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Commit 5a79b756 authored by Paul McCarthy's avatar Paul McCarthy :mountain_bicyclist:
Browse files

Merge branch 'ref_template_parsing' into 'master'

REF: rewrote the parsing of the templates

See merge request fsl/fslpy!197
parents 098dcf05 39e1cf1f
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......@@ -181,10 +181,10 @@ class FileTree(object):
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk.
Any defined variables in `glob_vars` will be ignored.
If glob_vars is set to 'all', all undefined variables will be used to look up matches.
:return: sorted sequence of paths
:return: sequence of paths
text, variables = self.get_template(short_name)
return tuple(str(Path(fn)) for fn in utils.get_all(text, variables, glob_vars=glob_vars))
return tuple([self.update(**vars).get(short_name)
for vars in self.get_all_vars(short_name, glob_vars=glob_vars)])
def get_all_vars(self, short_name: str, glob_vars=()) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str]]:
......@@ -196,7 +196,8 @@ class FileTree(object):
If glob_vars is set to 'all', all undefined variables will be used to look up matches.
:return: sequence of dictionaries with the variables settings used to generate each filename
return tuple(self.extract_variables(short_name, fn) for fn in self.get_all(short_name, glob_vars=glob_vars))
text, variables = self.get_template(short_name)
return utils.get_all(text, variables, glob_vars=glob_vars)
def get_all_trees(self, short_name: str, glob_vars=(), set_parent=True) -> Tuple["FileTree"]:
......@@ -369,12 +369,12 @@ def scan(tree : FileTree) -> List[Match]:
matches = []
for template in tree.templates:
for filename in tree.get_all(template, glob_vars='all'):
for variables in tree.get_all_vars(template, glob_vars='all'):
if not op.isfile(filename):
filename = tree.update(**variables).get(template)
variables = dict(tree.extract_variables(template, filename))
if not op.isfile(tree.update(**variables).get(template)):
matches.append(Match(filename, template, tree, variables))
import re
import itertools
import glob
from . import filetree
from typing import List, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Dict, Iterator
def resolve(template, variables):
class Part:
Resolves the template given a set of variables
Individual part of a template
:param template: template
:param variables: mapping of variable names to values
:return: cleaned string
3 subclasses are defined:
- :class:`Literal`: piece of text
- :class:`Required`: required variable to fill in (between curly brackets)
- :class:`Optional`: part of text containing optional variables (between square brackets)
filled = fill_known(template, variables)
filename = resolve_optionals(filled)
remaining = find_variables(filename)
if len(remaining) > 0:
raise filetree.MissingVariable('Variables %s not defined' % set(remaining))
return filename
def fill_known(self, variables) -> Sequence["Part"]:
Fills in the given variables
return [self]
def optional_variables(self, ) -> Set["Part"]:
Returns all variables in optional parts
return set()
def get_all(template, variables, glob_vars=()):
Gets all variables matching the templates given the variables
def required_variables(self, ) -> Set["Part"]:
Returns all required variables
return set()
:param template: template
:param variables: (incomplete) mapping of variable names to values
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk
If `glob_vars` contains any defined variables, it will be ignored.
:return: sequence of filenames
def contains_optionals(self, variables: Set["Part"]=None):
Returns True if this part contains the optional variables
return False
def append_variables(self, variables: List[str]):
Appends the variables in this part to the provided list in order
class Literal(Part):
def __init__(self, text: str):
Literal part is defined purely by the text it contains
:param text: part of the template
self.text = text
def __str__(self):
Returns this part of the template as a string
return self.text
class Required(Part):
def __init__(self, var_name, var_formatting=None):
Required part of template (between curly brackets)
Required variable part of template is defined by variable name and its format
:param var_name: name of variable
:param var_formatting: how to format the variable
self.var_name = var_name
self.var_formatting = var_formatting
def __str__(self):
Returns this part of the template as a string
if self.var_formatting is None:
return '{' + self.var_name + '}'
return '{' + self.var_name + ':' + self.var_formatting + '}'
def fill_known(self, variables):
if self.var_name in variables:
return Template.parse(str(self).format(**variables)).parts
return [self]
def required_variables(self, ):
return {self.var_name}
def append_variables(self, variables):
class Optional(Part):
def __init__(self, sub_template: "Template"):
Optional part of template (between square brackets)
Optional part can contain literal and required parts
:param sub_template: part of the template within square brackets
self.sub_template = sub_template
def __str__(self):
return '[' + str(self.sub_template) + ']'
def fill_known(self, variables):
new_opt = self.sub_template.fill_known(variables)
if len(new_opt.required_variables()) == 0:
return Template.parse(str(new_opt)).parts
return [Optional(new_opt)]
def optional_variables(self, ):
return self.sub_template.required_variables()
def contains_optionals(self, variables=None):
if variables is None and len(self.optional_variables()) > 0:
return True
return len(self.optional_variables().intersection(variables)) > 0
def append_variables(self, variables):
class Template:
Splits a template into its constituent parts
filled = fill_known(template, variables)
remaining = set(find_variables(filled))
optional = optional_variables(filled)
res = set()
if glob_vars == 'all':
glob_vars = remaining
glob_vars = set(glob_vars).difference(variables.keys())
undefined_vars = remaining.difference(glob_vars).difference(optional)
if len(undefined_vars) > 0:
raise KeyError("Required variables {} were not defined".format(undefined_vars))
for keep in itertools.product(*[(True, False) for _ in optional.intersection(glob_vars)]):
sub_variables = {var: '*' for k, var in zip(keep, optional) if k}
for var in remaining.difference(optional).intersection(glob_vars):
sub_variables[var] = '*'
sub_filled = fill_known(filled, sub_variables)
pattern = resolve_optionals(sub_filled)
assert len(find_variables(pattern)) == 0
for filename in glob.glob(pattern):
extract_variables(filled, filename)
except ValueError:
def __init__(self, parts: Sequence[Part]): = tuple(parts)
def parse(cls, text: str) -> "Template":
Parses a text template into its constituent parts
:param text: input template as string
:return: same template split into its parts
parts = []
for optional_parts in re.split(r'(\[.*?\])', text):
if len(optional_parts) > 0 and optional_parts[0] == '[' and optional_parts[-1] == ']':
if '[' in optional_parts[1:-1] or ']' in optional_parts[1:-1]:
raise ValueError(f'Can not parse {text}, because unmatching square brackets were found')
for required_parts in re.split(r'(\{.*?\})', optional_parts):
if len(required_parts) > 0 and required_parts[0] == '{' and required_parts[-1] == '}':
if ':' in required_parts:
var_name, var_type = required_parts[1:-1].split(':')
var_name, var_type = required_parts[1:-1], ''
parts.append(Required(var_name, var_type))
return Template(parts)
def __str__(self):
Returns the template as a string
return ''.join([str(p) for p in])
def optional_variables(self, ) -> Set[str]:
Set of optional variables
if len( == 0:
return set()
optionals = set.union(*[p.optional_variables() for p in])
return optionals.difference(self.required_variables())
def required_variables(self, ) -> Set[str]:
Set of required variables
if len( == 0:
return set()
return set.union(*[p.required_variables() for p in])
def ordered_variables(self, ) -> Tuple[str]:
Sequence of all variables in order (can contain duplicates)
ordered_vars = []
for p in
return ordered_vars
def fill_known(self, variables) -> "Template":
Fill in the known variables
Any optional parts, where all variables have been filled will be automatically replaced
prev = ''
while str(self) != prev:
prev = str(self)
self = self._fill_known_single(variables)
return self
def _fill_known_single(self, variables):
Helper method for :meth:`_fill_known`
res = []
for p in
return Template(res)
def remove_optionals(self, optionals=None) -> "Template":
Removes any optionals containing the provided variables (default: remove all)
return Template([p for p in if not p.contains_optionals(optionals)])
def resolve(self, variables) -> str:
