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Verified Commit 1aa95b76 authored by Michiel Cottaar's avatar Michiel Cottaar
Browse files

Create generic building block

parent c9dcbd0f
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......@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ Main interface:
- [`qvec`](@ref) returns area under curve for (part of) the gradient waveform.
Sub-types need to implement:
- `Base.keys`: returns sequence of keys to all the components
- `Base.getindex`: returns the actual component for each key
- `Base.keys`: returns sequence of keys to all the components.
- `Base.getindex`: returns the actual component for each key.
- [`duration`](@ref): total duration of the building block.
abstract type BaseBuildingBlock <: ContainerBlock end
......@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ Gets the sequence of [`GradientWaveform`](@ref) from the event with key `first`
Setting `first` to nothing indicates to start from the beginning of the `building_block`.
Similarly, setting `last` to nothing indicates to continue till the end of the `building_block`.
function waveform_seqeuence(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, first, last)
function waveform_sequence(bb::BaseBuildingBlock, first, last)
started = isnothing(first)
current_grad = current_start = nothing
parts = GradientWaveform[]
module BuildingBlocks
import LinearAlgebra: norm
import ..BaseBuildingBlocks: BaseBuildingBlock, events, waveform_sequence
import ...Variables: VariableType, duration, make_generic
import ...Components: BaseComponent, DelayedEvent
import ...Readouts: InstantReadout, ADC
import ...Pulses: RFPulseBlock
import ...Gradients: GradientBlock
import ...BuildingBlocks: scanner_constraints!, make_generic
BuildingBlock(waveform, events; min_duration=nothing, orientation=nothing)
Generic [`BaseBuildingBlock`](@ref) that can capture any overlapping gradients, RF pulses, and/or readouts.
The gradients cannot contain any free variables.
## Arguments
- `waveform`: Sequence of 2-element tuples with (time, (Gx, Gy, Gz)). If `orientation` is set then the tuple is expected to look like (time, G). This cannot contain any free variables.
- `events`: Sequence of 2-element tuples with (index, pulse/readout). The start time of the pulse/readout at the start of the gradient waveform element with index `index` (use [`DelayedEvent`](@ref) to make this earlier or later).
- `duration`: duration of this `BuildingBlock`. If not set then it will be assumed to be the time of the last element in `waveform`.
- `orientation`: orientation of the gradients in the waveform. If not set, then the full gradient vector should be given explicitly.
struct BuildingBlock <: BaseBuildingBlock
parts :: Vector{<:BaseComponent}
function BuildingBlock(parts::AbstractVector{<:BaseComponent})
res = new(duration, parts)
for (_, part) in waveform_sequence(parts)
return res
function BuildingBlock(waveform::AbstractVector, events::AbstractVector; duration=nothing, orientation=nothing)
events = Any[events...]
waveform = Any[waveform...]
ndim = isnothing(orientat) ? 1 : 3
zero_grad = isnothing(orientation) ? zeros(3) : 0.
if length(waveform) == 0 || waveform[1][1] > 0.
pushfirst!(waveform, (0., zero_grad))
events = [(i+1, e) for (i, e) in events]
if isnothing(min_duration)
min_duration = waveform[end][1]
if !(min_duration waveform[end][1])
@assert min_duration > waveform[end][1]
push!(waveform, (min_duration, zero_grad))
components = BaseComponent[]
for (index_grad, ((prev_time, prev_grad), (time, grad))) in enumerate(zip(waveform[1:end-1], waveform[2:end]))
duration = time - prev_time
if norm(prev_grad) <= 1e-12 && norm(grad) <= 1e-12
push!(components, NoGradientBlock{ndim}(duration))
elseif norm(prev_grad) norm(grad)
push!(components, ConstantGradientBlock(prev_grad, duration))
push!(components, ChangingGradientBlock(prev_grad, (grad .- prev_grad) ./ duration, duration))
while length(events) > 0 && index_grad == events[1][1]
(_, event) = popfirst!(events)
push!(components, event)
return components
make_generic(other_block::BaseBuildingBlock) = BuildingBlock(duration(other_block), [other_block...])
Base.keys(bb::BuildingBlock) = 1:length(
Base.getindex(bb::BuildingBlock, i::Integer) =[i]
duration(go::BuildingBlock) = go.duration
\ No newline at end of file
module Generic
import ..Abstract: AbstractOverlapping, interruptions, duration, waveform_sequence
import ...Variables: VariableType, duration
import ...Wait: WaitBlock
import ...Readouts: InstantReadout, ADC
import ...Pulses: RFPulseBlock
import ...Gradients: GradientBlock
import ...BuildingBlocks: scanner_constraints!, make_generic
GenericWaveform(duration, waveform, interruptions)
Generic description that can capture any overlapping gradients, RF pulses, and/or readouts.
Interruptions are stores as tuples with 3 fields:
- `index`: which part of the `waveform` is being interrupted (cannot be a free variable).
- `time`: time of the interruption relative to the start of the `waveform` part (between 0 and the length of this part). This can be a variable.
- `block`: [`RFPulseBlock`](@ref) or [`InstantReadout`](@ref)
struct GenericOverlapping <: AbstractOverlapping
duration :: VariableType
waveform :: Vector{Union{WaitBlock, GradientBlock}}
interruptions :: Vector{NamedTuple{(:index, :time, :object), Tuple{Int64, <:VariableType, <:Union{RFPulseBlock, InstantReadout, ADC}}}}
function GenericOverlapping(duration::VariableType, waveform::AbstractVector, interruptions::AbstractVector=[])
res = new(duration, waveform, interruptions)
return res
GenericOverlapping(other_waveform::AbstractOverlapping) = GenericOverlapping(duration(other_waveform), waveform_sequence(other_waveform), interruptions(other_waveform))
make_generic(ao::AbstractOverlapping) = GenericOverlapping(
[(index=i.index, time=i.time, object=make_generic(i.object)) for i in interruptions(ao)]
waveform_sequence(go::GenericOverlapping) = go.waveform
interruptions(go::GenericOverlapping) = go.interruptions
duration(go::GenericOverlapping) = go.duration
make_generic(wait::WaitBlock) = GenericOverlapping(duration(wait), [], [])
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