Paul McCarthy
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - Provides the :class:`Image` class, for representing 3D/4D NIFTI
# images.
Paul McCarthy
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
Paul McCarthy
"""This module provides the :class:`Nifti` and :class:`Image` classes, for
representing NIFTI1 and NIFTI2 images. The ``nibabel`` package is used
It is very easy to load a NIFTI image::
from import Image
myimg = Image('MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz')
A handful of other functions are also provided for working with image files
and file names:
.. autosummary::
Paul McCarthy
import os
import os.path as op
Paul McCarthy
import string
import logging
import warnings
Paul McCarthy
import six
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import nibabel.fileslice as fileslice
import fsl.utils.meta as meta
import fsl.utils.transform as transform
import fsl.utils.notifier as notifier
import fsl.utils.memoize as memoize
import fsl.utils.path as fslpath
import fsl.utils.deprecated as deprecated
import as constants
import as imagewrapper
Paul McCarthy
Paul McCarthy
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['.nii.gz', '.nii', '.img', '.hdr', '.img.gz', '.hdr.gz']
"""The file extensions which we understand. This list is used as the default
if the ``allowedExts`` parameter is not passed to any of the functions
'NIFTI images',
'ANALYZE75 images',
'NIFTI/ANALYZE75 headers',
'Compressed NIFTI/ANALYZE75 images',
'Compressed NIFTI/ANALYZE75 headers']
"""Descriptions for each of the extensions in :data:`ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS`. """
FILE_GROUPS = [('.hdr', '.img'),
('.hdr.gz', '.img.gz')]
"""File suffix groups used by :func:`addExt` to resolve file path
ambiguities - see :func:`fsl.utils.path.addExt`.
PathError = fslpath.PathError
"""Error raised by :mod:`fsl.utils.path` functions when an error occurs.
Made available in this module for convenience.
class Nifti(notifier.Notifier, meta.Meta):
Paul McCarthy
"""The ``Nifti`` class is intended to be used as a base class for
things which either are, or are associated with, a NIFTI image.
The ``Nifti`` class is intended to represent information stored in
the header of a NIFTI file - if you want to load the data from
a file, use the :class:`Image` class instead.
Paul McCarthy
When a ``Nifti`` instance is created, it adds the following attributes
to itself:
================= ====================================================
``header`` The :mod:`nibabel` NIFTI1/NIFTI2/Analyze header
``shape`` A list/tuple containing the number of voxels along
each image dimension.
``pixdim`` A list/tuple containing the length of one voxel
along each image dimension.
``voxToWorldMat`` A 4*4 array specifying the affine transformation
for transforming voxel coordinates into real world
``worldToVoxMat`` A 4*4 array specifying the affine transformation
for transforming real world coordinates into voxel
``intent`` The NIFTI intent code specified in the header (or
:attr:`.constants.NIFTI_INTENT_NONE` for Analyze
================= ====================================================
The ``header`` field may either be a ``nifti1``, ``nifti2``, or
``analyze`` header object. Make sure to take this into account if you are
writing code that should work with all three. Use the :meth:`niftiVersion`
property if you need to know what type of image you are dealing with.
The ``shape`` attribute may not precisely match the image shape as
reported in the NIFTI header, because trailing dimensions of size 1 are
squeezed out. See the :meth:`__determineShape` and :meth:`mapIndices`
**The affine transformation**
The :meth:`voxToWorldMat` and :meth:`worldToVoxMat` attributes contain
transformation matrices for transforming between voxel and world
coordinates. The ``Nifti`` class follows the same process as ``nibabel``
in selecting the affine (see
1. If ``sform_code != 0`` ("unknown") use the sform affine; else
2. If ``qform_code != 0`` ("unknown") use the qform affine; else
3. Use the fall-back affine.
However, the *fall-back* affine used by the ``Nifti`` class differs to
that used by ``nibabel``. In ``nibabel``, the origin (world coordinates
(0, 0, 0)) is set to the centre of the image. Here in the ``Nifti``
class, we set the world coordinate orign to be the corner of the image,
i.e. the corner of voxel (0, 0, 0).
