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Verified Commit c02d2696 authored by Michiel Cottaar's avatar Michiel Cottaar
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Add gradient echo sequence

parent 9c7c6e20
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......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ include("components/components.jl")
import .BuildSequences: build_sequence, global_model, global_scanner, fixed
......@@ -18,8 +19,8 @@ export build_sequence, global_model, global_scanner, fixed
import .Scanners: Scanner, B0, Siemens_Connectom, Siemens_Prisma, Siemens_Terra
export Scanner, B0, Siemens_Connectom, Siemens_Prisma, Siemens_Terra
import .Variables: variables, duration, effective_time, flip_angle, amplitude, phase, frequency, bandwidth, N_left, N_right, qval, δ, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, qvec, qval_square, slice_thickness, inverse_slice_thickness, fov, inverse_fov, voxel_size, inverse_voxel_size, resolution, nsamples, oversample, dwell_time, ramp_overlap, spoiler_scale, TR, Δ, get_gradient, get_pulse, get_readout
export variables, duration, effective_time, flip_angle, amplitude, phase, frequency, bandwidth, N_left, N_right, qval, δ, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, qvec, qval_square, slice_thickness, inversne_slice_thickness, fov, inverse_fov, voxel_size, inverse_voxel_size, resolution, nsamples, oversample, dwell_time, ramp_overlap, spoiler_scale, TR, Δ, get_gradient, get_pulse, get_readout
import .Variables: variables, duration, effective_time, flip_angle, amplitude, phase, frequency, bandwidth, N_left, N_right, qval, δ, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, qvec, qval_square, slice_thickness, inverse_slice_thickness, fov, inverse_fov, voxel_size, inverse_voxel_size, resolution, nsamples, oversample, dwell_time, ramp_overlap, spoiler_scale, repetition_time, TR, Δ, get_gradient, get_pulse, get_readout, TE, echo_time
export variables, duration, effective_time, flip_angle, amplitude, phase, frequency, bandwidth, N_left, N_right, qval, δ, rise_time, flat_time, slew_rate, gradient_strength, qvec, qval_square, slice_thickness, inversne_slice_thickness, fov, inverse_fov, voxel_size, inverse_voxel_size, resolution, nsamples, oversample, dwell_time, ramp_overlap, spoiler_scale, repetition_time, TR, Δ, get_gradient, get_pulse, get_readout, TE, echo_time
import .Components: InstantPulse, ConstantPulse, SincPulse, GenericPulse, InstantGradient, SingleReadout, ADC
export InstantPulse, ConstantPulse, SincPulse, GenericPulse, InstantGradient, SingleReadout, ADC
......@@ -33,6 +34,9 @@ export Pathway, duration_transverse, duration_dephase, bval, bmat, get_pathway
import .Parts: dwi_gradients, readout_event, excitation_pulse, refocus_pulse, Trapezoid, SliceSelect, LineReadout, opposite_kspace_lines, SpoiltSliceSelect, SliceSelectRephase, EPIReadout, interpret_image_size
export dwi_gradients, readout_event, excitation_pulse, refocus_pulse, Trapezoid, SliceSelect, LineReadout, opposite_kspace_lines, SpoiltSliceSelect, SliceSelectRephase, EPIReadout, interpret_image_size
import .Sequences: GradientEcho
export GradientEcho
import JuMP: @constraint, @objective, objective_function, value, Model
export @constraint, @objective, objective_function, value, Model
Defines [`BaseSequence`](@ref) and [`Sequence`](@ref)
module Sequences
module BaseSequences
import StaticArrays: SVector
import JuMP: @constraint
import ...Variables: get_free_variable, TR, VariableType, duration, variables, VariableNotAvailable, Variables, set_simple_constraints!
import ...Variables: get_free_variable, repetition_time, VariableType, duration, variables, VariableNotAvailable, Variables, set_simple_constraints!, TR
import ...BuildSequences: global_model
import ...Components: EventComponent
import ..Abstract: ContainerBlock, start_time
......@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ Main interface:
Sub-types need to implement:
- `get_index_single_TR`: return the index assuming it is between 1 and N
- [`nrepeat`](@ref): how often the sequence should repeat (if not implemented, this will be 1).
- [`TR`](@ref): time scale on which to repeat (if not implemented, this will be the sum of the individual block durations).
abstract type BaseSequence{N} <: ContainerBlock end
......@@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ function start_time(bs::BaseSequence{N}, index::Integer) where {N}
if iszero(nTR)
return base_time
return nTR * TR(bs) + base_time
return nTR * repetition_time(bs) + base_time
......@@ -79,28 +77,28 @@ How often sequence should be repeated.
nrepeat(bs::BaseSequence) = 1
On what timescale the sequence should repeat itself in ms (will have no effect if [`nrepeat`](@ref) is one).
By default this is set to the total duration of the sequence.
TR(bs::BaseSequence) = duration(bs)
repetition_time(bs::BaseSequence) = duration(bs)
duration(bs::BaseSequence{0}) = 0.
duration(bs::BaseSequence) = sum(duration.(bs); init=0.)
Sequence(blocks; TR=:min, nrepeat=0)
Sequence(blocks...; TR=:min, nrepeat=0)
Sequence(blocks; name=:Sequence, variables...)
Sequence(blocks...; name=:Sequence, variables...)
Defines an MRI sequence from a vector of building blocks.
## Arguments
- [`nrepeat`](@ref): how often the sequence will repeat itself (keep at default of 0 to repeat indefinetely).
- [`TR`](@ref): how long between repeats in ms (defaults to the duration of the sequence). Can be set to `nothing` to be a free variable.
- `blocks`: The actual building blocks that will be played in sequence. All the building blocks must be of type [`ContainerBlock`](@ref), which means that they cannot only contain actual [`BaseBuildingBlock`](@ref) objects, but also other [`BaseSequence`](@ref) objects.
Objects of a different type are converted into a [`ContainerBlock`](@ref) internally:
- numbers/`nothing`/`:min`/`:max` : replaced with a [`Wait`](@ref) block with the appropriate constraint/objective added to its [`duration`](@ref).
- RF pulse or readout: will be embedded within a [`BuildingBlock`](@ref) of the appropriate length
## Variables
- [`repetition_time`](@ref)/[`TR`](@ref): how long between repeats in ms. This is always set to the total length of the sequence. If you want to add some down-time between repeats, you can simply add a [`Wait`](@ref) block of the appropriate length at the end of the sequence.
Specific named sequences might define additional variables.
struct Sequence{S, N} <: BaseSequence{N}
blocks :: SVector{N, Pair{<:Union{Symbol, Nothing}, <:ContainerBlock}}
module Containers
import .Abstract: ContainerBlock, start_time, end_time, effective_time
import .BuildingBlocks: BaseBuildingBlock, BuildingBlock, Wait, waveform, waveform_sequence, events
import .Sequences: BaseSequence, Sequence, nrepeat, get_index_single_TR
import .BaseSequences: BaseSequence, Sequence, nrepeat, get_index_single_TR
import .Alternatives: AlternativeBlocks, match_blocks!
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......@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ By setting `units` to :Tesla, the slew rate can be returned in T/m/s instead.
slew_rate(scanner::Scanner, units=:kHz) = units == :kHz ? scanner.slew_rate : scanner.slew_rate / (gyromagnetic_ratio * 1e-9)
A default 1.5T scanner.
