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// current position of key, or position to insert it in if key does
// not already exist.

template<class T>
bool SpMat<T>::found(const std::vector<unsigned int>&  ri, unsigned int key, int& pos) const
  if (!ri.size() || key<ri[0]) {pos=0; return(false);}
  else if (key>ri.back()) {pos=ri.size(); return(false);}
  else {
    int mp=0;
    int ll=-1;       
    while ((pos-ll) > 1) {
      mp = (pos+ll) >> 1;   // Possibly faster than /2. Bit geeky though.
      if (key > ri[mp]) ll = mp;
      else pos = mp;
  if (ri[pos] == key) return(true);

// Return read/write reference to position i,j (one offset)
// N.B. should _not_ be used for read-only referencing since
// it will insert a value (0.0) at position i,j

template<class T>
T& SpMat<T>::here(unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
  if (r<1 || r>_m || c<1 || c>_n) throw SpMatException("here: index out of range");
  int i = 0;
  if (!found(_ri[c-1],r-1,i)) {

// Open gap in vec at indx and fill with val. 
// Should have been templated, but I couldn't figure out how
// to, and still hide it inside SpMat

template<class T>
void SpMat<T>::insert(std::vector<unsigned int>& vec, int indx, unsigned int val)
  for (int j=vec.size()-1; j>indx; j--) {
    vec[j] = vec[j-1];
  vec[indx] = val;

template<class T>
void SpMat<T>::insert(std::vector<T>& vec, int indx, const T& val)
  for (int j=vec.size()-1; j>indx; j--) {
    vec[j] = vec[j-1];
  vec[indx] = val;

// Returns true if M has the same sparsity pattern as *this

template<class T>
bool SpMat<T>::same_sparsity(const SpMat<T>& M) const
  if (_m != M._m || _n != M._n) return(false);
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) {
    if (_ri[c].size() != M._ri[c].size()) return(false);
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) {
    const std::vector<unsigned int>& ri = _ri[c];
    const std::vector<unsigned int>& Mri = M._ri[c];
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ri.size(); i++) {
      if (ri[i] != Mri[i]) return(false);

// Adds a matrix to *this assuming identical sparsity patterns

template<class T>
SpMat<T>& SpMat<T>::add_same_sparsity_mat_to_me(const SpMat<T>& M, double s)
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) {
    if (_val[c].size()) {
      std::vector<T>&          val = _val[c];
      const std::vector<T>&    Mval = M._val[c];
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<val.size(); i++) {
        val[i] += s*Mval[i];

// Adds a matrix to *this assuming non-identical sparsity patterns

template<class T>
SpMat<T>& SpMat<T>::add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me(const SpMat<T>& M, double s)
  if (_m != M._m || _n != M._n) throw SpMatException("add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me: Size mismatch between matrices");

  Accumulator<T> acc(_m);

  _nz = 0;
  for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) {
    if (M._ri[c].size()) {
      const std::vector<unsigned int>&        Mri = M._ri[c];
      const std::vector<T>&                   Mval = M._val[c];
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<Mri.size(); i++) {
        acc(Mri[i]) += s*Mval[i];
      std::vector<unsigned int>&        ri = _ri[c];
      std::vector<T>&                   val = _val[c];
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<ri.size(); i++) {
        acc(ri[i]) += s*val[i];
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<acc.NO(); i++) {
        ri[i] = acc.ri(i);
        val[i] = acc.val(i);
      _nz += acc.NO();

template<class T>
SpMat<T>& SpMat<T>::add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me(const SpMat<T>& M, double s)
  if (_m != M._m || _n != M._n) throw SpMatException("add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me: Size mismatch between matrices");

  for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) {
    if (M._ri[c].size()) {
      const std::vector<unsigned int>&        Mri = M._ri[c];
      const std::vector<T>&                   Mval = M._val[c];
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<Mri.size(); i++) {

## Here starts functions for helper class Accumulator

template<class T>
T& Accumulator<T>::operator()(unsigned int i)
  if (!_occ[i]) {
    if (_sorted && _no && i < _occi[_no-1]) _sorted = false;
    _occ[i] = true;
    _occi[_no++] = i;

template<class T>
const Accumulator<T>& Accumulator<T>::ExtractCol(const SpMat<T>& M, unsigned int c)
  if (_sz != M._m) throw ;
  if (c<0 || c>(M._n-1)) throw ;
  if (_no) Reset();
  const std::vector<unsigned int>&      ri = M._ri[c];
  const std::vector<T>&                 val = M._val[c];
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<ri.size(); i++) {
    _occ[ri[i]] = true;
    _val[ri[i]] = val[i];
    _occi[_no++] = ri[i];
  _sorted = true;  // Assuming M is sorted (should be)


} // End namespace MISCMATHS

#endif // End #ifndef SpMat_h