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Verified Commit c9dcbd0f authored by Michiel Cottaar's avatar Michiel Cottaar
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Add basic building blocks support

parent 02f8d2d4
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module AllBuildingBlocks
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module BaseBuildingBlocks
import ...ContainerBlocks: ContainerBlock, GradientWaveform, EventComponent, NoGradientBlock, ChangingGradientBlock, ConstantGradientBlock, split_gradient
import ...Components: BaseComponent
import ...Variables: qvec, bmat_gradient
Basic BuildingBlock, which can consist of a gradient waveforms with any number of RF pulses/readouts overlaid
Main interface:
- iteration will give the gradient waveforms interspersed by RF pulses/readouts.
- Indiviual indices can be accessed using `keys(building_block)`
- [`waveform_sequence`](@ref) returns just the gradient waveform as a sequence of [`GradientWaveform`](@ref) objects.
- [`waveform`](@ref) returns just the gradient waveform as a sequence of (time, gradient_strength) tuples.
- [`events`](@ref) returns the RF pulses and readouts.
- [`qvec`](@ref) returns area under curve for (part of) the gradient waveform.
Sub-types need to implement:
- `Base.keys`: returns sequence of keys to all the components
- `Base.getindex`: returns the actual component for each key
abstract type BaseBuildingBlock <: ContainerBlock end
# Iterator interface
Base.length(c::BaseBuildingBlock) = length(keys(c))
Base.eltype(::Type{<:BaseBuildingBlock}) = BaseComponent
Base.iter(c::BaseBuildingBlock) = iter(c, 1)
Base.iter(c::BaseBuildingBlock, index::Integer) = length(c) < index ? nothing : (c[keys(c)[index]], index + 1)
Returns just the non-gradient (i.e., RF pulses/readouts) events as a sequence of [`EventComponent`](@ref) objects (with their keys).
function waveform_sequence(bb::BaseBuildingBlock)
return [(key, bb[key]) for key in keys(bb) if bb[key] isa EventComponent]
Returns just the gradient waveform as a sequence of [`GradientWaveform`](@ref) objects (with their keys).
function waveform_sequence(bb::BaseBuildingBlock)
return [(key, bb[key]) for key in keys(bb) if bb[key] isa GradientWaveform]
function ndim_grad(bb::BaseBuildingBlock)
g = waveform_sequence(bb)
if izero(length(g))
return 0
for N in (1, 3)
if all(isa.(g, GradientWaveform{N}))
return N
error("$(typeof(bb)) contains both 1D and 3D gradient waveforms.")
Returns the gradient waveform of any [`BaseBuildingBlock`](@ref) as a sequence of control points.
Each control point is stored as a tuple with the time in ms and the gradient as a length-3 vector.
The gradient is linearly interpolated between these points (see [`waveform_sequence`](@ref)).
function waveform(bb::BaseBuildingBlock)
ndim = ndim_grad(bb)
if ndim == 3
result = Tuple{VariableType, SVector{3, VariableType}}[(0., zero(SVector{3, Float64}))]
elseif ndim == 1
result = Tuple{VariableType, SVector{3, VariableType}}[(0., 0.)]
return []
for (_, block) in waveform_sequence(bb)
new_time = result[end][1] + max(duration(block), 0)
prev_grad = result[end][2]
if block isa NoGradientBlock
@assert all(abs.(prev_grad) <= 1e-12) "$(typeof(bb)) inserts NoGradientBlock before the gradient is zero. This is probably caused by an improper implementation of this BuildingBlock."
push!(result, (new_time, prev_grad))
elseif block isa ConstantGradientBlock
@assert all(gradient_strength(block) . prev_grad) "$(typeof(bb)) inserts ConstantGradientBlock that does not match previous gradient strength. This is probably caused by an improper implementation of this BuildingBlock."
push!(result, (new_time, prev_grad))
elseif block isa ChangingGradientBlock
@assert all(block.gradient_strength_start . prev_grad) "$(typeof(bb)) inserts ChangingGradientBlock that does not match previous gradient strength. This is probably caused by an improper implementation of this BuildingBlock."
push!(result, (new_time, prev_grad .+ slew_rate(block) .* duration(block)))
error("Unrecognised block type in BuildingBlock: $(typeof(bb)).")
