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Verified Commit 5866269a authored by Michiel Cottaar's avatar Michiel Cottaar
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Define trapzoidal building block with or without gradient/readout

parent ebe19f42
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module AllBuildingBlocks module AllBuildingBlocks
import .BaseBuildingBlocks: waveform, waveform_sequence, events, BaseBuildingBlock
import .BuildingBlocks: BuildingBlock
import .Trapezoids: Trapezoid, SliceSelect, LineReadout
end end
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Defines a set of different options for MRI gradients.
module Trapezoids
import JuMP: @constraint
import StaticArrays: SVector
import LinearAlgebra: norm
import ...Variables: qvec, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, variables, duration, δ, get_free_variable, VariableType, inverse_bandwidth, effective_time, qval_square, duration, set_simple_constraints!, scanner_constraints!, inverse_slice_thickness
import ...Variables: Variables, all_variables_symbols, dwell_time, inverse_fov, inverse_voxel_size, fov, voxel_size
import ...BuildSequences: global_model
import ...Components: ChangingGradient, ConstantGradient, NoGradient, RFPulseComponent, ADC
import ..BaseBuildingBlocks: BaseBuildingBlock
Parent type for any [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) that has a trapezoidal gradient waveform.
- [`Trapezoid`](@ref)
- [`SliceSelect`](@ref)
- [`LineReadout`](@ref)
The `N` indicates whether the gradient has a fixed orientation (N=1) or is free (N=3).
abstract type BaseTrapezoid{N} <: BaseBuildingBlock end
Trapezoid(; orientation=nothing, group=nothing, variables...)
Defines a trapezoidal pulsed gradient
## Parameters
- `orientation` sets the gradient orienation (completely free by default). Can be set to a vector for a fixed orientation.
- `group`: assign the trapezoidal gradient to a specific group. This group will be used to scale or rotate the gradients after optimisation.
## Variables
Variables can be set during construction or afterwards as an attribute.
If not set, they will be determined during the sequence optimisation.
### Timing variables
- [`rise_time`](@ref): Time of the gradient to reach from 0 to maximum in ms. If explicitly set to 0, the scanner slew rate will be ignored.
- [`flat_time`](@ref): Time that the gradient stays at maximum strength in ms.
- [`δ`](@ref): effective pulse duration (`rise_time` + `flat_time`) in ms.
- [`duration`](@ref): total pulse duration (2 * `rise_time` + `flat_time`) in ms.
### Gradient variables
- [`gradient_strength`](@ref): Maximum gradient strength achieved during the pulse in kHz/um
- [`qval`](@ref)/[`qvec`](@ref): Spatial scale on which spins will be dephased due to this pulsed gradient in rad/um (given by `δ` * `gradient_strength`).
The `bvalue` can be constrained for multiple gradient pulses by creating a `Pathway`.
abstract type Trapezoid{N} <: BaseTrapezoid{N} end
struct Trapezoid1D <: Trapezoid{1}
rise_time :: VariableType
flat_time :: VariableType
slew_rate :: VariableType
orientation :: SVector{3, Float64}
group :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}
struct Trapezoid3D <: Trapezoid{3}
rise_time :: VariableType
flat_time :: VariableType
slew_rate :: SVector{3, VariableType}
group :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}
function (::Type{Trapezoid})(; orientation=nothing, rise_time=nothing, flat_time=nothing, group=nothing, slew_rate=nothing, kwargs...)
if isnothing(orientation)
if isnothing(slew_rate)
slew_rate = (nothing, nothing, nothing)
res = Trapezoid3D(
res = Trapezoid1D(
@contraint global_model() res.slew_rate >= 0
set_simple_constraints!(res, kwargs)
@constraint global_model() flat_time >= 0
@constraint global_model() rise_time >= 0
return res
Base.keys(::Trapezoid) = (Val(:rise), Val(:flat), Val(:fall))
Base.getindex(pg::BaseTrapezoid{N}, ::Val{:rise}) where {N} = ChangingGradientBlock(N == 3 ? zeros(3) : 0., slew_rate(pg), rise_time(pg))
Base.getindex(pg::BaseTrapezoid, ::Val{:flat}) = ConstantGradientBlock(gradient_strength(pg), flat_time(pg))
Base.getindex(pg::BaseTrapezoid, ::Val{:fall}) = ChangingGradientBlock(gradient_strength(pg), -slew_rate(pg), rise_time(pg))
rise_time(pg::Trapezoid) = pg.rise_time
flat_time(pg::Trapezoid) = pg.flat_time
gradient_strength(g::Trapezoid) = slew_rate(g) .* rise_time(g)
slew_rate(g::Trapezoid) = g.slew_rate
δ(g::Trapezoid) = rise_time(g) + flat_time(g)
duration(g::Trapezoid) = 2 * rise_time(g) + flat_time(g)
for func in (:rise_time, :flat_time, :gradient_strength, :slew_rate, :δ, :duration, :qvec)
@eval $func(bt::BaseTrapezoid) = $func(bt.trapezoid)
qvec(g::BaseTrapezoid, ::Nothing, ::Nothing) = δ(g) .* gradient_strength(g) .* 2π
SliceSelect(pulse; orientation=nothing, group=nothing, variables...)
