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#!/usr/bin/env python
# - The VTKMesh class.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module provides the :class:`VTKMesh` class, for loading triangle
meshes from VTK files.

A handful of convenience functions are also in this module:

.. autosummary::

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Paul McCarthy committed

.. note:: I/O support is very limited - currently, the only supported file
          type is the VTK legacy file format, containing the ``POLYDATA``
          dataset. the :class:`TriangleMesh` class assumes that every polygon
          defined in an input file is a triangle (i.e. refers to three

          for an overview of the VTK legacy file format.

          In the future, I may or may not add support for more complex meshes.

import os.path as op

import numpy as np

import  as fslmesh
import as fslimage

"""A list of file extensions which could contain :class:`VTKMesh` data.

EXTENSION_DESCRIPTIONS = ['VTK polygon model file']
"""A description for each of the extensions in :data:`ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS`."""

class VTKMesh(fslmesh.Mesh):
    """The ``VTKMesh`` class represents a triangle mesh loaded from a VTK
    file. Typically only one set of vertices will be associated with a

    def __init__(self, infile, fixWinding=False):
        """Create a ``VTKMesh``.

        :arg infile:     VTK file to load mesh from.
        :arg fixWinding: See the :meth:`.Mesh.addVertices` method.

        data, lengths, indices = loadVTKPolydataFile(infile)
        name                   = op.basename(infile)
        dataSource             = op.abspath(infile)

        if np.any(lengths != 3):
            raise RuntimeError('All polygons in VTK file must be '
                               'triangles ({})'.format(infile))


def loadVTKPolydataFile(infile):
    """Loads a vtk legacy file containing a ``POLYDATA`` data set.

    :arg infile: Name of a file to load from.

    :returns: a tuple containing three values:

                - A :math:`N\\times 3` ``numpy`` array containing :math:`N`
                - A 1D ``numpy`` array containing the lengths of each polygon.
                - A 1D ``numpy`` array containing the vertex indices for all

    lines = None

    with open(infile, 'rt') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    lines = [l.strip() for l in lines]

    if lines[3] != 'DATASET POLYDATA':
        raise ValueError('Only the POLYDATA data type is supported')

    nVertices = int(lines[4].split()[1])
    nPolygons = int(lines[5 + nVertices].split()[1])
    nIndices  = int(lines[5 + nVertices].split()[2]) - nPolygons

    vertices       = np.zeros((nVertices, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    polygonLengths = np.zeros( nPolygons,     dtype=np.uint32)
    indices        = np.zeros( nIndices,      dtype=np.uint32)

    for i in range(nVertices):
        vertLine       = lines[i + 5]
        vertices[i, :] = [float(w) for w in vertLine.split()]

    indexOffset = 0
    for i in range(nPolygons):

        polyLine          = lines[6 + nVertices + i].split()
        polygonLengths[i] = int(polyLine[0])

        start              = indexOffset
        end                = indexOffset + polygonLengths[i]
        indices[start:end] = [int(w) for w in polyLine[1:]]

        indexOffset        += polygonLengths[i]

    return vertices, polygonLengths, indices

def getFIRSTPrefix(modelfile):
    """If the given ``vtk`` file was generated by `FIRST
    <>`_, this function
    will return the file prefix. Otherwise a ``ValueError`` will be

    if not modelfile.endswith('first.vtk'):
        raise ValueError('Not a first vtk file: {}'.format(modelfile))

    modelfile = op.basename(modelfile)
    prefix    = modelfile.split('-')
    prefix    = '-'.join(prefix[:-1])

    return prefix

def findReferenceImage(modelfile):
    """Given a ``vtk`` file, attempts to find a corresponding ``NIFTI``
    image file. Return the path to the image, or ``None`` if no image was

    Currently this function will only return an image for ``vtk`` files
    generated by `FIRST <>`_.


        dirname  = op.dirname(modelfile)
        prefixes = [getFIRSTPrefix(modelfile)]
    except ValueError:
        return None

    if prefixes[0].endswith('_first'):

    for p in prefixes:
            return fslimage.addExt(op.join(dirname, p), mustExist=True)
        except fslimage.PathError:

    return None