@assert all(abs.(result[end][2]) <= 1e-12) "$(typeof(bb)) does not end up with a gradient of zero. This is probably caused by an improper implementation of this BuildingBlock."
return result
# Pathway support
waveform_sequence(building_block, first, last)
Gets the sequence of [`GradientWaveform`](@ref) from the event with key `first` till the event with key `last`.
Setting `first` to nothing indicates to start from the beginning of the `building_block`.
Similarly, setting `last` to nothing indicates to continue till the end of the `building_block`.
function waveform_seqeuence(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, first, last)
started = isnothing(first)
current_grad = current_start = nothing
parts = GradientWaveform[]
for key in bb
if bb[key] isa GradientWaveform
if started
push!(parts, isnothing(current_start) ? current_grad : split_gradient(current_grad, current_start)[2])
current_grad = bb[key]
current_start = nothing
if key == first
@assert !started
started = true
current_started = effective_time(bb[key])
if key == last
@assert started
if isnothing(current_started)
push!(parts, split_gradient(current_grad, effective_time(bb[key]))[1])
push!(parts, split_gradient(current_grad, current_started, effective_time(bb[key]))[2])
return parts
qvec(overlapping[, first_event, last_event])
Computes the area under the curve for the gradient waveform in [`BaseBuildingBlock`](@ref).
If `first_event` is set to something else than `nothing`, only the gradient waveform after this RF pulse/Readout will be considered.
Similarly, if `last_event` is set to something else than `nothing`, only the gradient waveform up to this RF pulse/Readout will be considered.
function qvec(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, index1::Union{Nothing, Integer}, index2::Union{Nothing, Integer})
@assert isnothing(index1) || isnothing(index2) || index2 >= index1
if (index1 isa Number) && (index1 == index2)
return zeros(3)
sum(qvec.(get_parts(bb, index1, index2)); init=zero(SVector{3, Float64}))
qvec(bb::BaseBuildingBlock) = qvec(bb, nothing, nothing)
function bmat_gradient(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, qstart, index1::Union{Nothing, Integer}, index2::Union{Nothing, Integer})
@assert isnothing(index1) || isnothing(index2) || index2 >= index1
if (index1 isa Number) && (index1 == index2)
return zeros(3, 3)
result = Matrix{VariableType}(zeros(3, 3))
qcurrent = Vector{VariableType}(qstart)
for part in get_parts(bb, index1, index2)
result = result .+ bmat_gradient(part, qcurrent)
qcurrent = qcurrent .+ qvec(part, qcurrent)
return result
bmat_gradient(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, qstart) = bmat_gradient(bb, qstart, nothing, nothing)
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module ContainerBlocks
import ..Variables: AbstractBlock, duration, effective_time
Parent type for `BuildingBlock` or `AbstractSequence`, i.e., any building block that contains other MRI components/blocks.
Iterate over them to get the individual components.
abstract type ContainerBlock <: AbstractBlock end
start_time(container, indices...)
Returns the start time of component with given `indices` with respect to the start of the [`ContainerBlock`](@ref).
Also see [`duration`](@ref), [`end_time`](@ref), and [`effective_time`](@ref)
function start_time(container::ContainerBlock, index1, index2, indices...)
start_time(container, index1) + start_time(container[index1], index2, indices...)
end_time(container, indices...)
Returns the start time of component with given `indices` with respect to the start of the [`ContainerBlock`](@ref).
Also see [`duration`](@ref), [`start_time`](@ref), and [`effective_time`](@ref)
end_time(container::ContainerBlock, index, indices...) = start_time(container, index) + end_time(container[index], indices...)
end_time(block::AbstractBlock) = duration(block)
effective_time(container, indices...)
Returns the start time of component with given `indices` with respect to the start of the [`ContainerBlock`](@ref).
This will crash if the component does not have an [`effective_time`](@ref) (e.g., if it is (part of) a gradient waveform).
Also see [`duration`](@ref), [`start_time`](@ref), and [`end_time`](@ref)
effective_time(container::ContainerBlock, index, indices...) = start_time(container, index) + effective_time(container[index], indices...)
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