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Paul McCarthy authoredPaul McCarthy authored 42.00 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - The ImageWrapper class.
# Author: Paul McCarthy <>
"""This module provides the :class:`ImageWrapper` class, which can be used
to manage data access to ``nibabel`` NIFTI images.
There are some confusing terms used in this module, so it may be useful to
get their definitions straight:
- *Coverage*: The portion of an image that has been covered in the data
range calculation. The ``ImageWrapper`` keeps track of
the coverage for individual volumes within a 4D image (or
slices in a 3D image).
- *Slice*: Portion of the image data which is being accessed. A slice
comprises either a tuple of ``slice`` objects (or integers),
or a sequence of ``(low, high)`` tuples, specifying the
index range into each image dimension that is covered by
the slice.
- *Expansion*: A sequence of ``(low, high)`` tuples, specifying an
index range into each image dimension, that is used to
*expand* the *coverage* of an image, based on a given set
of *slices*.
- *Fancy slice*: Any object which is used to slice an array, and is not
an ``int``, ``slice``, or ``Ellipsis``, or sequence of
import logging
import collections
import as abc
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import fsl.utils.notifier as notifier
import fsl.utils.naninfrange as nir
import fsl.utils.idle as idle
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ImageWrapper(notifier.Notifier):
"""The ``ImageWrapper`` class is a convenience class which manages data
access to ``nibabel`` NIFTI images. The ``ImageWrapper`` class can be
used to:
- Control whether the image is loaded into memory, or kept on disk
- Incrementally update the known image data range, as more image
data is read in.
*In memory or on disk?*
The image data will be kept on disk, and accessed through the
``nibabel.Nifti1Image.dataobj`` (or ``nibabel.Nifti2Image.dataobj``) array
proxy, if:
- The ``loadData`` parameter to :meth:`__init__` is ``False``.
- The :meth:`loadData` method never gets called.
- The image data is not modified (via :meth:`__setitem__`.
If any of these conditions do not hold, the image data will be loaded into
memory and accessed directly.
*Image dimensionality*
The ``ImageWrapper`` abstracts away trailing image dimensions of length 1.
This means that if the header for a NIFTI image specifies that the image
has four dimensions, but the fourth dimension is of length 1, you do not
need to worry about indexing that fourth dimension. However, all NIFTI
images will be presented as having at least three dimensions, so if your
image header specifies a third dimension of length 1, you will still
need provide an index of 0 for that dimensions, for all data accesses.
*Data access*
The ``ImageWrapper`` can be indexed in one of two ways:
- With basic ``numpy``-like multi-dimensional array slicing (with step
sizes of 1)
- With boolean array indexing, where the boolean/mask array has the
same shape as the image data.
See for
more details on numpy indexing.
*Data range*
In order to avoid the computational overhead of calculating the image data
range (its minimum/maximum values) when an image is first loaded in, an
``ImageWrapper`` incrementally updates the known image data range as data
is accessed. The ``ImageWrapper`` keeps track of the image data *coverage*,
the portion of the image which has already been considered in the data
range calculation. When data from a region of the image not in the coverage
is accessed, the coverage is expanded to include this region. The coverage
is always expanded in a rectilinear manner, i.e. the coverage is always
rectangular for a 2D image, or cuboid for a 3D image.
For a 4D image, the ``ImageWrapper`` internally maintains a separate
coverage and known data range for each 3D volume within the image. For a 3D
image, separate coverages and data ranges are stored for each 2D slice.
The ``ImageWrapper`` implements the :class:`.Notifier` interface.
Listeners can register to be notified whenever the known image data range
is updated. The data range can be accessed via the :attr:`dataRange`
The ``ImageWrapper`` class uses the following functions (also defined in
this module) to keep track of the portion of the image that has currently
been included in the data range calculation:
.. autosummary::
def __init__(self,
"""Create an ``ImageWrapper``.
:arg image: A ``nibabel.Nifti1Image`` or ``nibabel.Nifti2Image``.
:arg name: A name for this ``ImageWrapper``, solely used for
debug log messages.
:arg loadData: If ``True``, the image data is loaded into memory.
