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# - Functions for working with affine transformation matrices.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module provides functions related to 3D image transformations and
spaces. The following functions are provided:

.. autosummary::

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And a few more functions are provided for working with vectors:

.. autosummary::

import numpy           as np
import numpy.linalg    as linalg
import as abc
    """Inverts the given matrix using ``numpy.linalg.inv``. """
def concat(*xforms):
    """Combines the given matrices (returns the dot product)."""

    result = xforms[0]

    for i in range(1, len(xforms)):
        result =, xforms[i])

    return result
    """Returns the length of the given vector(s).

    Multiple vectors may be passed in, with a shape of ``(n, 3)``.
    vec = np.array(vec, copy=False).reshape(-1, 3)
    return np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', vec, vec))
    """Normalises the given vector(s) to unit length.

    Multiple vectors may be passed in, with a shape of ``(n, 3)``.
    vec = np.array(vec, copy=False).reshape(-1, 3)
    n   = (vec.T / veclength(vec)).T

    if n.size == 3:
        n = n[0]

    return n
def scaleOffsetXform(scales, offsets):
    """Creates and returns an affine transformation matrix which encodes
    the specified scale(s) and offset(s).
    :arg scales:  A tuple of up to three values specifying the scale factors
                  for each dimension. If less than length 3, is padded with

    :arg offsets: A tuple of up to three values specifying the offsets for
                  each dimension. If less than length 3, is padded with

    :returns:     A ``numpy.float32`` array of size :math:`4 \\times 4`.
    oktypes = (abc.Sequence, np.ndarray)

    if not isinstance(scales,  oktypes): scales  = [scales]
    if not isinstance(offsets, oktypes): offsets = [offsets]
    if not isinstance(scales,  list):    scales  = list(scales)
    if not isinstance(offsets, list):    offsets = list(offsets)
    if lens < 3: scales  = scales  + [1.0] * (3 - lens)
    if leno < 3: offsets = offsets + [0.0] * (3 - leno)
    xform = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float64)

    xform[0, 0] = scales[0]
    xform[1, 1] = scales[1]
    xform[2, 2] = scales[2]

    xform[0, 3] = offsets[0]
    xform[1, 3] = offsets[1]
    xform[2, 3] = offsets[2]
def compose(scales, offsets, rotations, origin=None):
    """Compose a transformation matrix out of the given scales, offsets
    and axis rotations.

    :arg scales:    Sequence of three scale values.
    :arg offsets:   Sequence of three offset values.
    :arg rotations: Sequence of three rotation values, in radians, or
                    a rotation matrix of shape ``(3, 3)``.
    :arg origin:    Origin of rotation - must be scaled by the ``scales``.
                    If not provided, the rotation origin is ``(0, 0, 0)``.

    preRotate  = np.eye(4)
    postRotate = np.eye(4)

    rotations = np.array(rotations)

    if rotations.shape == (3,):
        rotations = axisAnglesToRotMat(*rotations)

    if origin is not None:
        preRotate[ 0, 3] = -origin[0]
        preRotate[ 1, 3] = -origin[1]
        preRotate[ 2, 3] = -origin[2]
        postRotate[0, 3] =  origin[0]
        postRotate[1, 3] =  origin[1]

    scale  = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float64)
    offset = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float64)
    rotate = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float64)
    scale[  0,  0] = scales[ 0]
    scale[  1,  1] = scales[ 1]
    scale[  2,  2] = scales[ 2]
    offset[ 0,  3] = offsets[0]
    offset[ 1,  3] = offsets[1]
    offset[ 2,  3] = offsets[2]

    return concat(offset, postRotate, rotate, preRotate, scale)

    """Decomposes the given transformation matrix into separate offsets,
    scales, and rotations, according to the algorithm described in:
    Spencer W. Thomas, Decomposing a matrix into simple transformations, pp
    320-323 in *Graphics Gems II*, James Arvo (editor), Academic Press, 1991,
    ISBN: 0120644819.
    It is assumed that the given transform has no perspective components. Any
    shears in the affine are discarded.
    :arg xform:  A ``(4, 4)`` affine transformation matrix.

