@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ A composite RF pulse formed by repeating a base RF pulse.
# Variables
- `weights`: The weight of each of the base RF pulses.
- `interpulse_delay`: Time between the center of the RF pulses.
- `interpulse_delay`: Time between the center of the RF pulses. If not otherwise constrained, it will be minimised.
- `scale_amplitude`: How strongly one should scale the amplitude versus the duration to achieve the desired weights. If set to 1 only the RF pulse amplitude will be scaled. If set to 0 only the RF pulse duration will be scaled.
struct CompositePulse<:RFPulseComponent
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ function CompositePulse(; base_pulse::RFPulseComponent, nweights=nothing, weight