Update/change issues template
Thank you for contributing to the Open WIN Community by providing feedback via this GitLab issue.
Please consider reading out guide on how to submit an issue in GitLab.
Please fill in the details under each of the headings below to give your feedback. You may delete this text when you are done.
Note: For support requests, please contact cassandra.gouldvanpraag@psych.ox.ac.uk.
I'm submitting a ...
Put an x in the appropriate square brackets.
- bug/error report
- documentation/typos
- feature request (enhancement)
- question
What is the current behaviour?
Please describe the problem you have encountered or the feature/content you would like to extend.
Where is the issue?
Please include links to the affected page(s) and lines or sentences.
What is the expected/preferred behaviour?
Please describe how the problem could be fixed or what additional feature/content could be included. If you are able to, you are welcome to submit new content directly via a merge request. This will ensure you are attributed for your suggestion. See this guide on submitting a merge request via GitLab: https://open.win.ox.ac.uk/pages/open-science/community/Open-WIN-Community/docs/gitlab/3-2-collaborating-fork-their-repo/
Having an issue template that's more intuitive and easier to complete and associated instructions in Open Win Community Pages.
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behaviour?
Why should we make this fix or include this content?
Make this simpler to use for non-experienced users.
Other information
Please give any additional detail which may be relevant or useful, for example detailed explanation, stacktraces, related issues, links for us to have context.