    :arg angles: If ``True`` (the default), the rotations are returned
                 as axis-angles, in radians. Otherwise, the rotation matrix
                 is returned.
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               - A sequence of three scales
               - A sequence of three translations
               - A sequence of three rotations, in radians. Or, if
                 ``angles is False``, a rotation matrix.
    # The inline comments in the code below are taken verbatim from
    # the referenced article, [except for notes in square brackets].
    # The next step is to extract the translations. This is trivial;
    # we find t_x = M_{4,1}, t_y = M_{4,2}, and t_z = M_{4,3}. At this
    # point we are left with a 3*3 matrix M' = M_{1..3,1..3}.
    xform        = xform.T
    translations = xform[ 3, :3]
    xform        = xform[:3, :3]

    M1 = xform[0]
    M2 = xform[1]
    M3 = xform[2]

    # The process of finding the scaling factors and shear parameters
    # is interleaved. First, find s_x = |M'_1|.
    sx = np.sqrt(, M1))

    # Then, compute an initial value for the xy shear factor,
    # s_xy = M'_1 * M'_2. (this is too large by the y scaling factor).
    sxy =, M2)

    # The second row of the matrix is made orthogonal to the first by
    # setting M'_2 = M'_2 - s_xy * M'_1.
    M2 = M2 - sxy * M1

    # Then the y scaling factor, s_y, is the length of the modified
    # second row.
    sy = np.sqrt(, M2))

    # The second row is normalized, and s_xy is divided by s_y to
    # get its final value.
    M2  = M2  / sy
    sxy = sxy / sy

    # The xz and yz shear factors are computed as in the preceding,
    sxz =, M3)
    syz =, M3)

    # the third row is made orthogonal to the first two rows,
    M3 = M3 - sxz * M1 - syz * M2

    # the z scaling factor is computed,
    sz = np.sqrt(, M3))

    # the third row is normalized, and the xz and yz shear factors are
    # rescaled.
    M3  = M3  / sz
    sxz = sxz / sz
    syz = sxz / sz

    # The resulting matrix now is a pure rotation matrix, except that it
    # might still include a scale factor of -1. If the determinant of the
    # matrix is -1, negate the matrix and all three scaling factors. Call
    # the resulting matrix R.
    # [We do things different here - if the rotation matrix has negative
    #  determinant, the flip is encoded in the x scaling factor.]
    R = np.array([M1, M2, M3])
    if linalg.det(R) < 0:
        R[0] = -R[0]
        sx   = -sx

    # Finally, we need to decompose the rotation matrix into a sequence
    # of rotations about the x, y, and z axes. [This is done in the
    # rotMatToAxisAngles function]
    if angles: rotations = rotMatToAxisAngles(R.T)
    else:      rotations = R.T

    return [sx, sy, sz], translations, rotations

def rotMatToAffine(rotmat, origin=None):
    """Convenience function which encodes the given ``(3, 3)`` rotation
    matrix into a ``(4, 4)`` affine.
    return compose([1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], rotmat, origin)

def rotMatToAxisAngles(rotmat):
    """Given a ``(3, 3)`` rotation matrix, decomposes the rotations into
    an angle in radians about each axis.

    yrot = np.sqrt(rotmat[0, 0] ** 2 + rotmat[1, 0] ** 2)

    if np.isclose(yrot, 0):
        xrot = np.arctan2(-rotmat[1, 2], rotmat[1, 1])
        yrot = np.arctan2(-rotmat[2, 0], yrot)
        zrot = 0
        xrot = np.arctan2( rotmat[2, 1], rotmat[2, 2])
        yrot = np.arctan2(-rotmat[2, 0], yrot)
        zrot = np.arctan2( rotmat[1, 0], rotmat[0, 0])

    return [xrot, yrot, zrot]

def axisAnglesToRotMat(xrot, yrot, zrot):
    """Constructs a ``(3, 3)`` rotation matrix from the given angles, which
    must be specified in radians.

    xmat = np.eye(3)
    ymat = np.eye(3)
    zmat = np.eye(3)
    xmat[1, 1] =  np.cos(xrot)
    xmat[1, 2] = -np.sin(xrot)
    xmat[2, 1] =  np.sin(xrot)
    xmat[2, 2] =  np.cos(xrot)

    ymat[0, 0] =  np.cos(yrot)
    ymat[0, 2] =  np.sin(yrot)
    ymat[2, 0] = -np.sin(yrot)
    ymat[2, 2] =  np.cos(yrot)

    zmat[0, 0] =  np.cos(zrot)
    zmat[0, 1] = -np.sin(zrot)
    zmat[1, 0] =  np.sin(zrot)
    zmat[1, 1] =  np.cos(zrot)

    return concat(zmat, ymat, xmat)

def axisBounds(shape,
    """Returns the ``(lo, hi)`` bounds of the specified axis/axes in the
    world coordinate system defined by ``xform``.
    If the ``origin`` parameter is set to  ``centre`` (the default),
    this function assumes that voxel indices correspond to the voxel
    centre. For example, the voxel at ``(4, 5, 6)`` covers the space:
      ``[3.5 - 4.5, 4.5 - 5.5, 5.5 - 6.5]``
    So the bounds of the specified shape extends from the corner at

