[documentation] guide on CRediT
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Here some draft notes on using CRediT for acknowledging author contributions.
The below needs to be re-written for a general audience and published somewhere.
Draft CRediT guide
The CRediT framework is a useful tool for acknowledging different types of author contributions. This may be particularly relevant if you are publishing non-traditional research outputs, such as data and code.
Using CRediT, you can identify anyone who has contributed to the work which went into the object you are publishing, and assign them to any of the roles listed (people can have multiple roles). You can then use tenzing to create an authorship statement which you add to zenodo. Example of a CRediT statement on this zenodo entry.
As a general rule I’m always super-inclusive on authorship. I don’t think it harms the output to show that the work/efforts of many people made it possible.