Otherwise it is kept on disk (and data access is
performed through the ``nibabel.Nifti1Image.dataobj``
array proxy).
:arg dataRange: A tuple containing the initial ``(min, max)`` data
range to use. See the :meth:`reset` method for
important information about this parameter.
:arg threaded: If ``True``, the data range is updated on a
:class:`.TaskThread`. Otherwise (the default), the
data range is updated directly on reads/writes.
import as fslimage
self.__image = image
self.__name = name
self.__taskThread = None
# Save the number of 'real' dimensions,
# that is the number of dimensions minus
# any trailing dimensions of length 1
self.__numRealDims = len(image.shape)
for d in reversed(image.shape):
if d == 1: self.__numRealDims -= 1
else: break
# Degenerate case - less
# than three real dimensions
if self.__numRealDims < 3:
self.__numRealDims = min(3, len(image.shape))
# And save the number of
# 'padding' dimensions too.
self.__numPadDims = len(image.shape) - self.__numRealDims
# Too many shapes! Figure out
# what shape we should present
# the data as (e.g. at least 3
# dimensions). This is used in
# __getitem__ to force the
# result to have the correct
# dimensionality.
self.__canonicalShape = fslimage.canonicalShape(image.shape)
# The internal state is stored
# in these attributes - they're
# initialised in the reset method.
self.__range = None
self.__coverage = None
self.__volRanges = None
self.__covered = False
# We keep an internal ref to
# the data numpy array if/when
# it is loaded in memory
self.__data = None
if loadData or image.in_memory:
if threaded:
self.__taskThread = idle.TaskThread()
self.__taskThread.daemon = True
def __del__(self):
"""If this ``ImageWrapper`` was created with ``threaded=True``,
the :class:`.TaskThread` is stopped.
self.__image = None
self.__data = None
if self.__taskThread is not None:
self.__taskThread = None
def getTaskThread(self):
"""If this ``ImageWrapper`` was created with ``threaded=True``,
this method returns the ``TaskThread`` that is used for running
data range calculation tasks. Otherwise, this method returns
return self.__taskThread
def reset(self, dataRange=None):
"""Reset the internal state and known data range of this
:arg dataRange: A tuple containing the initial ``(min, max)`` data
range to use.
.. note:: The ``dataRange`` parameter is intended for situations where
the image data range is known in advance (e.g. it was
calculated earlier, and the image is being re-loaded). If a
``dataRange`` is passed in, it will *not* be overwritten by
any range calculated from the data, unless the calculated
data range is wider than the provided ``dataRange``.
if dataRange is None:
dataRange = None, None
image = self.__image
ndims = self.__numRealDims - 1
nvols = image.shape[self.__numRealDims - 1]
# The current known image data range. This
# gets updated as more image data gets read.
self.__range = dataRange
# The coverage array is used to keep track of
# the portions of the image which have been
# considered in the data range calculation.
# We use this coverage to avoid unnecessarily
# re-calculating the data range on the same
# part of the image.
# First of all, we're going to store a separate
# 'coverage' for each 2D slice in the 3D image
# (or 3D volume for 4D images). This effectively
# means a seaprate coverage for each index in the
# last 'real' image dimension (see above).
# For each slice/volume, the the coverage is
# stored as sequences of (low, high) indices, one
# for each dimension in the slice/volume (e.g.
# row/column for a slice, or row/column/depth
# for a volume).
# All of these indices are stored in a numpy array:
# - first dimension: low/high index
# - second dimension: image dimension
# - third dimension: slice/volume index
self.__coverage = np.zeros((2, ndims, nvols), dtype=np.float32)
# Internally, we calculate and store the
# data range for each volume/slice/vector
# We use nan as a placeholder, so the
# dtype must be non-integral. The
# len(dtype) check takes into account
# structured data (e.g. RGB)
dtype = self.__image.get_data_dtype()
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) or len(dtype) > 0:
dtype = np.float32
self.__volRanges = np.zeros((nvols, 2),
self.__coverage[ :] = np.nan
self.__volRanges[:] = np.nan
# This flag is set to true if/when the
# full image data range becomes known
# (i.e. when all data has been loaded in).
self.__covered = False
def dataRange(self):
"""Returns the currently known data range as a tuple of ``(min, max)``
# If no image data has been accessed, we
# default to whatever is stored in the
# header (which may or may not contain
# useful values).
low, high = self.__range
hdr = self.__image.header
if low is None: low = float(hdr['cal_min'])
if high is None: high = float(hdr['cal_max'])
return low, high
def covered(self):
"""Returns ``True`` if this ``ImageWrapper`` has read the entire
image data, ``False`` otherwise.
