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#{{{ copyright and setup

#   MELODIC - Multivariate Exploratory Linear Optimized Decomposition into 
#             Independent Components
#   Christian Beckmann, Stephen Smith and Matthew Webster, FMRIB Image Analysis Group
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#   Copyright (C) 2006 University of Oxford
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Mark Jenkinson's avatar
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source [ file dirname [ info script ] ]/fslstart.tcl

set VARS(history) {}
set VERSION [ exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/melodic -V | awk '{ print \$3 }'" ]

#{{{ main GUI

proc melodic { w } {

    #{{{ vars and setup

global vars FSLDIR INMEDX argc argv PWD VERSION entries fmri

toplevel $w
wm title $w "MELODIC - v$VERSION"
wm iconname $w "MELODIC"
wm iconbitmap $w @${FSLDIR}/tcl/fmrib.xbm

frame $w.f


    NoteBook $w.nb -side top -bd 2 -tabpady {5 10} -arcradius 3
    $w.nb insert 0 data -text "Data"    
    $w.nb insert 1 filtering -text "Pre-stats"
    $w.nb insert 2 melodic -text "MELODIC"
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    #{{{ Data
set fmri(dataf) [ $w.nb getframe data ]
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#{{{ multiple analyses

frame $w.multiple

set fmri(multiple) 1
LabelSpinBox $w.multiple.number -label "Number of analyses " -textvariable fmri(multiple) -range " 1 10000 1 "  -width 3 
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Mark Jenkinson committed
set fmri(level) 1
set fmri(analysis) 0
set fmri(inputtype) 2

button $w.multiple.setup -text "Select 4D data" -command "feat5:multiple_select $w 0 \"Select input data\" "

pack $w.multiple.number $w.multiple.setup -in $w.multiple -side left -padx 5


#{{{ output directory

set fmri(outputdir) ""
FileEntry $w.outputdir -textvariable fmri(outputdir) -label " Output directory  " -title "Name the output directory" -width 35 -filedialog directory -filetypes { }
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frame $w.datamain
#{{{ npts & ndelete

frame $w.nptsndelete

#{{{ ndelete

set fmri(ndelete) 0
LabelSpinBox $w.ndelete -label "       Delete volumes " -textvariable fmri(ndelete) -range {0 200000 1 } -width 3
balloonhelp_for $w.ndelete "The number of initial FMRI volumes to delete before any further
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
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processing. These should be the volumes that are not wanted because
steady-state imaging has not yet been reached - typically two or three

pack $w.ndelete -in $w.nptsndelete -side left

#{{{ TR & highpass

frame $w.trparadigm_hp

#{{{ TR
set fmri(tr) 3.0
LabelSpinBox $ -label "TR (s) " -textvariable fmri(tr) -range {0.001 200000 0.25 } 
balloonhelp_for $ "The time (in seconds) between scanning successive FMRI volumes."
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pack $ -in $w.trparadigm_hp -side left

pack $w.nptsndelete $w.trparadigm_hp -in $w.datamain -side top -padx 5 -pady 3 -anchor w

pack $w.multiple $w.datamain -in $fmri(dataf) -anchor w -side top

#{{{ FSL logo

set graphpic [ image create photo -file ${FSLDIR}/tcl/fsl-logo-tiny.ppm ]
button $w.logo -image $graphpic -command "FmribWebHelp file: ${FSLDIR}/doc/index.html" -borderwidth 0
pack $w.logo -in $fmri(dataf) -anchor e -side bottom -padx 5 -pady 5


    #{{{ Pre-statistics processing

set fmri(filteringf) [ $w.nb getframe filtering ]
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Mark Jenkinson committed

set fmri(filtering_yn) 1

LabelFrame $ -text "Motion correction: "
optionMenu2 $ fmri(mc) 0 "None" 1 "MCFLIRT"
pack $ 
balloonhelp_for $ "You will normally want to apply motion correction; this attempts to
remove the effect of subject head motion during the
experiment. MCFLIRT uses FLIRT (FMRIB's Linear Registration Tool)
tuned to the problem of FMRI motion correction, applying rigid-body

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#{{{ slice timing correction

LabelFrame $ -text "Slice timing correction: "
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set fmri(stf) $
set fmri(st) 0
set fmri(st_file) ""
FileEntry $w.st_file -textvariable fmri(st_file) -label "" -title "Select a slice order/timings file" -width 20 -filedialog directory  -filetypes * 

optionMenu2 $ fmri(st) -command "melodic2:updatest $w" 0 "None" 1 "Regular up (0, 1, 2 ... n-1)" 2 "Regular down (n-1, n-2 ... 0)" 5 "Interleaved (0, 2, 4 ... 1, 3, 5 ... )" 3 "Use slice order file" 4 "Use slice timings file"
pack $ 

balloonhelp_for $  "Slice timing correction corrects each voxel's time-series for the fact
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that later processing assumes that all slices were acquired exactly
half-way through the relevant volume's acquisition time (TR), whereas
in fact each slice is taken at slightly different times.

Slice timing correction works by using (Hanning-windowed) sinc
interpolation to shift each time-series by an appropriate fraction of
a TR relative to the middle of the TR period. It is necessary to know
in what order the slices were acquired and set the appropriate option

If a slice order file is to be used (e.g., to setup interleaved slice
orderings), create a text file with a single number on each line,
where the first line states which slice was acquired first, the second
line states which slices was acquired second, etc. The first slice is
numbered 1 not 0."

#{{{ BET brain extraction

frame $

label $ -text "BET brain extraction"

set fmri(bet_yn) 1
checkbutton $ -variable fmri(bet_yn) -command "melodic2:updatebet $w"

balloonhelp_for $ "This uses BET brain extraction to create a brain mask from the first
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed
volume in the FMRI data. This is normally better than simple
intensity-based thresholding for getting rid of unwanted voxels in
FMRI data. Note that here, BET is setup to run in a quite liberal way so that
there is very little danger of removing valid brain voxels.
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If the field-of-view of the image (in any direction) is less than 30mm
then BET is turned off by default."
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Mark Jenkinson committed

set fmri(thresh) 10
LabelSpinBox  $ -label "  Threshold % " -textvariable fmri(thresh) -range {0.0 100 1 } -width 3
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Stephen Smith's avatar
Stephen Smith committed
pack $ $ -in $ -side left
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#{{{ spatial filtering

set fmri(smooth) 3
LabelSpinBox  $w.smooth -label "Spatial smoothing FWHM (mm) " -textvariable fmri(smooth) -range {0.0 10000 1 } -width 3
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed

balloonhelp_for $w.smooth "This determines the extent of the spatial smoothing, carried out on
each volume of the FMRI data set separately. This is intended to
reduce noise without reducing interesting signal; this is successful as
long as the underlying signal area is larger than the extent of
the smoothing.
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To turn off spatial smoothing simply set FWHM to 0."

#{{{ temporal filtering

frame $w.temp

label $w.temp.label -text "Temporal filtering    "

set fmri(temphp_yn) 1
label $w.temp.hplabel -text "Highpass (s)"
checkbutton $w.temp.hp_yn -variable fmri(temphp_yn)

set fmri(templp_yn) 0

balloonhelp_for $w.temp " The high pass frequency cutoff point (in seconds) specifies 
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Mark Jenkinson committed
the longest temporal period you will allow.

\"Highpass temporal filtering\" uses a local fit of a 
straight line (Gaussian-weighted within the line to give 
a smooth response) to remove low frequency artefacts. It 
is generally beneficial to remove global trends which 
will - if not removed - often dominate the decomposition."

set fmri(paradigm_hp) 100
LabelSpinBox $w.paradigm_hp -textvariable fmri(paradigm_hp) -range {1.0 200000 5 } -width 5 

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pack $w.temp.label $w.temp.hplabel $w.temp.hp_yn $w.paradigm_hp -in $w.temp -side top -side left


pack $fmri(mcf) $fmri(stf) $ $w.smooth $w.temp -in $fmri(filteringf) -anchor w -pady 1 -padx 5
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    #{{{ Melodic

set fmri(melodicf) [ $w.nb getframe melodic ]
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set fmri(varnorm) 1
Stephen Smith's avatar
Stephen Smith committed
checkbutton $w.varnorm -variable fmri(varnorm) -text "Variance-normalise timecourses"
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balloonhelp_for $w.varnorm "When switched on, Melodic will rescale each time series so 
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Mark Jenkinson committed
that the estimation is more influenced by the voxel-wise 
temporal dynamics and less by a voxels' mean signal. "

#{{{ output components

frame $w.dim

set fmri(dim_yn) 1
Stephen Smith's avatar
Stephen Smith committed
checkbutton $w.dim.yn -variable fmri(dim_yn) -text "Automatic dimensionality estimation" -command "melodic2:updatedim $w"
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
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pack $w.dim.yn -in $w.dim -side left

balloonhelp_for $w.dim "In order to avoid overfitting, Melodic will attempt to estimate the number of 
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
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components from the data using Bayesian estimators for the model 
order and use PCA to reduce the data prior to the IC estimation."

