Forked from
FSL / fslpy
1243 commits behind the upstream repository.
Paul McCarthy authored
nonlinear module. Expand x5 module to handle non-linear. Rename x5 functions to be more generic.
Paul McCarthy authorednonlinear module. Expand x5 module to handle non-linear. Rename x5 functions to be more generic. 5.79 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
Functions for reading/writing linear/non-linear FSL transformations from/to
BIDS X5 files.
import json
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npla
import nibabel as nib
import h5py
import fsl.version as version
def _writeMetadata(group):
group.attrs['Format'] = 'X5'
group.attrs['Version'] = '0.0.1'
group.attrs['Metadata'] = json.dumps({'fslpy' : version.__version__})
def _readLinearTransform(group):
if group.attrs['Type'] != 'linear':
raise ValueError('Not a linear transform')
return np.array(group['Transform'])
def _writeLinearTransform(group, xform):
xform = np.asarray(xform, dtype=np.float32)
inv = np.asarray(npla.inv(xform), dtype=np.float32)
group.attrs['Type'] = 'linear'
group.create_dataset('Transform', data=xform)
group.create_dataset('Inverse', data=inv)
def _readLinearMapping(group):
import as fslimage
if group.attrs['Type'] != 'image':
raise ValueError('Not an image mapping')
shape = group.attrs['Size']
pixdim = group.attrs['Scales']
xform = _readLinearTransform(group['Mapping'])
hdr = nib.Nifti2Header()
hdr.set_zooms( pixdim)
hdr.set_sform( xform, 'aligned')
return fslimage.Nifti(hdr)
def _writeLinearMapping(group, img):
group.attrs['Type'] = 'image'
group.attrs['Size'] = np.asarray(img.shape[ :3], np.uint32)
group.attrs['Scales'] = np.asarray(img.pixdim[:3], np.float32)
mapping = group.create_group('Mapping')
_writeLinearTransform(mapping, img.getAffine('voxel', 'world'))
def _readNonLinearTransform(group):
if group.attrs['Type'] != 'nonlinear':
raise ValueError('Not a nonlinear transform')
return np.array(group['Transform'])
def _writeNonLinearTransform(group, field):
group.attrs['Type'] = 'nonlinear'
group.create_dataset('Transform', data=field, dtype=np.float32)
def readLinearX5(fname):
with h5py.File(fname, 'r') as f:
xform = _readLinearTransform(f['/'])
src = _readLinearMapping( f['/From'])
ref = _readLinearMapping( f['/To'])
return xform, src, ref
def writeLinearX5(fname, xform, src, ref):
/Format # "X5"
/Version # "0.0.1"
/Metadata # json string containing unstructured metadata
/Type # "linear"
/Transform # the transform itself
/Inverse # optional pre-calculated inverse
/From/Type # "image" - could in principle be something other than
# "image" (e.g. "surface"), in which case the "Size" and
# "Scales" entries might be replaced with something else
/From/Size # voxel dimensions
/From/Scales # voxel pixdims
/From/Mapping/Type # "linear" - could be also be "nonlinear"
/From/Mapping/Transform # source voxel-to-world sform
/From/Mapping/Inverse # optional inverse
/To/Type # "image"
/To/Size # voxel dimensions
/To/Scales # voxel pixdims
/To/Mapping/Type # "linear"
/To/Mapping/Transform # reference voxel-to-world sform
/To/Mapping/Inverse # optional inverse
with h5py.File(fname, 'w') as f:
_writeLinearTransform(f, xform)
from_ = f.create_group('/From')
to = f.create_group('/To')
_writeLinearMapping(from_, src)
_writeLinearMapping(to, ref)
def readNonLinearX5(fname):
from . import nonlinear
with h5py.File(fname, 'r') as f:
field = _readNonLinearTransform(f['/'])
src = _readLinearMapping(f['/From'])
ref = _readLinearMapping(f['/To'])
# TODO coefficient fields
return nonlinear.DisplacementField(field,
def writeNonLinearX5(fname, field):
/Format # "X5"
/Version # "0.0.1"
/Metadata # json string containing unstructured metadata
/Type # "nonlinear"
/Transform # the displacement/coefficient field itself
/Inverse # optional pre-calculated inverse
/From/Type # "image"
/From/Size # voxel dimensions
/From/Scales # voxel pixdims
/From/Mapping/Type # "linear"
/From/Mapping/Transform # source voxel-to-world sform
/From/Mapping/Inverse # optional inverse
/To/Type # "image"
/To/Size # voxel dimensions
/To/Scales # voxel pixdims
/To/Mapping/Type # "linear"
/To/Mapping/Transform # reference voxel-to-world sform
/To/Mapping/Inverse # optional inverse
# TODO coefficient fields
with h5py.File(fname, 'w') as f:
from_ = f.create_group('/From')
to = f.create_group('/To')
_writeLinearMapping(from_, field.src)
_writeLinearMapping(to, field.ref)