> Note that the `decode` call in the middle line converts the string from a byte string to a normal string. In Python 3 there is a distinction between strings (sequences of characters, possibly using multiple bytes to store each character) and bytes (sequences of bytes). The world has moved on from ASCII, so in this day and age, this distinction is absolutely necessary, and Python does a fairly good job of it.
> shlex.split and shlex.quote are functions designed to break up and quote
> (respectively) shell command lines and arguments. Quoting of user provided
> arguments helps to prevent unintended consequences from inappropriate inputs.
> Note that the `decode` call in the middle line converts the string from a byte
> string to a normal string. In Python 3 there is a distinction between strings
> (sequences of characters, possibly using multiple bytes to store each
> character) and bytes (sequences of bytes). The world has moved on from ASCII,
> so in this day and age, this distinction is absolutely necessary, and Python
> does a fairly good job of it.
If the output is numerical then this can be extracted like this:
@@ -70,10 +81,9 @@ vol_mm = float(results[1])
print('Volumes are: ', vol_vox, ' in voxels and ', vol_mm, ' in mm')
An alternative way to run a set of commands would be like this: