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  • paulmc/fslpy
  • ndcn0236/fslpy
  • seanf/fslpy
3 results
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Commits on Source (1635)
Showing with 2135 additions and 298 deletions
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# add any extra channels that are needed
for channel in $FSL_CONDA_CHANNELS; do
conda config --append channels $channel
# make sure to update fundamental
# packages from the default channel
conda update --yes -c defaults -n base conda
conda install --yes -c defaults -n base setuptools conda-build
# insert project name/version into meta.yaml
echo "{% set name = '$name' %}" > vars.txt
echo "{% set version = '$version' %}" >> vars.txt
cat vars.txt .conda/meta.yaml > tempfile
mv tempfile .conda/meta.yaml
rm vars.txt
mkdir -p dist/conda-bld
conda build --output-folder=dist/conda-bld .conda
# Make sure package is installable
for pyver in 2.7 3.4 3.5 3.6; do
conda create -y --name "test$pyver" python=$pyver
source activate test$pyver
conda install -y -c file://`pwd`/dist/conda-bld $name
source deactivate
...@@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ ...@@ -2,5 +2,6 @@
set -e set -e
python doc source /test.venv/bin/activate
mv doc/html doc/"$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" pip install ".[doc]"
sphinx-build doc public
...@@ -2,27 +2,15 @@ ...@@ -2,27 +2,15 @@
set -e set -e
pip install wheel pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools twine build
python sdist
python bdist_wheel python -m build
twine check dist/*
# do a test install from both source and wheel # do a test install from both source and wheel
sdist=`find dist -maxdepth 1 -name *.tar.gz` sdist=`find dist -maxdepth 1 -name *.tar.gz`
wheel=`find dist -maxdepth 1 -name *.whl` wheel=`find dist -maxdepth 1 -name *.whl`
# pip < 10 will not install wheels
# with an invalid name. So we can
# generate builds from non-releases
# (e.g. master master branch),
# we hack the wheel file name here
# so that pip will accept it.
# This will no longer be necessary
# when pip 10 is available.
nwheel=`echo -n $wheel | sed -e 's/fslpy-/fslpy-0/g'`
mv $wheel $nwheel
for target in $sdist $wheel; do for target in $sdist $wheel; do
python -m venv test.venv python -m venv test.venv
. test.venv/bin/activate . test.venv/bin/activate
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
cat fsl/ | egrep "^__version__ += +'$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME' *$"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
rsync -rv dist/conda-bld/ --exclude 'repodata*' --exclude "*json" "condadeploy:"
ssh condaindex
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
rsync -rv doc/"$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" "docdeploy:"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
if [[ "x$CI_COMMIT_TAG" != "x" ]]; then
echo "Release detected - patching version - $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME";
python -c "import fsl.version as v; v.patchVersion('fsl/', '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME')";
...@@ -21,54 +21,39 @@ set -e ...@@ -21,54 +21,39 @@ set -e
if [[ -f /.dockerenv ]]; then if [[ -f /.dockerenv ]]; then
# We have to use different host names to connect
# to the docker daemon host on mac as opposed
# to on linux.
# On linux (assuming the docker job is running
# with --net=host), we can connect via
# username@localhost.
# On mac, we have to connect via
# username@host.docker.internal
if [[ "$CI_RUNNER_TAGS" == *"macOS"* ]]; then
if [[ "$FSL_HOST" == *"@localhost" ]]; then
apt-get update -y || yum -y check-update || true; apt-get update -y || yum -y check-update || true;
apt-get install -y openssh-client rsync git || yum install -y openssh-client rsync git || true; apt-get install -y openssh-client rsync git || yum install -y openssh-client rsync git || true;
eval $(ssh-agent -s); eval $(ssh-agent -s);
mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh; mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh;
echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_GIT" > $HOME/.ssh/id_git; # for downloading FSL atlases/standards
echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FSL_DOWNLOAD" > $HOME/.ssh/id_fsl_download; echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FSL_DOWNLOAD" > $HOME/.ssh/id_fsl_download;
if [[ "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" == "$UPSTREAM_PROJECT" ]]; then
echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_DOC_DEPLOY" > $HOME/.ssh/id_doc_deploy;
echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_CONDA_DEPLOY" > $HOME/.ssh/id_conda_deploy;
echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_CONDA_INDEX" > $HOME/.ssh/id_conda_index;
chmod go-rwx $HOME/.ssh/id_*; chmod go-rwx $HOME/.ssh/id_*;
ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_git;
ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_fsl_download; ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_fsl_download;
if [[ "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" == "$UPSTREAM_PROJECT" ]]; then ssh-keyscan ${FSL_HOST##*@} >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts;
ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_doc_deploy;
ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_conda_deploy;
echo "$SSH_SERVER_HOSTKEYS" > $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts;
touch $HOME/.ssh/config; touch $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo "Host ${UPSTREAM_URL##*@}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " User ${UPSTREAM_URL%@*}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " IdentityFile $HOME/.ssh/id_git" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo "Host docdeploy" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " HostName ${DOC_HOST##*@}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " User ${DOC_HOST%@*}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " IdentityFile $HOME/.ssh/id_doc_deploy" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo "Host condadeploy" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " HostName ${CONDA_HOST##*@}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " User ${CONDA_HOST%@*}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " IdentityFile $HOME/.ssh/id_conda_deploy" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo "Host condaindex" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " HostName ${CONDA_HOST##*@}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " User ${CONDA_HOST%@*}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " IdentityFile $HOME/.ssh/id_conda_index" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo "Host fsldownload" >> $HOME/.ssh/config; echo "Host fsldownload" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " HostName ${FSL_HOST##*@}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config; echo " HostName ${FSL_HOST##*@}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
echo " User ${FSL_HOST%@*}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config; echo " User ${FSL_HOST%@*}" >> $HOME/.ssh/config;
...@@ -2,43 +2,36 @@ ...@@ -2,43 +2,36 @@
set -e set -e
# If running on a fork repository, we merge in the
# upstream/master branch. This is done so that merge
# requests from fork to the parent repository will
# have unit tests run on the merged code, something
# which gitlab CE does not currently do for us.
if [[ "$CI_PROJECT_PATH" != "$UPSTREAM_PROJECT" ]]; then
git fetch upstream;
git merge --no-commit --no-ff upstream/master;
source /test.venv/bin/activate source /test.venv/bin/activate
pip install --retries 10 -r requirements.txt pip install ".[extra,test,style]"
pip install --retries 10 -r requirements-extra.txt
pip install --retries 10 -r requirements-dev.txt
# style stage # style stage
if [ "$TEST_STYLE"x != "x" ]; then pip install --retries 10 pylint flake8; fi;
if [ "$TEST_STYLE"x != "x" ]; then flake8 fsl || true; fi; if [ "$TEST_STYLE"x != "x" ]; then flake8 fsl || true; fi;
if [ "$TEST_STYLE"x != "x" ]; then pylint --output-format=colorized fsl || true; fi; if [ "$TEST_STYLE"x != "x" ]; then pylint --output-format=colorized fsl || true; fi;
if [ "$TEST_STYLE"x != "x" ]; then exit 0; fi if [ "$TEST_STYLE"x != "x" ]; then exit 0; fi;
# We need the FSL atlases for the atlas # We need the FSL atlases for the atlas
# tests, and need $FSLDIR to be defined # tests, and need $FSLDIR to be defined
export FSLDIR=/fsl/ export FSLDIR=/fsl/
mkdir -p $FSLDIR/data/ mkdir -p $FSLDIR/data/
rsync -rv "fsldownload:data/atlases/" "$FSLDIR/data/atlases/" rsync -rv "fsldownload:$FSL_ATLAS_DIR" "$FSLDIR/data/atlases/"
# Finally, run the damned tests. # Run the tests. Suppress coverage
# reporting until after we're finished.
TEST_OPTS="--cov-report= --cov-append" TEST_OPTS="--cov-report= --cov-append"
# pytest struggles with my organisation of
# the fslpy package, where all tests are in
# fsl.tests, and fsl is a namespace package
touch fsl/
# We run some tests under xvfb-run # We run some tests under xvfb-run
# because they invoke wx. Sleep in # because they invoke wx. Sleep in
# between, otherwise xvfb gets upset. # between, otherwise xvfb gets upset.
xvfb-run python test --addopts="$TEST_OPTS tests/" xvfb-run -a pytest $TEST_OPTS fsl/tests/
sleep 5 sleep 5
xvfb-run python test --addopts="$TEST_OPTS tests/" xvfb-run -a pytest $TEST_OPTS fsl/tests/
# We run the immv/imcp tests as the nobody # We run the immv/imcp tests as the nobody
# user because some tests expect permission # user because some tests expect permission
...@@ -47,16 +40,20 @@ xvfb-run python test --addopts="$TEST_OPTS tests/" ...@@ -47,16 +40,20 @@ xvfb-run python test --addopts="$TEST_OPTS tests/"
# this directory writable by anybody (which, # this directory writable by anybody (which,
# unintuitively, includes nobody) # unintuitively, includes nobody)
chmod -R a+w `pwd` chmod -R a+w `pwd`
cmd="source /test.venv/bin/activate && python test" cmd="source /test.venv/bin/activate && pytest"
cmd="$cmd --addopts='$TEST_OPTS tests/'" cmd="$cmd $TEST_OPTS fsl/tests/test_scripts/ fsl/tests/"
su -s /bin/bash -c "$cmd" nobody su -s /bin/bash -c "$cmd" nobody
# All other tests can be run as normal. # All other tests can be run as normal.
python test --addopts="$TEST_OPTS -m 'not longtest' --ignore=tests/ --ignore=tests/ --ignore=tests/" pytest $TEST_OPTS -m 'not longtest' \
--ignore=fsl/tests/ \
--ignore=fsl/tests/ \
--ignore=fsl/tests/ \
# Long tests are only run on release branches # Long tests are only run on release branches
if [[ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == v* ]]; then if [[ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == v* ]]; then
python test --addopts="$TEST_OPTS -m 'longtest'" pytest $TEST_OPTS -m 'longtest'
fi fi
python -m coverage report python -m coverage report -i
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Deposit a new version of something on zenodo.
# It is assumed that a deposit already exists on zenodo - you must
# specify the deposit ID of that original deposit.
import os.path as op
import sys
import json
import jinja2 as j2
import requests
def deposit(zenodo_url, access_token, dep_id, upload_file, meta):
urlbase = '{}/api/deposit/depositions'.format(zenodo_url)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
params = {'access_token' : access_token}
# Create a new deposit
url = '{}/{}/actions/newversion'.format(urlbase, dep_id)
print('Creating new deposit: {}'.format(url))
r =, params=params)
if r.status_code != 201:
raise RuntimeError('POST {} failed: {}'.format(url, r.status_code))
newurl = r.json()['links']['latest_draft']
dep_id = newurl.split('/')[-1]
print("New deposition ID: {}".format(dep_id))
# Upload the file
data = {'filename': op.basename(upload_file)}
files = {'file': open(upload_file, 'rb')}
url = '{}/{}/files'.format(urlbase, dep_id)
print('Uploading file: {}'.format(url))
r =, params=params, data=data, files=files)
if r.status_code != 201:
raise RuntimeError('POST {} failed: {}'.format(url, r.status_code))
# Upload the metadata
url = '{}/{}?access_token={}'.format(urlbase, dep_id, access_token)
print('Uploading metadata: {}'.format(url))
r = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(meta), headers=headers)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise RuntimeError('PUT {} failed: {}'.format(url, r.status_code))
# Publish
url = '{}/{}/actions/publish'.format(urlbase, dep_id)
print('Publishing: {}'.format(url))
r =, params=params)
if r.status_code != 202:
raise RuntimeError('POST {} failed: {}'.format(url, r.status_code))
def make_meta(templatefile, version, date):
with open(templatefile, 'rt') as f:
template =
template = j2.Template(template)
env = {
'VERSION' : version,
'DATE' : date,
return json.loads(template.render(**env))
if __name__ == '__main__':
zurl = sys.argv[1]
tkn = sys.argv[2]
depid = sys.argv[3]
upfile = sys.argv[4]
metafile = sys.argv[5]
version = sys.argv[6]
date = sys.argv[7]
meta = make_meta(metafile, version, date)
deposit(zurl, tkn, depid, upfile, meta)
tmp=`dirname $0`
pushd $tmp > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
version=$(cat fsl/ |
egrep '^__version__ +=' |
cut -d "=" -f 2 |
tr -d "'" |
tr -d ' ')
date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
pip install --retries 10 requests jinja2
python "$thisdir"/ \
"$zenodo_url" \
"$zenodo_tkn" \
"$zenodo_depid" \
"$upfile" \
"$metafile" \
"$version" \
"metadata" : {
"title" : "fslpy",
"upload_type" : "software",
"version" : "{{VERSION}}",
"publication_date" : "{{DATE}}",
"description" : "<p>The fslpy project is a <a href=\"\">FSL</a> programming library written in Python. It is used by <a href=\"\">FSLeyes</a>.</p>\n\n<p>The fslpy library is developed at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (FMRIB), at the University of Oxford. It is hosted at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>",
"keywords" : ["python", "mri", "neuroimaging", "neuroscience"],
"access_right" : "open",
"license" : "Apache-2.0",
"creators" : [
{ "name" : "McCarthy, Paul" },
{ "name" : "Cottaar, Michiel" },
{ "name" : "Webster, Matthew" },
{ "name" : "Fitzgibbon, Sean" },
{ "name" : "Craig, Martin" }
- 3.6
\ No newline at end of file
{% set data = load_setup_py_data() %}
name: fslpy
version: {{ data['version']}}
noarch: python
script: python install --single-version-externally-managed --record=record.txt
path: ../
- python {{ python }}
- setuptools
{% for package in data.get('setup_requires', {}) %}
- {{ package.lower() }}
{% endfor %}
- python
{% for package in data.get('install_requires', {}) %}
- {{ package.lower() }}
{% endfor %}
{% for name, pkgs in data.get('extras_require', dict()).items() %}
{% for package in pkgs %}
- {{ package.lower() }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if 'test_suite' in data %}
{% for package in data.get('setup_requires', {}) %}
- {{ package.lower() }}
{% endfor %}
- {{ data['test_suite'] }}
- python -m pytest {{ data['test_suite'] }} -m "not (fsltest or wxtest or dicomtest or meshtest or igziptest or noroottest or longtest)"
{% endif %}
license_file: LICENSE
if [ -e ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/ ]; then
$FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/ atlasquery atlasq imcp immv imglob extract_noise
if [ -e ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/ ]; then
$FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/ atlasquery atlasq imcp immv imglob
...@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ ...@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
# #
# 2. style: Check coding style # 2. style: Check coding style
# #
# 3. doc: Building API documentation # 3. doc: Building and upload API documentation using GitLab Pages.
# #
# 4. build: Building source, wheel and conda distributions # 4. build: Building source and wheel distributions
# 5. deploy: Uploading the build outputs to pypi/hosting servers.
# #
# 5. deploy: Uploading the build outputs to pypi/hosting servers, and the
# documentation to a hosting server.
# #
# Custom docker images are used for several jobs - these images are # Custom docker images are used for several jobs - these images are
# available at: # available at:
...@@ -24,13 +24,10 @@ ...@@ -24,13 +24,10 @@
# The test and style stages are executed on all branches of upstream and fork # The test and style stages are executed on all branches of upstream and fork
# repositories. # repositories.
# #
# The doc stage, and the deploy-doc job, is executed on all branches of the # The doc stage is executed on release branches of the upstream repository.
# upstream repository.
# The build stage, and the remaining jobs in the deploy stage, are only
# executed on the upstream repository, and only for release tags.
# #
# The deploy stages are manually instantiated. # The build and deploy stages are executed on tags on the upstream
# repository, and the deploy stage must be manually instantiated.
# #
# Most of the logic for each job is defined in shell scripts in the .ci # Most of the logic for each job is defined in shell scripts in the .ci
