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Commit 65041639 authored by Stephen Smith's avatar Stephen Smith
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parent 15f9b34d
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...@@ -336,8 +336,7 @@ checkbutton $w.ostats -variable fmri(ostats) -text "Output full stats folder" -f ...@@ -336,8 +336,7 @@ checkbutton $w.ostats -variable fmri(ostats) -text "Output full stats folder" -f
$w.bhelp bind $w.ostats -msg " $w.bhelp bind $w.ostats -msg "
When switched on, Melodic will save the thresholded IC When switched on, Melodic will save the thresholded IC
maps and the probability maps in Analyze (.img/.hdr) maps and the probability maps inside a folder \/stats.
format inside a folder \/stats.
This will substantially increase the amount of space used, This will substantially increase the amount of space used,
so only switch this on if you intend to use these maps." so only switch this on if you intend to use these maps."
...@@ -448,7 +447,7 @@ proc melodic2:apply { w dialog } { ...@@ -448,7 +447,7 @@ proc melodic2:apply { w dialog } {
#{{{ setup filenames #{{{ setup filenames
set INPUT [ file rootname $feat_files($session) ] set INPUT [ remove_ext $feat_files($session) ]
set OUTPUT [ new_filename ${INPUT}.ica ] set OUTPUT [ new_filename ${INPUT}.ica ]
# melodicreport - makes the report page for melodic
# Christian Beckmann, Stephen Smith and Mark Jenkinson
# FMRIB Image Analysis Group
# Copyright (C) 1999-2004 University of Oxford
# the next line restarts using wish \
exec $FSLDIR/bin/tclsh "$0" "$@"
if { [ lindex $argv 0 ] == "" } {
puts "Usage: melodicreport <melodic_output_directory> \[background_image \]"
set background 0
if { [ lindex $argv 1 ] != "" } {
set background 1
set bgimage [ lindex $argv 1 ]
set S 0.2
catch { [ expr $S ] } errrr
set MD [ lindex $argv 0 ]
catch { exec sh -c "mkdir ${MD}/report" }
if { ! [ file exists ${MD}/melodic_IC.hdr ] && ! [ file exists ${MD}/melodic_IC.hdr.gz ] } {
puts "No MELODIC output melodic_IC - exiting."
if { ! [ file exists ${MD}/melodic_IC.img ] && ! [ file exists ${MD}/melodic_IC.img.gz ] } {
puts "No MELODIC output melodic_IC - exiting."
set REPORTFILE ${MD}/report/report.html
set report [ open $REPORTFILE "w" ]
fconfigure $report -buffering none
puts $report "<HTML>
<BODY BACKGROUND=\"file:${FSLDIR}/doc/images/fsl-bg.jpg\">
<H1>MELODIC Report</H1>
[ exec date ]
set dim [ exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/avwval ${MD}/melodic_IC dim4" ]
set npts [ expr [ exec sh -c "cat ${MD}/melodic_mix | wc -l" ] * 1 ]
set xscale [ expr $npts * 4 ]
if { $xscale < 750 } {
set xscale 750
if { $xscale > 3000 } {
set xscale 3000
set xscale [ expr $xscale / 750.0 ]
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $dim } { incr i 1 } {
puts $report "<a href=\"c${i}.html\">$i</a>"
exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/avwroi ${MD}/melodic_IC ${MD}/grot [ expr $i - 1 ] 1"
catch { exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/avwstats ${MD}/grot -R" } minmax
set absmin [ expr abs ( [ lindex $minmax 0 ] ) ]
set absmax [ expr abs ( [ lindex $minmax 1 ] ) ]
if { $absmin > $absmax } {
set absmax $absmin
set absmax [ expr $absmax * 0.75 ]
if { $background == 0 } {
exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/slicer ${MD}/grot -l ${FSLDIR}/etc/luts/render3.lut -s 2 -i -$absmax $absmax -A 950 ${MD}/grot.ppm"
} else {
set llimit [ expr $absmax / 6.0 ]
exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/avwmaths ${MD}/grot -mul -1 ${MD}/grotinv"
exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/overlay 1 0 $bgimage -a ${MD}/grot $llimit $absmax ${MD}/grotinv $llimit $absmax ${MD}/grotoverlay"
exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/slicer ${MD}/grotoverlay -s 2 -A 950 ${MD}/grot.ppm"
exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert ${MD}/grot.ppm ${MD}/report/s$i.gif"
exec sh -c "cat ${MD}/melodic_mix | awk '{ print \$$i }' > ${MD}/report/t${i}.txt"
exec sh -c "echo \"set term pbm color ; set size $xscale,0.25 ; set title 'Timecourse (TRs)' ; plot '${MD}/report/t${i}.txt' title '' with lines\" | ${FSLDIR}/bin/gnuplot > ${MD}/grot.ppm"
exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert ${MD}/grot.ppm ${MD}/report/t$i.gif"
exec sh -c "cat ${MD}/melodic_FTmix | awk '{ print NR \" \" \$$i }' > ${MD}/report/f${i}.txt"
exec sh -c "echo \"set term pbm color ; set size $xscale,0.25 ; set title 'FT of Timecourse (cycles) frequency(Hz)=cycles/($npts*TR) period(s)=($npts*TR)/cycles' ; plot '${MD}/report/f${i}.txt' title '' with lines\" | ${FSLDIR}/bin/gnuplot > ${MD}/grot.ppm"
exec sh -c "${FSLDIR}/bin/convert ${MD}/grot.ppm ${MD}/report/f$i.gif"
set creport [ open ${MD}/report/c${i}.html "w" ]
puts $creport "<HTML>
<BODY BACKGROUND=\"file:${FSLDIR}/doc/images/fsl-bg.jpg\">
<hr><CENTER><H1>MELODIC Component $i</H1>
if { $i > 1 } {
puts $creport "<a href=\"c[ expr $i - 1 ].html\">previous</a> - "
puts $creport "<a href=\"report.html\">index</a>"
if { $i < $dim } {
puts $creport " - <a href=\"c[ expr $i + 1 ].html\">next</a>"
puts $creport "
<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=\"s$i.gif\"><p>
<a href=\"t$i.txt\"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC=\"t$i.gif\"></a><p>
<a href=\"f$i.txt\"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC=\"f$i.gif\"></a><p>
close $creport
exec sh -c "/bin/rm -f ${MD}/grot*"
puts $report "<HR><FONT SIZE=1>This page produced automatically by MELODIC - a part of <A HREF=\"\">FSL - FMRIB's Software Library</A>.</FONT>
close $report
puts "Finished melodicreport at [ exec date ]
To view the MELODIC report point your web browser at
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