A guide to how to license your code and things you should consider
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Important considerations around licensing include the potential for commercial u
### Intellectual properties and commercial reuse
In most cases the material which you create while a member of the University are the Intellectual Property of the University of Oxford. In practice this means that [copyright on your work should be attributed to University of Oxford](https://innovation.ox.ac.uk/university-members/commercialising-technology/ip-patents-licenses/software-copyright/)*unless* you are a student working by yourself with the assistnace of no other staff. Please check the [University Statute XVI: Property, Contracts, and Trusts to check whether you can retain personal copyright](https://governance.admin.ox.ac.uk/legislation/statute-xvi-property-contracts-and-trusts#collapse1383596).
In most cases the material which you create while a member of the University are the Intellectual Property of the University of Oxford. In practice this means that [copyright on your work should be attributed to University of Oxford](https://innovation.ox.ac.uk/university-members/commercialising-technology/ip-patents-licenses/software-copyright/)*unless* you are a student working by yourself with the assistnace of no other staff. Please check the [University Statute XVI: Property, Contracts, and Trusts to check whether you can retain personal copyright](https://governance.admin.ox.ac.uk/legislation/statute-xvi-property-contracts-and-trusts#collapse1383596).
If your work has commercial potential, you should explore opportunities for issuing an academic only license and creating a system for commercial entities to pay for the use of your work. This is in line with [Oxford University Innovation (OUI) recommendations](https://innovation.ox.ac.uk/university-members/commercialising-technology/). OUI are pleased to explore the commercial potential of your work with you and will set up services for commercial licensing.
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ If your code builds on existing material, the originators of that material may h
## What license to choose
We recommend the following licenses for diffferent types of work. These have been created with specific products in mind, hence licenses written for software might not be well suited to other creative works.
-**Software**: [Apache 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). This license requires attribution (be sure to include a 'Attribution' section in your README, or event better a CITATION.cff), and copyright notice to the University of Oxford. This licence does not restrict reuse to commercial or non-comercial applications.
-**Data or other creative works** (for example documentation): [CC-BY-4.0 license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This enables others to reuse your work as long as they attribute you as the originator. This license also allows the University to retain copyright. This licence does not restrict reuse to commercial or non-comercial applications.
We recommend the following licenses for diffferent types of work. These have been created with specific products in mind, hence licenses written for software might not be well suited to other creative works.
-**Software**: [Apache 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). This license requires attribution (be sure to include a 'Attribution' section in your README, or event better a CITATION.cff), and copyright notice to the University of Oxford. This licence does not restrict reuse to commercial or non-comercial applications.
-**Data or other creative works** (for example documentation): [CC-BY-4.0 license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This enables others to reuse your work as long as they attribute you as the originator. This license also allows the University to retain copyright. This licence does not restrict reuse to commercial or non-comercial applications.
The University also has detailed [recommendations on open source licensing](https://researchsupport.admin.ox.ac.uk/reporting/openaccess#collapse393821). Please review these recommendations if you are unsure which license is appropriate.