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Define variables through new @defvar macro

Merged Michiel Cottaar requested to merge new_variables into main
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+ 5
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
@test variables.readout_times(seq)[1] 0.22 + 5 + 0.02 + 0.5 * 0.3125
@test variables.readout_times(seq)[end] 0.22 + 5 + 0.02 + 1023.5 * 0.3125
@test variables.TR(seq) 0.22 + 5 + 0.02 + 1024 * 0.3125
@test variables.duration(seq) 0.22 + 5 + 0.02 + 1024 * 0.3125
@testset "read all v1.4.0 files in 01_from_FID_to_PRESS" begin
path = joinpath(directory, "01_from_FID_to_PRESS_v140")
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
@test variables.flip_angle(pulse) 90
@test start_time(seq, 1, index) 0.1 # determined by RF dead time
@test end_time(seq, 1, index) 0.6 # RF dead time + RF duration
@test phase(seq, 0.3) == 0
@test amplitude(seq, 0.3) 0.5
@test variables.phase(seq, 0.3) == 0
@test variables.amplitude(seq, 0.3) 0.5
start_adc = (
0.6 + # end of RF pulse
@@ -94,13 +94,12 @@
full_filename = joinpath(path, fn)
seq_orig = read_sequence(full_filename)
io = IOBuffer()
write_sequence(io, seq_orig, format=:serialize)
seek(io, 0)
seq_json = read_sequence(io, format=:serialize)
@test variables.TR(seq_orig) == variables.TR(seq_json)
@test variables.duration(seq_orig) == variables.duration(seq_json)
@test length(seq_orig) == length(seq_json)
@test all(duration.(seq_orig) .== duration.(seq_json))
@test iszero(length(iter_instant_gradients(seq_json)))
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@
write_sequence(io, seq_orig; format=:serialize)
seek(io, 0)
seq_json = read_sequence(io; format=:serialize)
@test variables.TR(seq_orig) == variables.TR(seq_json)
@test variables.duration(seq_orig) == variables.duration(seq_json)
@test length(seq_orig) == length(seq_json)
@test all(duration.(seq_orig) .== duration.(seq_json))
@test length(iter_instant_gradients(seq_json)) == length(iter_instant_gradients(seq_json))