return self.__covered
def shape(self):
"""Returns the shape that the image data is presented as. This is
the same as the underlying image shape, but with trailing dimensions
of length 1 removed, and at least three dimensions.
return self.__canonicalShape
def coverage(self, vol):
"""Returns the current image data coverage for the specified volume
(for a 4D image, slice for a 3D image, or vector for a 2D images).
:arg vol: Index of the volume/slice/vector to return the coverage
:returns: The coverage for the specified volume, as a ``numpy``
array of shape ``(nd, 2)``, where ``nd`` is the number
of dimensions in the volume.
.. note:: If the specified volume is not covered, the returned array
will contain ``np.nan`` values.
return np.array(self.__coverage[..., vol])
def loadData(self):
"""Forces all of the image data to be loaded into memory.
.. note:: This method will be called by :meth:`__init__` if its
``loadData`` parameter is ``True``. It will also be called
on all write operations (see :meth:`__setitem__`).
if self.__data is None:
self.__data = np.asanyarray(self.__image.dataobj)
def __getData(self, sliceobj, isTuple=False):
"""Retrieves the image data at the location specified by ``sliceobj``.
:arg sliceobj: Something which can be used to slice an array, or
a sequence of (low, high) index pairs.
:arg isTuple: Set to ``True`` if ``sliceobj`` is a sequence of
(low, high) index pairs.
if isTuple:
sliceobj = sliceTupleToSliceObj(sliceobj)
# If the image has not been loaded
# into memory, we can use the nibabel
# ArrayProxy. Otheriwse if it is in
# memory, we can access it directly.
# Note also that if the caller has
# given us a 'fancy' slice object (a
# boolean numpy array), but the image
# data is not in memory, we can't access
# the data, as the nibabel ArrayProxy
# (the dataobj attribute) cannot handle
# fancy indexing. In this case an error
# will be raised.
if self.__data is not None: return self.__data[ sliceobj]
else: return self.__image.dataobj[sliceobj]
def __imageIsCovered(self):
"""Returns ``True`` if all portions of the image have been covered
in the data range calculation, ``False`` otherwise.
shape = self.__image.shape
slices = [[0, s] for s in shape]
return sliceCovered(slices, self.__coverage)
def __expandCoverage(self, slices):
"""Expands the current image data range and coverage to encompass the
given ``slices``.
_, expansions = calcExpansion(slices, self.__coverage)
expansions = collapseExpansions(expansions, self.__numRealDims - 1)
log.debug('Updating image %s data range [slice: %s] '
'(current range: [%s, %s]; '
'number of expansions: %s; '
'current coverage: %s; '
'volume ranges: %s)',
# As we access the data for each expansions,
# we want it to have the same dimensionality
# as the full image, so we can access data
# for each volume in the image separately.
# So we squeeze out the padding dimensions,
# but not the volume dimension.
squeezeDims = tuple(range(self.__numRealDims,
self.__numRealDims + self.__numPadDims))