Matches the one used in `pulseq` (
Default_Scanner = Scanner(B0=1.5, gradient=40, slew_rate=170, units=:Tesla)
Siemens MAGNETOM 3T Prisma MRI scanner (
module GradientEchos
import ...Containers: Sequence
import ...Parts: excitation_pulse, readout_event, interpret_image_size, Trapezoid, gradient_spoiler
import ...Variables: get_pulse, get_readout, echo_time, duration_transverse
import ...Pathways: Pathway, get_pathway
import ...BuildSequences: build_sequence
import ...Scanners: Default_Scanner
const GradientEcho = Sequence{:GradientEcho}
GradientEcho(; echo_time, excitation=(), readout=(), resolution/fov/voxel_size/slice_thickness)
Defines a gradient echo sequence with a single readout event.
By default, an instant excitation pulse and readout event are used.
If image parameters are provided, this will switch to a sinc pulse and EPI readout.
## Parameters
- [`excitation`](@ref): properties of the excitation pulse as described in [`excitation_pulse`](@ref).
- [`readout`](@ref): properties of the readout as described in [`readout_event`](@ref).
- [`spoiler`](@ref): if set adds a spoiler [`gradient_spoiler`](@ref) gradient after the readout (e.g., `spoiler=(spoiler_scale=1, orientation=[0, 0, 1], group=:FOV)` to add a gradient in the z-direction of the `FOV` coordinate system that fully dephases spins over 1 mm).
- Image parameters ([`resolution`](@ref)/[`fov`](@ref)/[`voxel_size`](@ref)/[`slice_thickness`](@ref)): describe the properties of the resulting image. See [`interpret_image_size`](@ref) for details.
## Variables
- [`TE`](@ref)/[`echo_time`](@ref): echo time between excitation pulse and readout in ms (required).
- [`TR`](@ref)/[`repetition_time`](@ref)/[`duration`](@ref): total duration of the sequence from start of excitation pulse to end of readout or spoiler in ms.
function GradientEcho(; excitation=(), readout=(), spoiler=nothing, resolution=nothing, fov=nothing, voxel_size=nothing, slice_thickness=nothing, scanner=Default_Scanner, variables...)
build_sequence(scanner) do
(slice_thickness, _, extra_readout_params) = interpret_image_size(fov, resolution, voxel_size, slice_thickness)
parts = Any[
:excitation => excitation_pulse(; slice_thickness=slice_thickness, excitation...),
:readout => readout_event(; extra_readout_params..., readout...),
if !isnothing(spoiler)
push!(parts, gradient_spoiler(; spoiler...))
return Sequence(parts; name=:GradientEcho, variables...)
get_pulse(ge::GradientEcho) = ge.excitation
get_readout(ge::GradientEcho) = ge.readout
get_pathway(ge::GradientEcho) = Pathway(ge, [90], 1)
echo_time(ge::GradientEcho) = duration_transverse(ge)
\ No newline at end of file
module Sequences
import .GradientEchos: GradientEcho
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ all_variables_symbols = [
:duration => "duration of the building block in ms.",
:sequence => [
:TR => "Time on which an MRI sequence repeats itself in ms.",
:TR => "Time on which an MRI sequence repeats itself in ms. Defaults to the result of [`repetition_time`](@ref).",
:repetition_time => "Time on which an MRI sequence repeats itself in ms.",
:TE => "Echo time of the sequence in ms. Defaults to the result of [`echo_time`](@ref).",
:echo_time => "Echo time of the sequence in ms.",
:Δ => "Diffusion time in ms (i.e., time between start of the diffusion-weighted gradients).",
:qvec => "Net dephasing due to gradients in rad/um.",
:area_under_curve => "Net dephasing due to gradients in rad/um (same as [`qvec`](@ref)).",
......@@ -98,6 +101,9 @@ for (block_symbol, all_functions) in all_variables_symbols
TE(ab::AbstractBlock) = echo_time(ab)
TR(ab::AbstractBlock) = repetition_time(ab)
Dictionary with alternative versions of specific function.
......@@ -228,7 +234,7 @@ end
for (target_name, all_vars) in all_variables_symbols
for (variable_func, _) in all_vars
if variable_func == :qval3
if variable_func in [:qval3, :TR, :TE]
get_func = Symbol("get_" * string(target_name))
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