You may change the ``voxToWorldMat`` of a ``Nifti`` instance (unless it
is an Analyze image). When you do so:
- Only the ``sform`` of the underlying ``Nifti1Header`` object is changed
- The ``qform`` is not modified.
- If the ``sform_code`` was previously set to ``NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN``,
it is changed to ``NIFTI_XFORM_ALIGNED_ANAT``. Otherwise, the
``sform_code`` is not modified.
**ANALYZE support**
A ``Nifti`` instance expects to be passed either a
``nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header`` or a ``nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Header``, but
can als encapsulate a ``nibabel.analyze.AnalyzeHeader``. In this case:
- The image voxel orientation is assumed to be R->L, P->A, I->S.
- The affine will be set to a diagonal matrix with the header pixdims as
its elements (with the X pixdim negated), and an offset specified by
the ANALYZE ``origin`` fields. Construction of the affine is handled
by ``nibabel``.
- The :meth:`niftiVersion` method will return ``0``.
- The :meth:`getXFormCode` method will return
The ``Image`` class inherits from the :class:`.Meta` class - its methods
can be used to store and query any meta-data associated with the image.
The ``Nifti`` class implements the :class:`.Notifier` interface -
listeners may register to be notified on the following topics:
=============== ========================================================
``'transform'`` The affine transformation matrix has changed. This topic
will occur when the ``voxToWorldMat`` is changed.
=============== ========================================================
def __init__(self, header):
Paul McCarthy
"""Create a ``Nifti`` object.
:arg header: A :class:`nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header`,
:class:`nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Header`, or
``nibabel.analyze.AnalyzeHeader`` to be used as the
image header.
Paul McCarthy
# and Nifti1Header a sub-class of AnalyzeHeader,
# so we only need to test for the latter.
if not isinstance(header, nib.analyze.AnalyzeHeader):
raise ValueError('Unrecognised header: {}'.format(header))
origShape, shape, pixdim = self.__determineShape(header)
Paul McCarthy
voxToWorldMat = self.__determineTransform(header)
worldToVoxMat = transform.invert(voxToWorldMat)
self.header = header
self.__shape = shape
self.__intent = header.get('intent_code',
self.__origShape = origShape
self.__pixdim = pixdim
self.__voxToWorldMat = voxToWorldMat
self.__worldToVoxMat = worldToVoxMat
def __determineTransform(self, header):
"""Called by :meth:`__init__`. Figures out the voxel-to-world
coordinate transformation matrix that is associated with this
Paul McCarthy
``Nifti`` instance.
# We have to treat FSL/FNIRT images
# specially, as FNIRT clobbers the
# sform section of the NIFTI header
# to store other data.
# TODO Nibabel <= 2.1.0 has a bug in header.get
# for fields with a value of 0. When this
# bug gets fixed, we can replace the if-else
# block below with this:
# intent = header.get('intent_code', -1)
# qform = header.get('qform_code', -1)
# sform = header.get('sform_code', -1)
if isinstance(header, nib.nifti1.Nifti1Header):
intent = header['intent_code']
qform = header['qform_code']
sform = header['sform_code']
intent = -1
qform = -1
sform = -1
if intent in (constants.FSL_FNIRT_DISPLACEMENT_FIELD,
log.debug('FNIRT output image detected - using qform matrix')
voxToWorldMat = np.array(header.get_qform())
