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Verified Commit 73d3fcb8 authored by Michiel Cottaar's avatar Michiel Cottaar
Browse files

Allow `FixedGradients` to be split up into parts

parent c528c34d
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......@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ module FixedGradients
import Printf: @sprintf
import LinearAlgebra: norm
import ...BuildingBlocks: GradientBlock, fixed, BuildingBlock, BuildingBlockPrinter
import ...Variables: variables, duration, qval, gradient_strength, slew_rate
import StaticArrays: SVector
import ...BuildingBlocks: ContainerBlock, fixed, BuildingBlock, BuildingBlockPrinter, get_children_blocks
import ...Variables: variables, duration, qvec, gradient_strength, slew_rate, start_time
import ..ChangingGradientBlocks: FixedChangingGradientBlock
......@@ -22,18 +24,28 @@ All arguments should be arrays of the same length N defining these control point
struct FixedGradient <: GradientBlock
time :: Vector{Float64}
Gx :: Vector{Float64}
Gy :: Vector{Float64}
Gz :: Vector{Float64}
rotate :: Bool
function FixedGradient(time::AbstractVector{<:Number}, Gx::AbstractVector{<:Number}, Gy::AbstractVector{<:Number}, Gz::AbstractVector{<:Number}; rotate=false)
gradient_strength :: Vector{SVector{3, Float64}}
rotate :: Union{Symbol, Nothing}
scale :: Union{Symbol, Nothing}
function FixedGradient(time::AbstractVector{<:Number}, Gx::AbstractVector{<:Number}, Gy::AbstractVector{<:Number}, Gz::AbstractVector{<:Number}; rotate=nothing, scale=nothing)
@assert length(time) == length(Gx)
@assert length(time) == length(Gy)
@assert length(time) == length(Gz)
new(Float64.(time), Float64.(Gx), Float64.(Gy), Float64.(Gz), rotate)
grad = [SVector{3, Float64}(Gx[i], Gy[i], Gz[i]) for i in eachindex(Gx)]
new(Float64.(time), grad, rotate, scale)
get_children_indices(fg::FixedGradient) = 1:(length(fg.time)-1)
Base.get_index(fg::FixedGradient, index::Int) = FixedChangingGradientBlock(
fg.gradient_strength[index + 1],
fg.times[index + 1] - fg.times[index],
start_time(fg::FixedGradient, index::Int) = fg.times[index]
function FixedGradient(time::AbstractVector{<:Number}, arr::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}; kwargs...)
@assert all(length.(arr) .== 3)
......@@ -51,19 +63,22 @@ variables(::Type{<:FixedGradient}) = []
duration(fg::FixedGradient) = maximum(fg.time)
gradient_strength(fg::FixedGradient) = max(maximum(abs.(fg.Gx)), maximum(abs.(fg.Gy)), maximum(abs.(fg.Gz)))
slew_rate(fg::FixedGradient) = maximum(map((fg.Gx, fg.Gy, fg.Gz)) do gradient
return maximum(abs.(gradient[2:end] - gradient[1:end-1]) ./ (fg.time[2:end] - fg.time[1:end-1]))
qvec(fg::FixedGradient) = map((fg.Gx, fg.Gy, fg.Gz)) do gradient
weights_double = fg.time[2:end] - fg.time[1:end-1]
weights = [weights_double[1] / 2, ((weights_double[1:end-1] + weights_double[2:end]) / 2)..., weights_double[end]/2]
return sum(weights .* gradient)
function gradient_strength(fg::FixedGradient)
if isnothing(fg.rotate)
return maximum(map(g -> max(abs.(g)...), fg.gradient_strength))
return maximum(map(norm, fg.gradient_strength))
qval(fg::FixedGradient) = norm(qvec(fg))
function slew_rate(fg::FixedGradient)
diff = (fg.gradient_strength[2:end] .- fg.gradient_strength[1:end-1]) ./ (fg.time[2:end] - fg.time[1:end-1])
if isnothing(fg.rotate)
return maximum(map(d -> max(abs.(d)...), diff))
return maximum(map(norm, diff))
function, printer::BuildingBlockPrinter{<:FixedGradient})
......@@ -88,12 +103,13 @@ end
Instantaneous MR gradient with no free variables.
struct FixedInstantGradient <: GradientBlock
orientation :: Any
qval :: Number
qvec :: SVector{3, Number}
rotate :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}
scale :: Union{Nothing, Symbol}
duraction(instant::FixedInstantGradient) = 0.
qval(instant::FixedInstantGradient) = instant.qval
qvec(instant::FixedInstantGradient) = instant.qvec
fixed(f::Union{FixedGradient, FixedInstantGradient}) = f
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