exec sh -c"echo \"set term pbm color ; set size $xscale,0.25 ; set title 'Timecourse (TRs)' ; plot '${MD}/report/t${i}.txt' title '' with lines\" | ${FSLDIR}/bin/gnuplot > ${MD}/grot.ppm"
exec sh -c"${FSLDIR}/bin/convert ${MD}/grot.ppm ${MD}/report/t$i.gif"
exec sh -c"cat ${MD}/melodic_FTmix | awk '{ print NR \"\"\$$i }' > ${MD}/report/f${i}.txt"
exec sh -c"echo \"set term pbm color ; set size $xscale,0.25 ; set title 'FT of Timecourse (cycles) frequency(Hz)=cycles/($npts*TR) period(s)=($npts*TR)/cycles' ; plot '${MD}/report/f${i}.txt' title '' with lines\" | ${FSLDIR}/bin/gnuplot > ${MD}/grot.ppm"
exec sh -c"${FSLDIR}/bin/convert ${MD}/grot.ppm ${MD}/report/f$i.gif"
puts $report"<HR><FONT SIZE=1>This page produced automatically by MELODIC - a part of <A HREF=\"http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl\">FSL - FMRIB's Software Library</A>.</FONT>
close $report
puts "Finished melodicreport at [ exec date ]
To view the MELODIC report point your web browser at