      ``(shape[0] - 0.5, shape[1] - 0.5, shape[1] - 0.5)``

    If the ``origin`` parameter is set to ``corner``, this function
    assumes that voxel indices correspond to the voxel corner. In this
    case, a voxel  at ``(4, 5, 6)`` covers the space:
    So the bounds of the specified shape extends from the corner at

      ``(shape[0], shape[1], shape[1])``.

    If the ``boundary`` parameter is set to ``high``, the high voxel bounds
    are reduced by a small amount (specified by the ``offset`` parameter)
    before they are transformed to the world coordinate system.  If
    ``boundary`` is set to ``low``, the low bounds are increased by a small
    amount.  The ``boundary`` parameter can also be set to ``'both'``, or
    ``None``. This option is provided so that you can ensure that the
    resulting bounds will always be contained within the image space.
    :arg shape:    The ``(x, y, z)`` shape of the data.

    :arg xform:    Transformation matrix which transforms voxel coordinates
                   to the world coordinate system.

    :arg axes:     The world coordinate system axis bounds to calculate.
    :arg origin:   Either ``'centre'`` (the default) or ``'corner'``.
    :arg boundary: Either ``'high'`` (the default), ``'low'``, ''`both'``,
    :arg offset:   Amount by which the boundary voxel coordinates should be
                   offset. Defaults to ``1e-4``.
    :returns:      A tuple containing the ``(low, high)`` bounds for each
                   requested world coordinate system axis.
    origin = origin.lower()

    # lousy US spelling
    if origin == 'center':
        origin = 'centre'

    if origin not in ('centre', 'corner'):
        raise ValueError('Invalid origin value: {}'.format(origin))
    if boundary not in ('low', 'high', 'both', None):
        raise ValueError('Invalid boundary value: {}'.format(boundary))
    scalar = False

    if axes is None:
        axes = [0, 1, 2]
    elif not isinstance(axes, abc.Iterable):
    points = np.zeros((8, 3), dtype=np.float32)

    if origin == 'centre':
        x0 = -0.5
        y0 = -0.5
        z0 = -0.5
        x -=  0.5
        y -=  0.5
        z -=  0.5
        x0 = 0
        y0 = 0
        z0 = 0

    if boundary in ('low', 'both'):
        x0 += offset
        y0 += offset
        z0 += offset
    if boundary in ('high', 'both'):
        x  -= offset
        y  -= offset
        z  -= offset

    points[0, :] = [x0, y0, z0]
    points[1, :] = [x0, y0,  z]
    points[2, :] = [x0,  y, z0]
    points[3, :] = [x0,  y,  z]
    points[4, :] = [x,  y0, z0]
    points[5, :] = [x,  y0,  z]
    points[6, :] = [x,   y, z0]
    points[7, :] = [x,   y,  z]
    lo = tx[:, axes].min(axis=0)
    hi = tx[:, axes].max(axis=0)
    if scalar: return (lo[0], hi[0])
    else:      return (lo,    hi)
def transform(p, xform, axes=None, vector=False):
    """Transforms the given set of points ``p`` according to the given affine
    :arg p:      A sequence or array of points of shape :math:`N \\times  3`.
    :arg xform:  A ``(4, 4)`` affine transformation matrix with which to
                 transform the points in ``p``.
    :arg axes:   If you are only interested in one or two axes, and the source
                 axes are orthogonal to the target axes (see the note below),
                 you may pass in a 1D, ``N*1``, or ``N*2`` array as ``p``, and
                 use this argument to specify which axis/axes that the data in
                 ``p`` correspond to.
    :arg vector: Defaults to ``False``. If ``True``, the points are treated
                 as vectors - the translation component of the transformation
                 is not applied. If you set this flag, you pass in a ``(3, 3)``
                 transformation matrix.

    :returns:    The points in ``p``, transformed by ``xform``, as a ``numpy``
                 array with the same data type as the input.

    .. note:: The ``axes`` argument should only be used if the source
              coordinate system (the points in ``p``) axes are orthogonal
              to the target coordinate system (defined by the ``xform``).