Matthew Webster's avatar
Matthew Webster committed
set fmri(dim) 1
LabelSpinBox $w.dim.n -label "Output components" -textvariable fmri(dim) -range { 1 200000 1}
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
Mark Jenkinson committed


#{{{ thresholding

frame $w.thresh

set fmri(thresh_yn) 1
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Stephen Smith committed
checkbutton $w.thresh.yn -variable fmri(thresh_yn) -text "Threshold IC maps" -command "melodic2:updatethresh $w"
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balloonhelp_for $w.thresh "Melodic uses a mixture model approach to assign significance to individual 
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voxels within a spatial map. The mixture model of a single Gaussian 
distribution (for the background noise within the spatial maps) and 
2 Gamma distributions (which model the 'active' voxels contained in 
the tails of the Gaussian) is fitted to the intensity histogram of 
the Z-transformed IC maps using a restricted EM algorithm. 

From this mixture model fit, Melodic calculates voxel-wise probabilities 
of 'activation' (as the ratio of a voxels' intensity being in the 
non-background class relative to probability of the intensity being 
background noise).
Voxels above a certain threshold level are overlayed on top of 
an example volume. The default level of 0.5 will report any voxel 
where the probability of belonging to the non-background mixtures 
exceeds the probability of the voxel belonging to the background 
noise Gaussian."

set fmri(mmthresh) "0.5"
entry $w.thresh.n -textvariable fmri(mmthresh) -width 10

pack $w.thresh.yn $w.thresh.n -in $w.thresh -side left


set fmri(ostats) 0
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Stephen Smith committed
checkbutton $w.ostats -variable fmri(ostats) -text "Output full stats folder"
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balloonhelp_for $w.ostats "
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
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When switched on, Melodic will save the thresholded IC 
Stephen Smith's avatar
Stephen Smith committed
maps and the probability maps inside a folder \/stats. 
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
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This will substantially increase the amount of space used, 
so only switch this on if you intend to use these maps."

set fmri(report) 1
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Stephen Smith committed
checkbutton $ -variable fmri(report) -text "Create web page report"
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pack $w.varnorm $w.dim  $w.thresh $w.ostats $ -in $fmri(melodicf) -anchor w -side top


    pack $w.nb -in $w.f -side top -padx 5 -pady 5 -anchor w

    #{{{ Button Frame

    frame $w.btns
    frame $w.btns.b -relief raised -borderwidth 1
    button $w.apply     -command "melodic2:apply $w keep" \
        -text "Go" -width 5
    bind $w.apply <Return> {
        [winfo toplevel %W].apply invoke}
    button $w.cancel    -command "melodic2:destroy $w" \
        -text "Exit" -width 5
    bind $w.cancel <Return> {
        [winfo toplevel %W].cancel invoke}
    button $ -command "FmribWebHelp file: ${FSLDIR}/doc/melodic2/index.html" \
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            -text "Help" -width 5
    bind $ <Return> {
        [winfo toplevel %W].help invoke}

    pack $w.btns.b -side bottom -fill x
    pack $w.apply $w.cancel $ -in $w.btns.b \
        -side left -expand yes -padx 3 -pady 10 -fill y
    pack $w.f $w.btns -expand yes -fill both
Matthew Webster's avatar
Matthew Webster committed
    $w.nb raise data
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#{{{ melodic2:updatest

proc melodic2:updatest { w } {
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    global fmri

Stephen Smith's avatar
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    if { $fmri(st) == 3 || $fmri(st) == 4 } {
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	pack $w.st_file -in $fmri(stf) -side left -padx 5
Stephen Smith's avatar
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    } else {
	pack forget $w.st_file
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Matthew Webster's avatar
Matthew Webster committed
    $w.nb compute_size
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#{{{ melodic2:updatebet

proc melodic2:updatebet { w } {

    global fmri

    if { $fmri(bet_yn) == 1 } {
	pack forget $
    } else {
	pack $ -in $ -side left -padx 5 -after $

#{{{ melodic2:updatedim

proc melodic2:updatedim { w } {

    global fmri

    if { $fmri(dim_yn) == 1 } {
	pack forget $w.dim.n
    } else {
	pack $w.dim.n -in $w.dim -side left -padx 5 -after $w.dim.yn
Matthew Webster's avatar
Matthew Webster committed
    $w.nb compute_size
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#{{{ melodic2:updatethresh

proc melodic2:updatethresh { w } {

    global fmri

    if { $fmri(thresh_yn) == 0 } {
	set fmri(mmthresh) 0
	pack forget $w.thresh.n
    } else {
	set fmri(mmthresh) "0.5"
	pack $w.thresh.n -in $w.thresh -side left -padx 5 -after $w.thresh.yn

#{{{ melodic2:apply

proc melodic2:apply { w dialog } {
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Stephen Smith committed
    global fmri HOME FSLDIR INMEDX entries feat_files logout
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    for { set session 1 } { $session <= $fmri(multiple) } { incr session 1 } {

	#{{{ setup filenames

Stephen Smith's avatar
Stephen Smith committed
set INPUT [ remove_ext $feat_files($session) ]
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set OUTPUT [ new_filename ${INPUT}.ica ]

if { ! [ file writable [ file dirname $OUTPUT ] ] } {
    set OUTPUT [ new_filename ${HOME}/[ file tail $OUTPUT ] ]

fsl:exec "mkdir $OUTPUT"


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Stephen Smith committed
set logout ${OUTPUT}/report.log
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	#{{{ prestats

#{{{ delete volumes

set total_volumes [ exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/avwnvols $INPUT 2> /dev/null" ]

if { $fmri(ndelete) > 0 } {
    set total_volumes [ expr $total_volumes - $fmri(ndelete) ]
    fsl:exec "${FSLDIR}/bin/avwroi $INPUT prefiltered_func_data $fmri(ndelete) $total_volumes"
    set INPUT prefiltered_func_data

set target_vol_number [ expr $total_volumes / 2 ]
fsl:exec "${FSLDIR}/bin/avwroi $INPUT example_func $target_vol_number 1"

#{{{ motion correction

if { $fmri(mc) != 0 } {
    fsl:exec "${FSLDIR}/bin/mcflirt -in $INPUT -out prefiltered_func_data_mcf -refvol $target_vol_number" -t 15
    set INPUT prefiltered_func_data_mcf

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#{{{ slice timing correction

if { $fmri(st) > 0 } {

    set st_opts ""
    switch $fmri(st) {
	2 {
	    set st_opts "--down"
	3 {
	    set st_opts "--ocustom=$fmri(st_file)"
	4 {
	    set st_opts "--tcustom=$fmri(st_file)"

    fsl:exec "${FSLDIR}/bin/slicetimer -i $INPUT --out=prefiltered_func_data_st -r $fmri(tr) $st_opts"
    set INPUT prefiltered_func_data_st

#{{{ BET

if { $fmri(bet_yn) } {
    fsl:exec "${FSLDIR}/bin/betfunc $INPUT prefiltered_func_data_bet"
    set INPUT prefiltered_func_data_bet

#{{{ filtering

set thecommand "${FSLDIR}/bin/ip $INPUT filtered_func_data $fmri(thresh)"

if { $fmri(smooth) > 0.01 } {
    set thecommand "$thecommand -s [ expr $fmri(smooth) / 2.355 ]"

if { $fmri(temphp_yn) || $fmri(templp_yn) } {

    set hp_sigma_vol -1
    if { $fmri(temphp_yn) } {
	set hp_sigma_sec [ expr $fmri(paradigm_hp) / 2.0 ]
	set hp_sigma_vol [ expr $hp_sigma_sec / $fmri(tr) ]

    set lp_sigma_vol -1
    if { $fmri(templp_yn) } {
	set lp_sigma_sec 2.8
	set lp_sigma_vol [ expr $lp_sigma_sec / $fmri(tr) ]

    set thecommand "$thecommand -t $hp_sigma_vol $lp_sigma_vol"


fsl:exec "$thecommand"

set INPUT filtered_func_data


fsl:exec "rm -rf prefiltered_func_data*"


set thecommand "${FSLDIR}/bin/melodic -i $INPUT -o $OUTPUT -v --nobet --bgthreshold=$fmri(thresh) --tr=$fmri(tr)"

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if { $fmri(dim_yn) == 1 } {
    set thecommand "$thecommand -d 0"
    if { $total_volumes > 400 } {
	set job_duration 180
Mark Jenkinson's avatar
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} else {
    set thecommand "$thecommand -d $fmri(dim)"
    if { $fmri(dim) > 100 } {
	set job_duration 180
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if { $fmri(thresh_yn) == 0 } {
    set thecommand "$thecommand --no_mm"
} else {
    set thecommand "$thecommand --mmthresh=\"$fmri(mmthresh)\""

if { $fmri(varnorm) == 0 } {
    set thecommand "$thecommand --vn"

if { $fmri(report) == 1 } {
    set thecommand "$thecommand --report"

if { $fmri(ostats) == 1 } {
    set thecommand "$thecommand --Ostats"

puts $thecommand
fsl:exec "$thecommand" -t $job_duration
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	puts "Done"

	if { [ file exists report/00index.html ] } {
	    puts "To view the output report point your web browser at\n${OUTPUT}/report/00index.html\n\n"

    update idletasks

    if {$dialog == "destroy"} {
        melodic2:destroy $w

#{{{ melodic2:destroy

# Summary:      Destroys melodic dialog box
proc melodic2:destroy { w } {
    destroy $w

#{{{ call GUI and wait

wm withdraw .
melodic .rename
tkwait window .rename
