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title: Migration and Upgrading
layout: default
nav_exclude: true

Migrating and Upgrading

A site that uses just-the-docs (as a theme or as a remote them) automatically switches to a new release, unless it is pinned to a previous version.This migration guide draws attention to:
  • changes that might break your site,
  • features added in the latest release, and
  • features that have become deprecated (and are likely to be removed in a future release).

This document contains instructions on how to migrate and upgrade Just the Docs sites from every minor or major version bump, starting from v0.3.3 to v0.4.0.

Table of contents {: .text-delta } - TOC {:toc}

{::options toc_levels="2..4" /}

{: .warning }

If your configuration states remote_theme: just-the-docs/just-the-docs, your website is built using the current main branch of the theme, which may include changes made after the latest release; see the [CHANGELOG].

If your configuration states theme: just the docs and your Gemfile specifies gem "just-the-docs", your website is always built using the latest release.

{: .note }

If you have cloned/forked and customised the theme repo, and pull the changes of a new release to your clone, you may need to resolve merge conflicts.

[CHANGELOG]: {{ site.baseurl }}{% link %}

v0.3.3 … v0.4.x


Just the Docs

The theme repo is now at The name of its default branch is now main.

The theme docs website is now published at

GitHub provides access to previous versions of the theme repo. You can browse previous versions of the theme docs website on the Internet Archive.

The README page on the theme repo repeats much of the information from the home page, formatted for browsing on GitHub. It also explains how to install the theme as a Ruby Gem, without creating a new site.

Deploy previews

When a PR builds successfully, Netlify provides a preview of how the theme docs website will look if the PR is merged. You can find links to the preview near the bottom of the Conversation tab of the PR.

Just the Docs Template

The template at creates a repo with the minimal source files for a Just the Docs website. After configuring the relevant parameters, you can build and serve the website both locally and on GitHub Pages – using either Jekyll 3 or Jekyll 4!

Just the Docs Tests

The tests website at consists mainly of regression tests for bug fixes and new features.

The test source files at illustrate the use of many Markdown and Jekyll features, including some that are not included in the theme docs.

For example, see how to add support for rendering TeX/LaTeX math formulas with KaTeX and MathJax.


If switching to a new release of the theme breaks your website, check that you don't have any files in the _includes, _layouts, and _sass directories with the same names as files provided by the theme.

If your repo has a customised copy of _layouts/default.html from a previous release, try removing it, or replace it by a fresh copy of the theme file.

{: .warning } The following changes made in v0.4.0 might break or adversely affect your website when you next rebuild it, unless you have pinned it!

New includes and SCSS

Version 0.4.0 introduces many new _includes files. If you already have an existing include with the same name as a new addition, you will need to migrate or update that include. The new files are (relative to the _includes folder):

  • mermaid_config.js
  • nav_footer_custom
  • search_placeholder_custom
  • toc_heading_custom
  • the entire components/ folder:
    • aux_nav, breadcrumbs, children_nav, footer, header, mermaid, search_footer, search_header, sidebar
  • the entire icons/ folder
    • code_copy, document, expand, external_link, icons, link, menu, search
  • the entire lunr/ folder
    • custom-data.json, custom-index.js

We have removed some code in _sass/vendor and added a new file at _sass/custom/setup.scss.


The file _includes/favicon.html is now ignored by the theme. If you're using it, your website's favicon is no longer displayed by browsers.

To fix: Move the content of _includes/favicon.html to _includes/head_custom.html.

Custom callout colors

The file _sass/custom/custom.scss is now imported last: after the configuration of callouts. If you've defined custom color variables for callouts in _sass/custom/custom.scss (and used them when configuring your callouts in _config.yml) you will not be able to rebuild your website.

To fix: Move custom color variables for callouts in _sass/custom/custom.scss to _sass/custom/variables.scss.

Pages and collections

Links to ordinary pages now appear in the navigation on sites that use collections. You might want the navigation of your site to consist entirely of collections.

To fix: Add the front matter nav_exclude: true to pages that the navigation should not display.

Relative URLs

All generated URLs are now relative. This is a bug fix, and unlikely to break any site.

Relative links to pages within a website support deployment to different servers.

Navigation order

The order in which the navigation panel lists pages has been simplified. All pages with nav_order values now come before all pages that are ordered by title.

If your website has a group of sibling pages where some siblings have nav_order string values, and others are ordered by numerical title values, the former now come before the latter.

To fix: Add numerical nav_order values to the pages with numerical title values.


{: .warning } The following features are deprecated, and to be removed in a future release.

Jekyll 3

You can still use Jekyll 3 (3.8.5 or later) to build websites using v0.4.0 of the theme. However, future releases of the theme may require the use of Jekyll 4.