Resolves the template given a set of variables
:param variables: mapping of variable names to values
:return: cleaned string
clean_template = self.fill_known(variables).remove_optionals()
if len(clean_template.required_variables()) > 0:
raise KeyError("Variables %s not defined" % clean_template.required_variables())
return str(clean_template)
def get_all(self, variables, glob_vars=()) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str]]:
Gets all variables for files on disk matching the templates
:param variables: (incomplete) mapping of variable names to values
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk
filled = self.fill_known(variables)
if glob_vars == 'all':
glob_vars = set.union(self.required_variables(), self.optional_variables())
if len(filled.required_variables().difference(glob_vars)) > 0:
raise KeyError("Required variables {} were not defined".format(
cleaned = filled.remove_optionals(filled.optional_variables().difference(glob_vars))
return cleaned._get_all_helper(glob_vars)
def _get_all_helper(self, glob_vars):
params = set()
optionals = self.optional_variables()
for to_fill in self.optional_subsets():
pattern = str(to_fill.fill_known({var: '*' for var in glob_vars}))
while '//' in pattern:
pattern = pattern.replace('//', '/')
for filename in sorted(glob.glob(pattern)):
extracted_vars = to_fill.extract_variables(filename)
for name in optionals:
if name not in extracted_vars:
extracted_vars[name] = None
params.add(tuple(sorted(extracted_vars.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])))
except ValueError:
return tuple([dict(p) for p in params])
def optional_subsets(self, ) -> Iterator["Template"]:
Yields template sub-sets with every combination optional variables
optionals = self.optional_variables()
for n_optional in range(len(optionals) + 1):
for exclude_optional in itertools.combinations(optionals, n_optional):
yield self.remove_optionals(exclude_optional)
def extract_variables(self, filename, known_vars=None):
Extracts the variable values from the filename
:param filename: filename
:param known_vars: already known variables
:return: dictionary from variable names to string representations (unused variables set to None)
if known_vars is not None:
template = self.fill_known(known_vars)
template = self
while '//' in filename:
filename = filename.replace('//', '/')
required = template.required_variables()
optional = template.optional_variables()
results = []
for to_fill in template.optional_subsets():
sub_re = str(to_fill.fill_known(
{var: r'(\S+)' for var in required.union(optional)},
while '//' in sub_re:
sub_re = sub_re.replace('//', '/')
sub_re = sub_re.replace('.', r'\.')
match = re.match(sub_re, filename)
if match is None:
return sorted(res)
extracted_value = {}
ordered_vars = to_fill.ordered_variables()
assert len(ordered_vars) == len(match.groups())
failed = False
for var, value in zip(ordered_vars, match.groups()):
if var in extracted_value:
if value != extracted_value[var]:
failed = True
extracted_value[var] = value
if failed or any('/' in value for value in extracted_value.values()):
for name in template.optional_variables():
if name not in extracted_value:
extracted_value[name] = None
if known_vars is not None:
if len(results) == 0:
raise ValueError("{} did not match {}".format(filename, template))
def fill_known(template, variables):
def score(variables):
The highest score is given to the set of variables that:
1. has used the largest amount of optional variables
2. has the shortest text within the variables (only used if equal at 1
number_used = len([v for v in variables.values() if v is not None])
length_hint = sum([len(v) for v in variables.values() if v is not None])
return number_used * 1000 - length_hint
best = max(results, key=score)
for var in results:
if best != var and score(best) == score(var):
raise KeyError("Multiple equivalent ways found to parse {} using {}".format(filename, template))
return best
def resolve(template, variables):
Fills in the known variables filling the other variables with {<variable_name>}
Resolves the template given a set of variables
:param template: template
:param variables: mapping of variable names to values (ignoring any None)
:param variables: mapping of variable names to values
:return: cleaned string
prev = ''
while prev != template:
prev = template
settings = {}
for name in set(find_variables(template)):
if name in variables and variables[name] is not None:
settings[name] = variables[name]
settings[name] = '{' + name + '}'
template = template.format(**settings)
return template
return Template.parse(template).resolve(variables)
def resolve_optionals(text):
def get_all(template, variables, glob_vars=()):
Resolves the optional sections
Gets all variables matching the templates given the variables
:param text: template after filling in the known variables
:return: cleaned string
:param template: template
:param variables: (incomplete) mapping of variable names to values
:param glob_vars: sequence of undefined variables that can take any possible values when looking for matches on the disk
If `glob_vars` contains any defined variables, it will be ignored.
:return: sequence of variables
def resolve_single_optional(part):
if len(part) == 0:
return part
if part[0] != '[' or part[-1] != ']':
return part
elif len(find_variables(part)) == 0:
return part[1:-1]
return ''
res = [resolve_single_optional(text) for text in re.split(r'(\[.*?\])', text)]
return ''.join(res)
return Template.parse(template).get_all(variables, glob_vars)
def find_variables(template):
......@@ -109,7 +377,7 @@ def find_variables(template):
:param template: full template
:return: sequence of variables
return tuple(var.split(':')[0] for var in re.findall(r"\{(.*?)\}", template))
return Template.parse(template).ordered_variables()
def optional_variables(template):
......@@ -119,17 +387,7 @@ def optional_variables(template):
:param template: full template
:return: set of variables that are only present in optional parts of the string
include = set()
exclude = set()
for text in re.split(r'(\[.*?\])', template):
if len(text) == 0:
variables = find_variables(text)
if text[0] == '[' and text[-1] == ']':
return include.difference(exclude)
return Template.parse(template).optional_variables()
def extract_variables(template, filename, known_vars=None):
......@@ -141,41 +399,4 @@ def extract_variables(template, filename, known_vars=None):
:param known_vars: already known variables
:return: dictionary from variable names to string representations (unused variables set to None)
if known_vars is None:
known_vars = {}
template = fill_known(template, known_vars)
while '//' in filename:
filename = filename.replace('//', '/')
remaining = set(find_variables(template))
optional = optional_variables(template)
for keep in itertools.product(*[(True, False) for _ in optional]):
sub_re = resolve_optionals(fill_known(
**{var: r'(\S+)' for k, var in zip(keep, optional) if k},
**{var: r'(\S+)' for var in remaining.difference(optional)}
while '//' in sub_re:
sub_re = sub_re.replace('//', '/')
sub_re = sub_re.replace('.', r'\.')
if re.match(sub_re, filename) is None:
extracted_value = {}
kept_vars = [var for var in find_variables(template)
if var not in optional or keep[list(optional).index(var)]]
for var, value in zip(kept_vars, re.match(sub_re, filename).groups()):
if var in extracted_value:
if value != extracted_value[var]:
raise ValueError('Multiple values found for {}'.format(var))
extracted_value[var] = value
if any('/' in value for value in extracted_value.values()):
for name in find_variables(template):
if name not in extracted_value:
extracted_value[name] = None
return extracted_value
raise ValueError("{} did not match {}".format(filename, template))
return Template.parse(template).extract_variables(filename, known_vars)
......@@ -25,3 +25,12 @@ def test_get_variables():
assert {'subject': '01', 'session': 'A'} == utils.extract_variables('sub-{subject}/[ses-{session}]/T1w.nii.gz', 'sub-01/ses-A/T1w.nii.gz')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
utils.extract_variables('sub-{subject}/[ses-{session}]/T1w.nii.gz', 'sub-01/other/T1w.nii.gz')
def test_multiple_optionals():
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
utils.extract_variables('{var}[_{opt1}][_{opt2}]', 'test_foo')
assert {'var': 'test', 'opt1': None, 'opt2': None} == utils.extract_variables('{var}[_{opt1}][_{opt2}]', 'test')
assert {'var': 'test', 'opt1': 'oo', 'opt2': None} == utils.extract_variables('{var}[_f{opt1}][_{opt2}]', 'test_foo')
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