# The calcExpansion function splits up the
# expansions on volumes - here we calculate
# the min/max per volume/expansion, and
# iteratively update the stored per-volume
# coverage and data range.
for exp in expansions:
data = self.__getData(exp, isTuple=True)
data = data.squeeze(squeezeDims)
vlo, vhi = exp[self.__numRealDims - 1]
for vi, vol in enumerate(range(vlo, vhi)):
oldvlo, oldvhi = self.__volRanges[vol, :]
voldata = data[..., vi]
newvlo, newvhi = nir.naninfrange(voldata)
if np.isnan(newvlo) or \
(not np.isnan(oldvlo) and oldvlo < newvlo):
newvlo = oldvlo
if np.isnan(newvhi) or \
(not np.isnan(oldvhi) and oldvhi > newvhi):
newvhi = oldvhi
# Update the stored range and
# coverage for each volume
self.__volRanges[vol, :] = newvlo, newvhi
self.__coverage[..., vol] = adjustCoverage(
self.__coverage[..., vol], exp)
# Calculate the new known data
# range over the entire image
# (i.e. over all volumes).
newmin, newmax = nir.naninfrange(self.__volRanges)
oldmin, oldmax = self.__range
self.__range = (newmin, newmax)
self.__covered = self.__imageIsCovered()
if any((oldmin is None, oldmax is None)) or \
not np.all(np.isclose([oldmin, oldmax], [newmin, newmax])):
log.debug('Image %s range changed: [%s, %s] -> [%s, %s]',
def __updateDataRangeOnRead(self, slices, data):
"""Called by :meth:`__getitem__`. Calculates the minimum/maximum
values of the given data (which has been extracted from the portion of
the image specified by ``slices``), and updates the known data range
of the image.
:arg slices: A tuple of tuples, each tuple being a ``(low, high)``
index pair, one for each dimension in the image.
:arg data: The image data at the given ``slices`` (as a ``numpy``
# TODO You could do something with
# the provided data to avoid
# reading it in again.
if self.__taskThread is None:
name = '{}_read_{}'.format(id(self), slices)
if not self.__taskThread.isQueued(name):
self.__expandCoverage, slices, taskName=name)
def __updateDataRangeOnWrite(self, slices, data):
"""Called by :meth:`__setitem__`. Assumes that the image data has
been changed (the data at ``slices`` has been replaced with ``data``.
Updates the image data coverage, and known data range accordingly.
:arg slices: A tuple of tuples, each tuple being a ``(low, high)``
index pair, one for each dimension in the image.
:arg data: The image data at the given ``slices`` (as a ``numpy``
overlap = sliceOverlap(slices, self.__coverage)
# If there's no overlap between the written
# area and the current coverage, then it's
# easy - we just expand the coverage to
# include the newly written area.
# But if there is overlap between the written
# area and the current coverage, things are
# more complicated, because the portion of
# the image that has been written over may
# have contained the currently known data
# minimum/maximum. We have no way of knowing
# this, so we have to reset the coverage (on
# the affected volumes), and recalculate the
# data range.
if overlap in (OVERLAP_SOME, OVERLAP_ALL):
# TODO Could you store the location of the
# data minimum/maximum (in each volume),
# so you know whether resetting the
# coverage is necessary?
lowVol, highVol = slices[self.__numRealDims - 1]
# We create a single slice which
# encompasses the given slice, and
# all existing coverages for each
# volume in the given slice. The
# data range for this slice will
# be recalculated.
slices = adjustCoverage(self.__coverage[:, :, lowVol], slices)
for vol in range(lowVol + 1, highVol):
slices = adjustCoverage(slices, self.__coverage[:, :, vol].T)
slices = np.array(slices.T, dtype=np.uint32)
slices = tuple(it.chain(map(tuple, slices), [(lowVol, highVol)]))
log.debug('Image %s data written - clearing known data '
'range on volumes %s - %s (write slice: %s; '
'coverage: %s; volRanges: %s)',
self.__coverage[:, :, lowVol:highVol],
self.__volRanges[lowVol:highVol, :])
for vol in range(lowVol, highVol):
self.__coverage[:, :, vol] = np.nan
self.__volRanges[ vol, :] = np.nan
if self.__taskThread is None:
name = '{}_write_{}'.format(id(self), slices)
if not self.__taskThread.isQueued(name):
self.__expandCoverage, slices, taskName=name)
def __getitem__(self, sliceobj):
"""Returns the image data for the given ``sliceobj``, and updates
the known image data range if necessary.