Defines a trapezoidal gradient with a pulse played out during the flat time.
Parameters and variables are identical as for [`TrapezoidGradient`](@ref) with the addition of:
## Parameters
- `pulse`: sub-type of [`RFPulseComponent`](@ref) that describes the RF pulse.
## Variables
- `slice_thickness`: thickness of the selected slice in mm
struct SliceSelect{N} <: BaseTrapezoid{N}
trapezoid :: Trapezoid{N}
pulse :: RFPulseComponent
function SliceSelect(pulse::RFPulseComponent; orientation=nothing, rise_time=nothing, group=nothing, slew_rate=nothing, variables...)
res = SliceSelect(
Trapezoid(; orientation=orientation, rise_time=rise_time, flat_time=duration(pulse), group=group, slew_rate=slew_rate),
set_simple_constraints!(res, variables)
return res
Base.keys(::SliceSelect) = (Val(:rise), Val(:flat), Vale(:pulse), Val(:fall))
Base.getindex(pg::SliceSelect, ::Val{:pulse}) = pg.pulse
inverse_slice_thickness(ss::SliceSelect) = 1e3 * gradient_strength(ss.trapezoid) .* inverse_bandwidth(ss.pulse)
for func in all_variables_symbols[:pulse]
if func in (:inverse_slice_thickness, :slice_thickness)
Variables.$func(ss::SliceSelect) = Variables.$func(ss.pulse)
LineReadout(adc; ramp_overlap=1., orientation=nothing, group=nothing, variables...)
Defines a trapezoidal gradient with an ADC readout overlaid.
Parameters and variables are identical as for [`TrapezoidGradient`](@ref) with the addition of:
## Parameters
- `adc`: [`ADC`](@ref) object that describes the readout.
- `ramp_overlap`: how much the gradient ramp should overlap with the ADC. 0 for no overlap, 1 for full overlap (default: 1). Can be set to `nothing` to become a free variable.
## Variables
- [`fov`](@ref): FOV of the output image along this single k-space line in mm.
- [`voxel_size`](@ref): size of each voxel along this single k-space line in mm.
struct LineReadout{N} <: BaseTrapezoid{N}
trapezoid :: Trapezoid{N}
adc :: ADC
ramp_overlap :: VariableType
function LineReadout(adc::ADC; ramp_overlap=1., orientation=nothing, rise_time=nothing, flat_time=nothing, group=nothing, slew_rate=nothing, variables...)
res = LineReadout(
Trapezoid(; orientation=orientation, rise_time=rise_time, flat_time=flat_time, group=group, slew_rate=slew_rate),
set_simple_constraints!(res, variables)
@constraint global_model() (res.ramp_overlap * rise_time(res.grad) * 2 + flat_time(res.grad)) == duration(res.adc)
ramp_overlap(lr::LineReadout) = lr.ramp_overlap
inverse_fov(lr::LineReadout) = @. 1e3 * dwell_time(lr.adc) * gradient_strength(lr.trapezoid)
inverse_voxel_size(lr::LineReadout) = @. 1e3 * duration(lr.adc) * gradient_strength(lr.trapezoid)
for func in all_variables_symbols[:readout]
if func in (:inverse_fov, :slice_fov, :inverse_voxel_size, :slice_voxel_size, :ramp_overlap)
Variables.$func(lr::LineReadout) = Variables.$func(lr.adc)
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...@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ include("abstract_types.jl") ...@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ include("abstract_types.jl")
include("gradient_waveforms/gradient_waveforms.jl") include("gradient_waveforms/gradient_waveforms.jl")
include("instant_gradients.jl") include("instant_gradients.jl")
include("pulses/pulses.jl") include("pulses/pulses.jl")
import .AbstractTypes: BaseComponent, GradientWaveform, EventComponent, RFPulseComponent, ReadoutComponent import .AbstractTypes: BaseComponent, GradientWaveform, EventComponent, RFPulseComponent, ReadoutComponent
import .GradientWaveforms: ConstantGradientBlock, ChangingGradientBlock, NoGradientBlock import .GradientWaveforms: ConstantGradientBlock, ChangingGradientBlock, NoGradientBlock
import .InstantGradients: InstantGradient1D, InstantGradient3D import .InstantGradients: InstantGradient1D, InstantGradient3D
import .Pulses: GenericPulse, InstantRFPulse, SincPulse, ConstantPulse import .Pulses: GenericPulse, InstantRFPulse, SincPulse, ConstantPulse
import .Readouts: ADC, SingleReadout
end end
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Defines a set of different options for MRI gradients.
module TrapezoidGradients
import JuMP: @constraint, @variable, VariableRef, value
import StaticArrays: SVector
import LinearAlgebra: norm
import ....BuildingBlocks: VariableNotAvailable
import ....Variables: qvec, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, variables, duration, δ, get_free_variable, VariableType, inverse_slice_thickness, inverse_bandwidth, effective_time, qval_square
import ....BuildingBlocks: duration, set_simple_constraints!, RFPulseBlock, scanner_constraints!
import ....BuildSequences: global_model
import ....Gradients: ChangingGradientBlock, ConstantGradientBlock
import ...Abstract: interruptions, waveform_sequence, AbstractOverlapping
TrapezoidGradient(; orientation=:bvec, rotate=nothing, scale=nothing, pulse=nothing, variables...)