              In other words, you can only use the ``axes`` argument if
              the ``xform`` matrix consists solely of translations and
    t  =[:3, :3], p.T).T

    if not vector:
        t = t + xform[:3, 3]
    if axes is not None:
        t = t[:, axes]
    if t.size == 1: return t[0]
    else:           return t
def transformNormal(p, xform, axes=None):
    """Transforms the given point(s), under the assumption that they
    are normal vectors. In this case, the points are transformed by
    ``invert(xform[:3, :3]).T``.
    return transform(p, invert(xform[:3, :3]).T, axes, vector=True)

def _fillPoints(p, axes):
    """Used by the :func:`transform` function. Turns the given array p into
    a ``N*3`` array of ``x,y,z`` coordinates. The array p may be a 1D array,
    or an ``N*2`` or ``N*3`` array.
    if not isinstance(p, abc.Iterable): p = [p]
    if not isinstance(axes, abc.Iterable): axes = [axes]

    if p.ndim == 1:
        p = p.reshape((len(p), 1))

    if p.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('Points array must be either one or two '

    if len(axes) != p.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Points array shape does not match specified '
                         'number of axes')

    newp = np.zeros((len(p), 3), dtype=p.dtype)

    for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
        newp[:, ax] = p[:, i]

    return newp

def flirtMatrixToSform(flirtMat, srcImage, refImage):
    """Converts the given ``FLIRT`` transformation matrix into a
    transformation from the source image voxel coordinate system to
    the reference image world coordinate system.

    FLIRT transformation matrices transform from the source image scaled voxel
    coordinate system into the reference image scaled voxel coordinate system
    (voxels scaled by pixdims, with a left-right flip if the image sform has a
    positive determinant).

    So to construct a transformation from source image voxel coordinates
    into reference image world coordinates, we need to combine the following:

      1. Source voxels -> Source scaled voxels
      2. Source scaled voxels -> Reference scaled voxels (the FLIRT matrix)
      3. Reference scaled voxels -> Reference voxels
      4. Reference voxels -> Reference world (the reference image sform)

    :arg flirtMat: A ``(4, 4)`` transformation matrix
    :arg srcImage: Source :class:`.Image`
    :arg refImage: Reference :class:`.Image`
    srcScaledVoxelMat    = srcImage.voxToScaledVoxMat
    refInvScaledVoxelMat = refImage.scaledVoxToVoxMat
    refVoxToWorldMat     = refImage.voxToWorldMat

    return concat(refVoxToWorldMat,

def sformToFlirtMatrix(srcImage, refImage, srcXform=None):
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    """Under the assumption that the given ``srcImage`` and ``refImage`` share a
    common world coordinate system (defined by their
    :attr:`.Nifti.voxToWorldMat` attributes), this function will calculate and
    return a transformation matrix from the ``srcImage`` scaled voxel
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    coordinate system to the ``refImage`` scaled voxel coordinate system, that
    can be saved to disk and used with FLIRT, to resample the source image to
    the reference image.

    :arg srcImage: Source :class:`.Image`
    :arg refImage: Reference :class:`.Image`
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    :arg srcXform: Optionally used in place of the ``srcImage``
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    srcScaledVoxToVoxMat = srcImage.scaledVoxToVoxMat
    srcVoxToWorldMat     = srcImage.voxToWorldMat
    refWorldToVoxMat     = refImage.worldToVoxMat
    refVoxToScaledVoxMat = refImage.voxToScaledVoxMat
    return concat(refVoxToScaledVoxMat,

def rmsdev(T1, T2, R=None, xc=None):
    """Calculates the RMS deviation of the given affine transforms ``T1`` and
    ``T2``. This can be used as a measure of the 'distance' between two

    The ``T1`` and ``T2`` arguments may be either full ``(4, 4)`` affines, or
    ``(3, 3)`` rotation matrices.

    See FMRIB technical report TR99MJ1, available at:

    :arg T1:  First affine
    :arg T2:  Second affine
    :arg R:   Sphere radius
    :arg xc:  Sphere centre
    :returns: The RMS deviation between ``T1`` and ``T2``.

    if R is None:
        R = 1

    if xc is None:
        xc = np.zeros(3)

    # rotations only
    if T1.shape == (3, 3):
        M =, invert(T1)) - np.eye(3)
        A = M[:3, :3]
        t = np.zeros(3)

    # full affine
        M =, invert(T1)) - np.eye(4)
        A = M[:3, :3]
        t = M[:3,  3]

    Axc =, xc)

    erms = + Axc).T, t + Axc)
    erms = 0.2 * R ** 2 *, A).trace() + erms
    erms = np.sqrt(erms)

    return erms