# If the qform or sform codes are unknown,
# then we can't assume that the transform
# matrices are valid. So we fall back to a
# pixdim scaling matrix.
# n.b. For images like this, nibabel returns
# a scaling matrix where the centre voxel
# corresponds to world location (0, 0, 0).
Paul McCarthy
# This goes against the NIFTI spec - it
# should just be a straight scaling matrix.
elif qform == 0 and sform == 0:
pixdims = header.get_zooms()
voxToWorldMat = transform.scaleOffsetXform(pixdims, 0)
# Otherwise we let nibabel decide
# which transform to use.
voxToWorldMat = np.array(header.get_best_affine())
return voxToWorldMat
Paul McCarthy
def __determineShape(self, header):
"""This method is called by :meth:`__init__`. It figures out the actual
shape of the image data, and the zooms/pixdims for each data axis. Any
empty trailing dimensions are squeezed, but the returned shape is
guaranteed to be at least 3 dimensions. Returns:
- A sequence/tuple containing the image shape, as reported in the
- A sequence/tuple containing the effective image shape.
- A sequence/tuple containing the zooms/pixdims.
# The canonicalShape function figures out
# the data shape that we should use.
origShape = list(header.get_data_shape())
shape = canonicalShape(origShape)
pixdims = list(header.get_zooms())
# if get_zooms() doesn't return at
# least len(shape) values, we'll
# fall back to the pixdim field in
# the header.
if len(pixdims) < len(shape):
pixdims = header['pixdim'][1:]
pixdims = pixdims[:len(shape)]
return origShape, shape, pixdims
Paul McCarthy
def strval(self, key):
"""Returns the specified NIFTI header field, converted to a python
string, correctly null-terminated, and with non-printable characters
This method is used to sanitise some NIFTI header fields. The default
Python behaviour for converting a sequence of bytes to a string is to
strip all termination characters (bytes with value of ``0x00``) from
the end of the sequence.
This default behaviour does not handle the case where a sequence of
bytes which did contain a long string is subsequently overwritten with
a shorter string - the short string will be terminated, but that
termination character will be followed by the remainder of the
original string.
val = self.header[key]
try: val = bytes(val).partition(b'\0')[0]
except Exception: val = bytes(val)
Paul McCarthy
val = val.decode('ascii')
return ''.join([c for c in val if c in string.printable]).strip()
Paul McCarthy
def niftiVersion(self):
"""Returns the NIFTI file version:
- ``0`` for ANALYZE
- ``1`` for NIFTI1
- ``2`` for NIFTI2
# nib.Nifti2 is a subclass of Nifti1,
# and Nifti1 a subclass of Analyze,
# so we have to check in order
if isinstance(self.header, nib.nifti2.Nifti2Header): return 2
elif isinstance(self.header, nib.nifti1.Nifti1Header): return 1
elif isinstance(self.header, nib.analyze.AnalyzeHeader): return 0
else: raise RuntimeError('Unrecognised header: {}'.format(self.header))
def shape(self):
"""Returns a tuple containing the image data shape. """
return tuple(self.__shape)
def pixdim(self):
"""Returns a tuple containing the image pixdims (voxel sizes)."""
return tuple(self.__pixdim)
def intent(self):
"""Returns the NIFTI intent code of this image.
return self.__intent
def xyzUnits(self):
"""Returns the NIFTI XYZ dimension unit code. """
# analyze images have no unit field
if self.niftiVersion == 0:
return constants.NIFTI_UNITS_MM
# The nibabel get_xyzt_units returns labels,
# but we want the NIFTI codes. So we use
# the (undocumented) nifti1.unit_codes field
# to convert back to the raw codes.
units = self.header.get_xyzt_units()[0]
units = nib.nifti1.unit_codes[units]
return units
def timeUnits(self):
"""Returns the NIFTI time dimension unit code. """
# analyze images have no unit field
if self.niftiVersion == 0:
return constants.NIFTI_UNITS_SEC
# See xyzUnits
units = self.header.get_xyzt_units()[1]
units = nib.nifti1.unit_codes[units]
return units
def worldToVoxMat(self):
"""Returns a ``numpy`` array of shape ``(4, 4)`` containing an
affine transformation from world coordinates to voxel coordinates.
return np.array(self.__worldToVoxMat)
def voxToWorldMat(self):
"""Returns a ``numpy`` array of shape ``(4, 4)`` containing an
affine transformation from voxel coordinates to world coordinates.
return np.array(self.__voxToWorldMat)
def voxToWorldMat(self, xform):
"""Update the ``voxToWorldMat``. The ``worldToVoxMat`` value is also
updated. This will result in notification on the ``'transform'``
# Can't do much with
# an analyze image
if self.niftiVersion == 0:
raise Exception('voxToWorldMat cannot be '
'changed for an ANALYZE image')
header = self.header
sformCode = int(header['sform_code'])
if sformCode == constants.NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN:
sformCode = constants.NIFTI_XFORM_ALIGNED_ANAT
header.set_sform(xform, code=sformCode)
self.__voxToWorldMat = self.__determineTransform(header)
self.__worldToVoxMat = transform.invert(self.__voxToWorldMat)
'%s\nsform: %s\nqform: %s',
def mapIndices(self, sliceobj):
"""Adjusts the given slice object so that it may be used to index the
See the :meth:`__determineShape` method.
:arg sliceobj: Something that can be used to slice a
multi-dimensional array, e.g. ``arr[sliceobj]``.
# How convenient - nibabel has a function
# that does the dirty work for us.
return fileslice.canonical_slicers(sliceobj, self.__origShape)

Paul McCarthy
def ndim(self):
"""Returns the number of dimensions in this image. This number may not
match the number of dimensions specified in the NIFTI header, as
trailing dimensions of length 1 are ignored. But it is guaranteed to be
at least 3.
return len(self.__shape)
def getXFormCode(self, code=None):
Paul McCarthy
"""This method returns the code contained in the NIFTI header,
indicating the space to which the (transformed) image is oriented.
The ``code`` parameter may be either ``sform`` (the default) or
``qform`` in which case the corresponding matrix is used.
:returns: one of the following codes:
- :data:`~.constants.NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN`
- :data:`~.constants.NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT`
- :data:`~.constants.NIFTI_XFORM_ALIGNED_ANAT`
- :data:`~.constants.NIFTI_XFORM_TALAIRACH`
- :data:`~.constants.NIFTI_XFORM_MNI_152`
- :data:`~.constants.NIFTI_XFORM_ANALYZE`
if self.niftiVersion == 0:
return constants.NIFTI_XFORM_ANALYZE
if code == 'sform' : code = 'sform_code'
elif code == 'qform' : code = 'qform_code'
elif code is not None:
raise ValueError('code must be None, sform, or qform')
if code is not None:
code = self.header[code]
# If the caller did not specify
# a code, we check both. If the
# sform is present, we return it.
# Otherwise, if the qform is
# present, we return that.
sform_code = self.header['sform_code']
qform_code = self.header['qform_code']
if sform_code != constants.NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN: code = sform_code
elif qform_code != constants.NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN: code = qform_code
Paul McCarthy
# Invalid values
if code not in range(5):
code = constants.NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN
Paul McCarthy
return int(code)
# TODO Check what has worse performance - hashing
# a 4x4 array (via memoizeMD5), or the call
# to aff2axcodes. I'm guessing the latter,
# but am not 100% sure.
def axisMapping(self, xform):
"""Returns the (approximate) correspondence of each axis in the source
coordinate system to the axes in the destination coordinate system,
where the source and destinations are defined by the given affine
transformation matrix.
inaxes = [[-1, 1], [-2, 2], [-3, 3]]
return nib.orientations.aff2axcodes(xform, inaxes)
def isNeurological(self):
Paul McCarthy
"""Returns ``True`` if it looks like this ``Nifti`` object has a
neurological voxel orientation, ``False`` otherwise. This test is
purely based on the determinant of the voxel-to-mm transformation
matrix - if it has a positive determinant, the image is assumed to
be in neurological orientation, otherwise it is assumed to be in
radiological orientation.
