@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ When you apply you will be asked to confirm that you have discussed your applica
### Applications questions
**To apply, please complete the form available here: [MS Forms Application, requires log in to an @ox.ac.uk account](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=G96VzPWXk0-0uv5ouFLPkYMD50Te0q5HobQjqRFNJmpUNTdHUUJJTDJOTDZJWVZPR1dGQ1pCTTJGSS4u).**
**To apply, please complete the form available here: [MS Forms Application](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=G96VzPWXk0-0uv5ouFLPkYMD50Te0q5HobQjqRFNJmpUNTdHUUJJTDJOTDZJWVZPR1dGQ1pCTTJGSS4u).**
The above linked application form asks 3 questions to assess your interest and intentions for becoming an Ambassador. You will be asked to respond to each of the following in 100-150 words: