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// Small function to quickly swap out themes. Gets put into the <head> tag..
function set_theme_from_local_storage() {
// Initialize the theme to null, which means default
var theme = null;
// If the browser supports the localstorage and is not disabled then try to get the
// documenter theme
if (window.localStorage != null) {
// Get the user-picked theme from localStorage. May be `null`, which means the default
// theme.
theme = window.localStorage.getItem("documenter-theme");
// Check if the users preference is for dark color scheme
var darkPreference =
window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches === true;
// Initialize a few variables for the loop:
// - active: will contain the index of the theme that should be active. Note that there
// is no guarantee that localStorage contains sane values. If `active` stays `null`
// we either could not find the theme or it is the default (primary) theme anyway.
// Either way, we then need to stick to the primary theme.
// - disabled: style sheets that should be disabled (i.e. all the theme style sheets
// that are not the currently active theme)
var active = null;
var disabled = [];
var primaryLightTheme = null;
var primaryDarkTheme = null;
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
var ss = document.styleSheets[i];
// The <link> tag of each style sheet is expected to have a data-theme-name attribute
// which must contain the name of the theme. The names in localStorage much match this.
var themename = ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-name");
// attribute not set => non-theme stylesheet => ignore
if (themename === null) continue;
// To distinguish the default (primary) theme, it needs to have the data-theme-primary
// attribute set.
if (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary") !== null) {
primaryLightTheme = themename;
// Check if the theme is primary dark theme so that we could store its name in darkTheme
if (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary-dark") !== null) {
primaryDarkTheme = themename;
// If we find a matching theme (and it's not the default), we'll set active to non-null
if (themename === theme) active = i;
// Store the style sheets of inactive themes so that we could disable them
if (themename !== theme) disabled.push(ss);
var activeTheme = null;
if (active !== null) {
// If we did find an active theme, we'll (1) add the theme--$(theme) class to <html>
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className = "theme--" + theme;
activeTheme = theme;
} else {
// If we did _not_ find an active theme, then we need to fall back to the primary theme
// which can either be dark or light, depending on the user's OS preference.
var activeTheme = darkPreference ? primaryDarkTheme : primaryLightTheme;
// In case it somehow happens that the relevant primary theme was not found in the
// preceding loop, we abort without doing anything.
if (activeTheme === null) {
console.error("Unable to determine primary theme.");
// When switching to the primary light theme, then we must not have a class name
// for the <html> tag. That's only for non-primary or the primary dark theme.
if (darkPreference) {
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className =
"theme--" + activeTheme;
} else {
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className = "";
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
var ss = document.styleSheets[i];
// The <link> tag of each style sheet is expected to have a data-theme-name attribute
// which must contain the name of the theme. The names in localStorage much match this.
var themename = ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-name");
// attribute not set => non-theme stylesheet => ignore
if (themename === null) continue;
// we'll disable all the stylesheets, except for the active one
ss.disabled = !(themename == activeTheme);
function maybeAddWarning() {
// in siteinfo.js.
// If either of these are undefined something went horribly wrong, so we abort.
if (
window.DOCUMENTER_NEWEST === undefined ||
window.DOCUMENTER_CURRENT_VERSION === undefined ||
window.DOCUMENTER_STABLE === undefined
) {
// Current version is not a version number, so we can't tell if it's the newest version. Abort.
if (!/v(\d+\.)*\d+/.test(window.DOCUMENTER_CURRENT_VERSION)) {
// Current version is newest version, so no need to add a warning.
// Add a noindex meta tag (unless one exists) so that search engines don't index this version of the docs.
if (document.body.querySelector('meta[name="robots"]') === null) {
const meta = document.createElement("meta"); = "robots";
meta.content = "noindex";
const div = document.createElement("div");
const closer = document.createElement("button");
closer.classList.add("outdated-warning-closer", "delete");
closer.addEventListener("click", function () {
const href = window.documenterBaseURL + "/../" + window.DOCUMENTER_STABLE;
div.innerHTML =
'This documentation is not for the latest stable release, but for either the development version or an older release.<br><a href="' +
href +
'">Click here to go to the documentation for the latest stable release.</a>';
if (document.readyState === "loading") {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", maybeAddWarning);
} else {
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var documenterSearchIndex = {"docs":
[{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"CurrentModule = MRIBuilder","category":"page"},{"location":"#MRIBuilder","page":"Home","title":"MRIBuilder","text":"","category":"section"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Documentation for MRIBuilder.","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"","category":"page"},{"location":"","page":"Home","title":"Home","text":"Modules = [MRIBuilder]","category":"page"},{"location":"#MRIBuilder.MRIBuilder","page":"Home","title":"MRIBuilder.MRIBuilder","text":"Builds and optimises NMR/MRI sequences.\n\n\n\n\n\n","category":"module"}]
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