, walker::PathwayWalker, gradient_start_time::VariableType; overlapping_pulses=[], overlapping_readouts=[])
Update the walker's `qvec` and `bmat` based on the given `gradient_block`.
The following steps will be taken:
- Do nothing if `walker.transverse` is false
- increase the appropriate `walker.bmat` by the outer product of `walker.qvec` with itself multiplied by the time since the last gradient
- update the appropriate `walker.qvec` and `walker.bmat` based on the gradient waveform. This will require appropriate `qvec`/`bmat` functions to be defined for the gradient building block.
- update `walker.last_gradient_time` to the time at the end of the gradient.
This requires [`bmat`](@ref) and [`qvec`](@ref) to be implemented for the [`GradientBlock`](@ref).
function update_walker_gradient!(gradient::GradientBlock, walker::PathwayWalker, gradient_start_time::VariableType, internal_start_time, internal_end_time)
if walker.transverse
if iszero(internal_start_time) || isnothing(internal_start_time)
# only worry about this for the first call
# make sure the appropriate gradient tracker exists
key = (gradient.scale, gradient.rotate)
if !(key in keys(walker.gradient_trackers))
walker.gradient_trackers[key] = GradientTracker()
tracker = walker.gradient_trackers[key]
# update bmat till start of gradient
tracker.bmat = tracker.bmat .+ (
(tracker.qvec .* tracker.qvec') .*
(gradient_start_time - tracker.last_gradient_time)
tracker.last_gradient_time = gradient_start_time
tracker.bmat = tracker.bmat .+ bmat(gradient, tracker.qvec, internal_start_time, internal_end_time)
tracker.qvec = tracker.qvec .+ qvec(gradient, internal_start_time, internal_end_time)
duration_state_index(transverse, positive)
Returns the index of a specific state in the `Pathway.duration_state` vector.
This function is used internally to access that vector.
function duration_state_index(transverse, positive)
return Dict([
(false, true) => 1,
(true, true) => 2,
(false, false) => 3,
(true, false) => 4,
])[(Bool(transverse), Bool(positive))]
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