..warning:: This method will return ``True`` for images with an
unknown orientation (e.g. the ``sform_code`` and
``qform_code`` are both set to ``0``). Therefore, you
must check the orientation via the :meth:`getXFormCode`
before trusting the result of this method.
import numpy.linalg as npla
return npla.det(self.__voxToWorldMat) > 0
def voxToScaledVoxMat(self):
"""Returns a transformation matrix which transforms from voxel
coordinates into scaled voxel coordinates, with a left-right flip
if the image appears to be stored in neurological order.
return self.__voxToScaledVoxMat()
def __voxToScaledVoxMat(self):
"""See :meth:`voxToScaledVoxMat`. """
shape = list(self.shape[ :3])
pixdim = list(self.pixdim[:3])
voxToPixdimMat = np.diag(pixdim + [1.0])
if self.isNeurological():
x = (shape[0] - 1) * pixdim[0]
flip = transform.scaleOffsetXform([-1, 1, 1], [x, 0, 0])
voxToPixdimMat = transform.concat(flip, voxToPixdimMat)
return voxToPixdimMat
def scaledVoxToVoxMat(self):
"""Returns a transformation matrix which transforms from scaled voxels
into voxels, the inverse of the :meth:`voxToScaledVoxMat` transform.
return self.__scaledVoxToVoxMat()
def __scaledVoxToVoxMat(self):
"""See :meth:`scaledVoxToVoxMat`. """
return transform.invert(self.voxToScaledVoxMat)
def sameSpace(self, other):
"""Returns ``True`` if the ``other`` image (assumed to be a
:class:`Nifti` instance) has the same dimensions and is in the
same space as this image.
return np.all(np.isclose(self .shape[:3],
other.shape[:3])) and \
np.all(np.isclose(self .pixdim[:3],
other.pixdim[:3])) and \
np.all(np.isclose(self .voxToWorldMat,
def getOrientation(self, axis, xform):
"""Returns a code representing the orientation of the specified
Paul McCarthy
axis in the input coordinate system of the given transformation
:arg xform: A transformation matrix which is assumed to transform
Paul McCarthy
coordinates from some coordinate system (the one
which you want an orientation for) into the image
world coordinate system.
For example, if you pass in the voxel-to-world
transformation matrix, you will get an orientation
for axes in the voxel coordinate system.
This method returns one of the following values, indicating the
direction in which coordinates along the specified axis increase:
- :attr:`~.constants.ORIENT_L2R`: Left to right
- :attr:`~.constants.ORIENT_R2L`: Right to left
- :attr:`~.constants.ORIENT_A2P`: Anterior to posterior
- :attr:`~.constants.ORIENT_P2A`: Posterior to anterior
- :attr:`~.constants.ORIENT_I2S`: Inferior to superior
- :attr:`~.constants.ORIENT_S2I`: Superior to inferior
- :attr:`~.constants.ORIENT_UNKNOWN`: Orientation is unknown
The returned value is dictated by the XForm code contained in the
image file header (see the :meth:`getXFormCode` method). Basically, if
the XForm code is *unknown*, this method will return
``ORIENT_UNKNOWN`` for all axes. Otherwise, it is assumed that the
image is in RAS orientation (i.e. the X axis increases from left to
right, the Y axis increases from posterior to anterior, and the Z axis
increases from inferior to superior).
if self.getXFormCode() == constants.NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN:
return constants.ORIENT_UNKNOWN
code = nib.orientations.aff2axcodes(
((constants.ORIENT_R2L, constants.ORIENT_L2R),
(constants.ORIENT_A2P, constants.ORIENT_P2A),
(constants.ORIENT_S2I, constants.ORIENT_I2S)))[axis]
return code
class Image(Nifti):
"""Class which represents a NIFTI image. Internally, the image is
loaded/stored using a :mod:`nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image` or
:mod:`nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Image`, and data access managed by a
Paul McCarthy
In addition to the attributes added by the :meth:`Nifti.__init__` method,
the following attributes/properties are present on an ``Image`` instance
as properties (
============== ===========================================================
``name`` The name of this ``Image`` - defaults to the image
file name, sans-suffix.