:arg sliceobj: Something which can slice the image data.
log.debug('Getting image data: %s', sliceobj)
shape = self.__canonicalShape
realShape = self.__image.shape
sliceobj = canonicalSliceObj( sliceobj, shape)
fancy = isValidFancySliceObj(sliceobj, shape)
expNdims, expShape = expectedShape( sliceobj, shape)
# TODO Cache 3D images for large 4D volumes,
# so you don't have to hit the disk?
# Make the slice object compatible with the
# actual image shape, and retrieve the data.
sliceobj = canonicalSliceObj(sliceobj, realShape)
data = self.__getData(sliceobj)
# Update data range for the
# data that we just read in
if not self.__covered:
slices = sliceObjToSliceTuple(sliceobj, realShape)
if not sliceCovered(slices, self.__coverage):
self.__updateDataRangeOnRead(slices, data)
# Make sure that the result has the
# shape that the caller is expecting.
if fancy: data = data.reshape((data.size, ))
else: data = data.reshape(expShape)
# If expNdims == 0, we should
# return a scalar. If expNdims
# == 0, but data.size != 1,
# something is wrong somewhere
# (and is not being handled
# here).
if expNdims == 0 and data.size == 1:
# Funny behaviour with numpy scalar arrays.
# data[()] returns a numpy scalar (which is
# what we want). But data.item() returns a
# python scalar. And if the data is a
# ndarray with 0 dims, data[0] will raise
# an error!
data = data[()]
return data
def __setitem__(self, sliceobj, values):
"""Writes the given ``values`` to the image at the given ``sliceobj``.
:arg sliceobj: Something which can be used to slice the array.
:arg values: Data to write to the image.
.. note:: Modifying image data will cause the entire image to be
loaded into memory.
realShape = self.__image.shape
sliceobj = canonicalSliceObj( sliceobj, realShape)
slices = sliceObjToSliceTuple(sliceobj, realShape)
# If the image shape does not match its
# 'display' shape (either less three
# dims, or has trailing dims of length
# 1), we might need to re-shape the
# values to prevent numpy from raising
# an error in the assignment below.
if realShape != self.__canonicalShape:
expNdims, expShape = expectedShape(sliceobj, realShape)
# If we are slicing a scalar, the
# assigned value has to be scalar.
if expNdims == 0 and isinstance(values, abc.Sequence):
if len(values) > 1:
raise IndexError('Invalid assignment: [{}] = {}'.format(
sliceobj, len(values)))
values = np.array(values).flatten()[0]
# Make sure that the values
# have a compatible shape.
values = np.array(values)
if values.shape != expShape:
values = values.reshape(expShape)
# The image data has to be in memory
# for the data to be changed. If it's
# already in memory, this call won't
# have any effect.
self.__data[sliceobj] = values
self.__updateDataRangeOnWrite(slices, values)
def isValidFancySliceObj(sliceobj, shape):
"""Returns ``True`` if the given ``sliceobj`` is a valid and fancy slice
``nibabel`` refers to slice objects as "fancy" if they comprise anything
but tuples of integers and simple ``slice`` objects. The ``ImageWrapper``
class supports one type of "fancy" slicing, where the ``sliceobj`` is a
boolean ``numpy`` array of the same shape as the image.
This function returns ``True`` if the given ``sliceobj`` adheres to these
requirements, ``False`` otherwise.
# We only support boolean numpy arrays
# which have the same shape as the image
return (isinstance(sliceobj, np.ndarray) and
sliceobj.dtype == np.bool and ==
def canonicalSliceObj(sliceobj, shape):
"""Returns a canonical version of the given ``sliceobj``. See the
``nibabel.fileslice.canonical_slicers`` function.
# Fancy slice objects must have
# the same shape as the data
if isValidFancySliceObj(sliceobj, shape):
return sliceobj.reshape(shape)
if not isinstance(sliceobj, tuple):
sliceobj = (sliceobj,)
if len(sliceobj) > len(shape):
sliceobj = sliceobj[:len(shape)]
return nib.fileslice.canonical_slicers(sliceobj, shape)
def expectedShape(sliceobj, shape):
"""Given a slice object, and the shape of an array to which
that slice object is going to be applied, returns the expected
shape of the result.
.. note:: It is assumed that the ``sliceobj`` has been passed through
the :func:`canonicalSliceObj` function.
:arg sliceobj: Something which can be used to slice an array
of shape ``shape``.
:arg shape: Shape of the array being sliced.
:returns: A tuple containing:
- Expected number of dimensions of the result
- Expected shape of the result (or ``None`` if
``sliceobj`` is fancy).
if isValidFancySliceObj(sliceobj, shape):
return 1, None
# Truncate some dimensions from the
# slice object if it has too many
# (e.g. trailing dims of length 1).
elif len(sliceobj) > len(shape):
sliceobj = sliceobj[:len(shape)]
# Figure out the number of dimensions
# that the result should have, given
# this slice object.
expShape = []
for i in range(len(sliceobj)):
# Each dimension which has an
# int slice will be collapsed
if isinstance(sliceobj[i], int):
start = sliceobj[i].start
stop = sliceobj[i].stop
if start is None: start = 0
if stop is None: stop = shape[i]
stop = min(stop, shape[i])
expShape.append(stop - start)
return len(expShape), expShape
def sliceObjToSliceTuple(sliceobj, shape):
"""Turns an array slice object into a tuple of (low, high) index
pairs, one pair for each dimension in the given shape
:arg sliceobj: Something which can be used to slice an array of shape
:arg shape: Shape of the array being sliced.
if isValidFancySliceObj(sliceobj, shape):
return tuple((0, s) for s in shape)
indices = []
# The sliceobj could be a single sliceobj
# or integer, instead of a tuple
if not isinstance(sliceobj, abc.Sequence):
sliceobj = [sliceobj]
# Turn e.g. array[6] into array[6, :, :]
if len(sliceobj) != len(shape):
missing = len(shape) - len(sliceobj)
sliceobj = list(sliceobj) + [slice(None) for i in range(missing)]
for dim, s in enumerate(sliceobj):
# each element in the slices tuple should
# be a slice object or an integer
if isinstance(s, slice): i = [s.start, s.stop]
else: i = [s, s + 1]
if i[0] is None: i[0] = 0
if i[1] is None: i[1] = shape[dim]
return tuple(indices)
def sliceTupleToSliceObj(slices):
"""Turns a sequence of (low, high) index pairs into a tuple of array
``slice`` objects.
:arg slices: A sequence of (low, high) index pairs.
sliceobj = []
for lo, hi in slices:
sliceobj.append(slice(lo, hi, 1))
return tuple(sliceobj)
def adjustCoverage(oldCoverage, slices):
"""Adjusts/expands the given ``oldCoverage`` so that it covers the
given set of ``slices``.
:arg oldCoverage: A ``numpy`` array of shape ``(2, n)`` containing
the (low, high) index pairs for ``n`` dimensions of
a single slice/volume in the image.
:arg slices: A sequence of (low, high) index pairs. If ``slices``
contains more dimensions than are specified in
``oldCoverage``, the trailing dimensions are ignored.
:return: A ``numpy`` array containing the adjusted/expanded coverage.
newCoverage = np.zeros(oldCoverage.shape, dtype=oldCoverage.dtype)
for dim in range(oldCoverage.shape[1]):
low, high = slices[ dim]
lowCover, highCover = oldCoverage[:, dim]
if np.isnan(lowCover) or low < lowCover: lowCover = low
if np.isnan(highCover) or high > highCover: highCover = high
newCoverage[:, dim] = lowCover, highCover
return newCoverage
"""Indicates that the slice is wholly contained within the coverage. This is
a return code for the :func:`sliceOverlap` function.
"""Indicates that the slice partially overlaps with the coverage. This is a
return code for the :func:`sliceOverlap` function.
"""Indicates that the slice does not overlap with the coverage. This is a
return code for the :func:`sliceOverlap` function.
def sliceOverlap(slices, coverage):
"""Determines whether the given ``slices`` overlap with the given
:arg slices: A sequence of (low, high) index pairs, assumed to cover
all image dimensions.
:arg coverage: A ``numpy`` array of shape ``(2, nd, nv)`` (where ``nd``
is the number of dimensions being covered, and ``nv`` is
the number of volumes (or vectors/slices) in the image,
which contains the (low, high) index pairs describing
the current image coverage.
:returns: One of the following codes:
.. autosummary::
numDims = coverage.shape[1]
lowVol, highVol = slices[numDims]
# Overlap state is calculated for each volume
overlapStates = np.zeros(highVol - lowVol)
for i, vol in enumerate(range(lowVol, highVol)):
for dim in range(numDims):
lowCover, highCover = coverage[:, dim, vol]
lowSlice, highSlice = slices[ dim]
# No coverage
if np.isnan(lowCover) or np.isnan(highCover):
# The slice is contained within the
# coverage on this dimension - check
# the other dimensions.
if lowSlice >= lowCover and highSlice <= highCover:
# The slice does not overlap at all
# with the coverage on this dimension
# (or at all). No overlap - no need
# to check the other dimensions.
if lowSlice >= highCover or highSlice <= lowCover:
# There is some overlap between the
# slice and coverage on this dimension
# - check the other dimensions.
overlapStates[i] = state
if np.any(overlapStates == OVERLAP_SOME): return OVERLAP_SOME
elif np.all(overlapStates == OVERLAP_NONE): return OVERLAP_NONE
elif np.all(overlapStates == OVERLAP_ALL): return OVERLAP_ALL
def sliceCovered(slices, coverage):
"""Returns ``True`` if the portion of the image data calculated by
the given ``slices` has already been calculated, ``False`` otherwise.
:arg slices: A sequence of (low, high) index pairs, assumed to cover
all image dimensions.
:arg coverage: A ``numpy`` array of shape ``(2, nd, nv)`` (where ``nd``
is the number of dimensions being covered, and ``nv`` is
the number of volumes (or vectors/slices) in the image,
which contains the (low, high) index pairs describing
the current image coverage.
numDims = coverage.shape[1]
lowVol, highVol = slices[numDims]
for vol in range(lowVol, highVol):
for dim in range(numDims):
lowCover, highCover = coverage[:, dim, vol]
lowSlice, highSlice = slices[ dim]
if np.isnan(lowCover) or np.isnan(highCover):
return False
if lowSlice < lowCover: return False
if highSlice > highCover: return False
return True
def calcExpansion(slices, coverage):
"""Calculates a series of *expansion* slices, which can be used to expand
the given ``coverage`` so that it includes the given ``slices``.
:arg slices: Slices that the coverage needs to be expanded to cover.
:arg coverage: Current image coverage.
:returns: A list of volume indices, and a corresponding list of
numDims = coverage.shape[1]
padDims = len(slices) - numDims - 1
lowVol, highVol = slices[numDims]
expansions = []
volumes = []
# Finish off an expansion by
# adding indices for the vector/
# slice/volume dimension, and for
# 'padding' dimensions of size 1.
def finishExpansion(exp, vol):
exp.append((vol, vol + 1))
for _ in range(padDims):
exp.append((0, 1))
return exp
for vol in range(lowVol, highVol):
# No coverage of this volume -
# we need the whole slice.
if np.any(np.isnan(coverage[:, :, vol])):
exp = [(s[0], s[1]) for s in slices[:numDims]]
exp = finishExpansion(exp, vol)
volumes .append(vol)
# First we'll figure out the index
# range for each dimension that
# needs to be added to the coverage.
# We build a list of required ranges,
# where each entry is a tuple
# containing:
# (dimension, lowIndex, highIndex)
reqRanges = []
for dim in range(numDims):
lowCover, highCover = coverage[:, dim, vol]
lowSlice, highSlice = slices[ dim]
# The slice covers a region
# below the current coverage
if lowCover - lowSlice > 0:
reqRanges.append((dim, int(lowSlice), int(lowCover)))
# The slice covers a region
# above the current coverage
if highCover - highSlice < 0:
reqRanges.append((dim, int(highCover), int(highSlice)))
# Now we generate an expansion for
# each of those ranges.
volExpansions = []
for dimx, xlo, xhi in reqRanges:
expansion = [[np.nan, np.nan] for d in range(numDims)]
# The expansion for each
# dimension will span the range
# for that dimension...
expansion[dimx][0] = xlo
expansion[dimx][1] = xhi
# And will span the union of
# the coverage, and calculated
# range for every other dimension.
for dimy, ylo, yhi in reqRanges:
if dimy == dimx:
yLowCover, yHighCover = coverage[:, dimy, vol]
expLow, expHigh = expansion[ dimy]
if np.isnan(expLow): expLow = yLowCover
if np.isnan(expHigh): expHigh = yHighCover
expLow = min((ylo, yLowCover, expLow))
expHigh = max((yhi, yHighCover, expHigh))
expansion[dimy][0] = int(expLow)
expansion[dimy][1] = int(expHigh)
# If no range exists for any of the
# other dimensions, the range for
# all expansions will be the current
# coverage
for dimy in range(numDims):
if dimy == dimx:
if np.any(np.isnan(expansion[dimy])):
expansion[dimy] = [int(c) for c in coverage[:, dimy, vol]]
# Finish off this expansion
expansion = finishExpansion(expansion, vol)
volumes. append(vol)
# We do a final run through all pairs
# of expansions, and adjust their
# range if they overlap with each other.
for exp1, exp2 in it.product(volExpansions, volExpansions):
# Check each dimension
for dimx in range(numDims):
xlo1, xhi1 = exp1[dimx]
xlo2, xhi2 = exp2[dimx]
# These expansions do not
# overlap with each other
# on this dimension (or at
# all). No need to check
# the other dimensions.
if xhi1 <= xlo2: break
if xlo1 >= xhi2: break
# These expansions overlap on
# this dimension - check to see
# if exp1 is wholly contained
# within exp2 in all other
# dimensions.
adjustable = True
for dimy in range(numDims):
if dimy == dimx:
ylo1, yhi1 = exp1[dimy]
ylo2, yhi2 = exp2[dimy]
# Exp1 is not contained within
# exp2 on another dimension -
# we can't reduce the overlap.
if ylo1 < ylo2 or yhi1 > yhi2:
adjustable = False
# The x dimension range of exp1
# can be reduced, as it is covered
# by exp2.
if adjustable:
if xlo1 < xlo2 and xhi1 <= xhi2 and xhi1 > xlo2:
xhi1 = xlo2
elif xlo1 >= xlo2 and xhi1 > xhi2 and xlo1 < xhi2:
xlo1 = xhi2
exp1[dimx] = xlo1, xhi1
return volumes, expansions
def collapseExpansions(expansions, numDims):
"""Scans through the given list of expansions (each assumed to pertain
to a single 3D image), and combines any which cover the same
image area, and cover adjacent volumes.
:args expansions: A list of expansion slices - see :func:`calcExpansions`.
:args numDims: Number of dimensions covered by each expansion,
not including the volume dimension (i.e. 3 for a 4D
:returns: A list of expansions, with equivalent expansions that cover
adjacent images collapsed down.
.. note:: For one expansion ``exp`` in the ``expansions`` list, this
function assumes that the range at ``exp[numDims]`` contains
the image to which ``exp`` pertains (i.e.
``exp[numDims] == (vol, vol + 1)``).
if len(expansions) == 0:
return []
commonExpansions = collections.OrderedDict()
expansions = sorted(expansions)
for exp in expansions:
vol = exp[numDims][0]
exp = tuple(exp[:numDims])
commonExps = commonExpansions.get(exp, None)
if commonExps is None:
commonExps = []
commonExpansions[exp] = commonExps
for i, (vlo, vhi) in enumerate(commonExps):
if vol >= vlo and vol < vhi:
elif vol == vlo - 1:
commonExps[i] = vol, vhi
elif vol == vhi:
commonExps[i] = vlo, vol + 1
commonExps.append((vol, vol + 1))
collapsed = []
for exp, volRanges in commonExpansions.items():
for vlo, vhi in volRanges:
newExp = list(exp) + [(vlo, vhi)]
return collapsed