Defines a trapezoidal pulsed gradient
## Parameters
- `orientation` sets the gradient orienation (completely free by default). Can be set to a vector for a fixed orientation.
- `rotate`: with which user-set parameter will this gradient be rotated (e.g., :bvec). Default is no rotation.
- `scale`: with which user-set parameter will this gradient be scaled (e.g., :bval). Default is no scaling. Can be set to a tuple (e.g., (nothing, :phase_encode, nothing)) to only scale the gradient along specific axes. Such scaling should be applied before any rotation.
- `pulse`: RF pulse that will play during the flat part of the trapezoidal gradient. If you want to add dead time around the pulse, you can set it to a tuple (e.g., `pulse=(2, pulse, :min)`).
## Variables
Variables can be set during construction or afterwards as an attribute.
If not set, they will be determined during the sequence optimisation.
### Timing variables
- [`rise_time`](@ref): Time of the gradient to reach from 0 to maximum in ms. If explicitly set to 0, the scanner slew rate will be ignored.
- [`flat_time`](@ref): Time that the gradient stays at maximum strength in ms.
- [`δ`](@ref): effective pulse duration (`rise_time` + `flat_time`) in ms.
- [`duration`](@ref): total pulse duration (2 * `rise_time` + `flat_time`) in ms.
### Gradient variables
- [`gradient_strength`](@ref): Maximum gradient strength achieved during the pulse in kHz/um
- [`qval`](@ref)/[`qvec`](@ref): Spatial scale on which spins will be dephased due to this pulsed gradient in rad/um (given by `δ` * `gradient_strength`).
### Pulse variables
Any variables defined for the specific pulse added. Also:
- [`slice_thickness`](@ref): vector with the slice thickness in mm.
The [`bvalue`](@ref) can be constrained for multiple gradient pulses.
struct TrapezoidGradient <: AbstractOverlapping
rise_time :: VariableType
flat_time :: VariableType
slew_rate :: SVector{3, VariableType}
rotate :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}
scale :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}
time_before_pulse :: VariableType
pulse :: Union{Nothing, RFPulseBlock}
time_after_pulse :: VariableType
slew_rate_1d :: Union{Nothing, VariableType}
function TrapezoidGradient(; orientation=nothing, rise_time=nothing, flat_time=nothing, rotate=nothing, scale=nothing, pulse=nothing,kwargs...)
if isnothing(orientation)
rate_1d = nothing
slew_rate = (
rate_1d = get_free_variable(nothing)
@constraint global_model() rate_1d >= 0
slew_rate = rate_1d .* (orientation ./ norm(orientation))
slew_rate = SVector{3}(slew_rate)
rise_time = get_free_variable(rise_time)
if isnothing(pulse)
flat_time = get_free_variable(flat_time)
time_before_pulse = time_after_pulse = 0.
elseif pulse isa RFPulseBlock
flat_time = duration(pulse)
time_before_pulse = time_after_pulse = 0.
else pulse isa Tuple
time_before_pulse, pulse, time_after_pulse = pulse
flat_time = time_before_pulse + duration(pulse) + time_after_pulse
res = TrapezoidGradient(
set_simple_constraints!(res, kwargs)
@constraint global_model() flat_time >= 0
@constraint global_model() rise_time >= 0
return res
waveform_sequence(pg::TrapezoidGradient) = [
ChangingGradientBlock(zeros(3), slew_rate(pg), rise_time(pg), pg.rotate, pg.scale),
ConstantGradientBlock(gradient_strength(pg), flat_time(pg), pg.rotate, pg.scale),
ChangingGradientBlock(gradient_strength(pg), -slew_rate(pg), rise_time(pg), pg.rotate, pg.scale),
interruptions(pg::TrapezoidGradient) = isnothing(pg.pulse) ? [] : [(index=2, time=pg.time_before_pulse + effective_time(pg.pulse), object=pg.pulse)]
rise_time(pg::TrapezoidGradient) = pg.rise_time
flat_time(pg::TrapezoidGradient) = pg.flat_time
gradient_strength(g::TrapezoidGradient) = slew_rate(g) .* rise_time(g)
slew_rate(g::TrapezoidGradient) = g.slew_rate
δ(g::TrapezoidGradient) = rise_time(g) + flat_time(g)
duration(g::TrapezoidGradient) = 2 * rise_time(g) + flat_time(g)
qvec(g::TrapezoidGradient, ::Nothing, ::Nothing) = δ(g) .* gradient_strength(g) .* 2π
function inverse_slice_thickness(g::TrapezoidGradient)
if isnothing(g.pulse)
throw(VariableNotAvailable(typeof(g), inverse_slice_thickness))
return inverse_bandwidth(g) .* gradient_strength(g) .* 1000
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