``dataSource`` The data source of this ``Image`` - the name of the
file from where it was loaded, or some other string
describing its origin.
``nibImage`` A reference to the ``nibabel`` NIFTI image object.
``saveState`` A boolean value which is ``True`` if this image is
saved to disk, ``False`` if it is in-memory, or has
been edited.
``dataRange`` The minimum/maximum values in the image. Depending upon
the value of the ``calcRange`` parameter to
:meth:`__init__`, this may be calculated when the ``Image``
is created, or may be incrementally updated as more image
data is loaded from disk.
============== ===========================================================
The ``Image`` class adds some :class:`.Notifier` topics to those which are
already provided by the :class:`Nifti` class - listeners may register to
be notified of changes to the above properties, by registering on the
following _topic_ names (see the :class:`.Notifier` class documentation):
=============== ======================================================
``'data'`` This topic is notified whenever the image data changes
Paul McCarthy
(via the :meth:`__setitem__` method). The indices/
slices of the portion of data that was modified is
passed to registered listeners as the notification
value (see :meth:`.Notifier.notify`).
``'saveState'`` This topic is notified whenever the saved state of the
image changes (i.e. data or ``voxToWorldMat`` is
edited, or the image saved to disk).
``'dataRange'`` This topic is notified whenever the image data range
is changed/adjusted.
=============== ======================================================
def __init__(self,

Paul McCarthy
"""Create an ``Image`` object with the given image data or file name.

Paul McCarthy
:arg image: A string containing the name of an image file to load,
or a :mod:`numpy` array, or a :mod:`nibabel` image
:arg name: A name for the image.
:arg header: If not ``None``, assumed to be a
:class:`nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header` or
:class:`nibabel.nifti2.Nifti2Header` to be used as the
image header. Not applied to images loaded from file,
or existing :mod:`nibabel` images.
:arg xform: A :math:`4\\times 4` affine transformation matrix
which transforms voxel coordinates into real world
coordinates. If not provided, and a ``header`` is
provided, the transformation in the header is used.
If neither a ``xform`` nor a ``header`` are provided,
an identity matrix is used. If both a ``xform`` and a
``header`` are provided, the ``xform`` is used in
preference to the header transformation.
:arg loadData: If ``True`` (the default) the image data is loaded
in to memory. Otherwise, only the image header
information is read, and the image data is kept
from disk. In either case, the image data is
accessed through an :class:`.ImageWrapper` instance.
The data may be loaded into memory later on via the
:meth:`loadData` method.
:arg calcRange: If ``True`` (the default), the image range is
calculated immediately (vi a call to
:meth:`calcRange`). Otherwise, the image range is
incrementally updated as more data is read from memory
or disk.
:arg indexed: Deprecated. Has no effect, and will be removed in
``fslpy`` 3.0.

Paul McCarthy
:arg threaded: If ``True``, the :class:`.ImageWrapper` will use a
separate thread for data range calculation. Defaults
to ``False``. Ignored if ``loadData`` is ``True``.
:arg dataSource: If ``image`` is not a file name, this argument may be
used to specify the file from which the image was
All other arguments are passed through to the ``nibabel.load`` function
(if it is called).

