# [Post-hoc adjustment of sequences](@id adjust_sequences)
Typically a sequence is repeated for multiple [`repetition_time`](@ref)([`TR`](@ref)) to allow the acquisition of multiple k-space lines, slice selection, or other sequence parameters (e.g., varying diffusion-weighting parameters for [`DiffusionSpinEcho`](@ref)).
MRIBuilder supports this by allowing the creation of a longer sequence out of multiple repeats of a base sequence with some minor alterations.
To support post-hoc alterations, each RF pulse or gradient waveform in the sequence can be given a label.
Some commonly-used labels in MRIBuilder are:
-`:diffusion`: used for diffusion-weighted gradients produced by [`dwi_gradients`](@ref).
-`:FOV`: used for gradients that should align with the field-of-view (slice-select gradients in [`excitation_pulse`](@ref) or [`refocus_pulse`](@ref) and readout gradients in [`readout_event`](@ref)).
Post-hoc alterations can be applied to gradients or RF pulses with a specific labels (or to all gradients/RF pulses) using [`adjust`](@ref).
Some example usages are:
- Reduce the RF pulse amplitude by 20% (e.g., due to transmit bias field): `adjust(sequence, pulse=(scale=0.8, ))`
- Repeat sequence 2 times with different diffusion-weighted gradient orientations (x- and y-direction) and gradient strength reduced by 30%: `adjust(sequence, diffusion=(orientation=[[1., 0., 0], [0., 1., 0.]], scale=0.7))`
- Rotate the field of view by 45 degrees around the y-axis:
When repeating the same sequence, a spoiler gradient and/or dead time can be added in between each pair of repeats by supplying the appropriate keywords to the `merge` parameter in [`adjust`](@ref)(e.g.,`merge=(wait_time=10., )`). These parameters are described in more detail in [`merge_sequences`](@ref).