You can already use Jekyll 4 to build your website locally. It should look exactly the same as when built with Jekyll 3.1

To use Jekyll 4 when building your website on GitHub Pages, you need to run GitHub Actions. The simplest way of setting that up in a new repo is to create the repo using the Just the Docs template. To start running Jekyll 4 to build an existing repo on GitHub Pages, you can create a new repo with the template, then copy its .github/workflows directory, and update your repo settings to use Actions.

Footer content configuration

Currently, if your configuration sets footer_content to some text, the theme displays that text at the bottom of the main section of each page.

The file _includes/footer_custom.html provides a more general way of customizing not only the text but also the markup for the page footer area.

You can replicate the current display of TEXT in the footer using the following markup:

<p class="text-small text-grey-dk-100 mb-0">TEXT</p>


The website now uses callouts2 to draw attention to important information.

The theme uses semantic versioning. A normal version number takes the form X.Y.Z, where X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. The theme uses version X.Y.Z.rcN for pre-release N of version X.Y.Z. When referring to version numbers on GitHub, we usually prefix them by 'v'.

Major version zero (0.Y.Z) is for initial development, where anything may change at any time. In practice, we increment the patch version Z for bug fixes and backwards compatible changes; we increment the minor version Y for changes that could break websites using the theme without pinning it to a specific version.

The label NEW in the theme website indicates a feature that has been changed or added since the release of the previous minor version. For example, after the release of v0.4.Z, the theme website should label NEW all features that we have changed or added since v0.3.0 – not just since v0.3.3. When we release v0.5.0, we will remove all those labels, and add labels on features since v0.4.0.

The theme docs website is not itself versioned. It changes incrementally, independently of theme releases.

Home page

The theme home page now focuses on the simplest ways of using the theme. It also notes the different behaviour of theme and remote_theme in connection with interim versions of the theme, such as pre-releases.


The CHANGELOG page lists the changes made in all previous releases and pre-releases of new versions of the theme gem.

It also lists changes made to the main branch of the theme since the latest release or pre-release.

For changes since v0.3.3, the log usually references the merged PR that made the change and its author.



  • Skip to main content: the first keyboard-navigatable item is now a link to skip over the sidebar and header to the main content of the page. PR: #949.
  • Aria-labels: improved aria-labels have been added to various site elements. PRs: #950, ...
  • Other general improvements: gradual changes have improved tab focusability, contrast, and semantic elements. More work still to come. PRs: #498, #846


  • Mermaid support: first-class support for Mermaid - a JavaScript-based diagram and charting tool supported by GitHub - has been added to the theme. This feature is opt-in. See the new doc subsections in Configuration and Code for more.
  • Multiple Google Analytics tags are now supported. PR: #1029


  • all user-facing text is now customizable; previously, several elements (ex search placeholder) were hardwired into the theme. Now, users can blend custom includes and layouts to internationalize their sites.
  • we've clarified the role of custom.scss to be imported last; to allow users to define custom or override variables, we've added a new file setup.scss. PR: #1135

Custom Includes

We've added several custom _includes to provide users with more customization options for different site elements. We've also added a section to Configuration to outline these.

All of these are opt-in by default; however, these may be breaking if you have existing _includes with the same name.

Each item is listed with the relevant file and PR.

  • TOC heading: toc_heading_custom.html, PR: #980
  • Navigation panel footer: nav_footer_custom.html, PR: #474
  • Search placeholder: search_placeholder_custom.html, PR: #613
  • Modular site components: components/ and icons/, PR: [#1058]
  • Custom search indices: lunr/, PR: #1068

In a future (version 1) release, we may rename the custom include files.

Modular Components

We've broken up the default layout (_layouts/default.html) into multiple reusable components. This should have no impact on most users; however, it should make it easier to implement custom layouts.

For more, see Custom layouts and includes. PR: [#1058].


  • Collections: nav panel shows links to ordinary pages before collections
  • Collection folding; part of "Combination". PR: #578
  • Scrolling to show link to selected page. PR: #639
  • External nav links are now supported. PR: #876
  • Child nav order: sort navigation pages with child_nav_order. PR: #726
  • Order when mixing different ways of specifying nav order


In addition to customizing the search placeholder, we've also added the ability to provide custom content to the search index. for more, see Custom content for search index. PR: #1068.


  • Code copying: code blocks now allow users to easily copy their contents. PR: #945
  • Blockquote: shows vertical bar on left. PR: #965
  • Links wrap. PR: #905
  • Callouts: a new component similar to alerts or banners. See UI Components - Callouts. PR: #466

  1. Jekyll 4 depends on more recent versions of other gems than Jekyll 3, and the differences between those versions may affect the files of your built site.

  2. The theme website configuration defines the callout titles and colors used there. Websites that use the theme have to configure their own callout titles and colors.