Paul McCarthy
nibImage = None
if indexed is not False:
warnings.warn('The indexed argument is deprecated '
'and has no effect',
if loadData:
threaded = False

Paul McCarthy
# Take a copy of the header if one has
# been provided
# NOTE: Nifti extensions are copied by
# reference, which may cause issues in
# the future.
if header is not None:
header = header.copy()
# if a header and xform are provided,
# make sure the xform gets used. Does
# not apply to ANALYZE images,
if header is not None and \
xform is not None and \
isinstance(header, nib.nifti1.Nifti1Header):
sform = int(header.get_sform(True)[1])
qform = int(header.get_qform(True)[1])
header.set_sform(xform, code=sform)
header.set_qform(xform, code=qform)
# The image parameter may be the name of an image file
if isinstance(image, six.string_types):
image = op.abspath(addExt(image))
nibImage = nib.load(image, **kwargs)
dataSource = image
# Or a numpy array - we wrap it in a nibabel image,
# with an identity transformation (each voxel maps
# to 1mm^3 in real world space)
elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
if xform is None:
if header is not None: xform = header.get_best_affine()
else: xform = np.identity(4)
# We default to NIFTI1 and not
# NIFTI2, because the rest of
# FSL is not yet NIFTI2 compatible.
if header is None:
ctr = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image

Paul McCarthy
# make sure that the data type is correct,
# in case this header was passed in from
# a different image
if header is not None:
# But if a nibabel header has been provided,
# we use the corresponding image type
if isinstance(header, nib.nifti2.Nifti2Header):
ctr = nib.nifti2.Nifti2Image
elif isinstance(header, nib.nifti1.Nifti1Header):
ctr = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image
elif isinstance(header, nib.analyze.AnalyzeHeader):
ctr = nib.analyze.AnalyzeImage
nibImage = ctr(image, xform, header=header)
# otherwise, we assume that it is a nibabel image
nibImage = image
# Figure out the name of this image, if
# it has not beenbeen explicitly passed in
if name is None:
# If this image was loaded
# from disk, use the file name.
if isinstance(image, six.string_types):
name = removeExt(op.basename(image))
# Or the image was created from a numpy array
elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
name = 'Numpy array'
# Or image from a nibabel image
name = 'Nibabel image'
Nifti.__init__(self, nibImage.header) = name
self.__lName = '{}_{}'.format(id(self),
self.__dataSource = dataSource
self.__threaded = threaded
self.__nibImage = nibImage
self.__saveState = dataSource is not None
self.__imageWrapper = imagewrapper.ImageWrapper(self.nibImage,,
# Listen to ourself for changes
# to the voxToWorldMat, so we
# can update the saveState.
self.register(, self.__transformChanged, topic='transform')
if calcRange:
self.__imageWrapper.register(self.__lName, self.__dataRangeChanged)
def __hash__(self):
"""Returns a number which uniquely idenfities this ``Image`` instance
(the result of ``id(self)``).
return id(self)
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of this ``Image`` instance."""
return '{}({}, {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,,
def __repr__(self):
"""See the :meth:`__str__` method."""
return self.__str__()
def __del__(self):
"""Closes any open file handles, and clears some references. """

Paul McCarthy
self.header = None
self.__nibImage = None
self.__imageWrapper = None
def getImageWrapper(self):
"""Returns the :class:`.ImageWrapper` instance used to manage
access to the image data.
return self.__imageWrapper
def dataSource(self):
"""Returns the data source (e.g. file name) that this ``Image`` was
loaded from (``None`` if this image only exists in memory).
return self.__dataSource
def nibImage(self):
"""Returns a reference to the ``nibabel`` NIFTI image instance.
return self.__nibImage

Paul McCarthy
def data(self):
"""Returns the image data as a ``numpy`` array.
.. warning:: Calling this method will cause the entire image to be
loaded into memory.
return self[:]
def saveState(self):
"""Returns ``True`` if this ``Image`` has been saved to disk, ``False``
return self.__saveState
def dataRange(self):
"""Returns the image data range as a ``(min, max)`` tuple. If the
``calcRange`` parameter to :meth:`__init__` was ``False``, these
values may not be accurate, and may change as more image data is