# sub-directory. # sub-directory.
...@@ -61,34 +58,25 @@ stages: ...@@ -61,34 +58,25 @@ stages:
# - SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FSL_DOWNLOAD - private key for downloading some FSL # - SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FSL_DOWNLOAD - private key for downloading some FSL
# files from a remote server (FSL_HOST) # files from a remote server (FSL_HOST)
# #
# - SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_DOC_DEPLOY - private key for rsyncing documentation
# to remote host (DOC_HOST)
# - SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_CONDA_DEPLOY - private key for rsyncing conda builds
# to remote host (CONDA_HOST)
# - SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_CONDA_INDEX - private key for updating conda channel
# - SSH_SERVER_HOSTKEYS - List of trusted SSH hosts # - SSH_SERVER_HOSTKEYS - List of trusted SSH hosts
# #
# - DOC_HOST: - Username@host to upload documentation to
# (e.g. "")
# - FSL_HOST: - Username@host to download FSL data from # - FSL_HOST: - Username@host to download FSL data from
# (e.g. "") # (most likely "paulmc@localhost")
# #
# - CONDA_HOST: - Username@host to upload conda build to # - FSL_ATLAS_DIR: - Location of the FSL atlas data on
# (e.g. "") # FSL_HOST.
# - CONDA_CHANNELS - List of additional conda channels to
# use for conda build.
# #
# - TWINE_USERNAME: - Username to use when uploading to pypi # - TWINE_USERNAME: - Username to use when uploading to pypi
# #
# - TWINE_PASSWORD: - Password to use when uploading to pypi # - TWINE_PASSWORD: - Password to use when uploading to pypi
# #
# - TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL: - Pypi repository to upload to # - TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL: - Pypi repository to upload to
# - ZENODO_URL: - Zenodo URL to deposit release file to.
# - ZENODO_TOKEN: - Zenodo access token.
# - ZENODO_DEPOSIT_ID: - Deposit ID of previous Zenodo deposit.
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
...@@ -103,14 +91,9 @@ variables: ...@@ -103,14 +91,9 @@ variables:
#################################### ####################################
.only_upstream: &only_upstream .only_release_branches: &only_release_branches
only: only:
- branches@fsl/fslpy - /^v.+$/@fsl/fslpy
.only_master: &only_master
- master@fsl/fslpy
.only_releases: &only_releases .only_releases: &only_releases
...@@ -118,40 +101,53 @@ variables: ...@@ -118,40 +101,53 @@ variables:
- tags@fsl/fslpy - tags@fsl/fslpy
.except_releases: &except_releases
- tags
.setup_ssh: &setup_ssh .setup_ssh: &setup_ssh
before_script: before_script:
- bash ./.ci/ - bash ./.ci/
################################################### ###################################################
# The patch_version anchor contains a before_script # The check_version anchor contains a before_script
# section which is run on release builds, and makes # section which is run on release builds, and makes
# sure that the version in the code is up to date # sure that the version in the code is up to date
# (i.e. equal to the tag name). # (i.e. equal to the tag name).
################################################### ###################################################
.patch_version: &patch_version .check_version: &check_version
before_script: before_script:
- bash ./.ci/ - bash ./.ci/
############ ############
# Test stage # Test stage
############ ############
.test_rules: &test_rules
# We only run tests on MRs, and on release branches
# (a more substantial test suite is run on release
# branches - see .ci/ We don't run
# on upstream/main, as all merges are fast-forwards,
# so the tests will have already been run on the MR
# branch. We also allow manually running a pipeline
# via the web interface.
- if: $SKIP_TESTS != null
when: never
- if: $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[skip-tests\]/
when: never
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
when: on_success
when: on_success
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web"
when: on_success
- when: never
.test: &test_template .test: &test_template
<<: *setup_ssh <<: *setup_ssh
<<: *test_rules
# Releases are just tags on a release
# branch, so we don't need to test them.
<<: *except_releases
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
...@@ -160,30 +156,42 @@ variables: ...@@ -160,30 +156,42 @@ variables:
- bash ./.ci/ - bash ./.ci/
test:2.7: test:3.10:
stage: test stage: test
image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py27-wxpy4-gtk2 image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py310-wxpy4-gtk3
<<: *test_template <<: *test_template
test:3.4: test:3.11:
stage: test stage: test
image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py34-wxpy4-gtk2 image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py311-wxpy4-gtk3
<<: *test_template <<: *test_template
test:3.5: test:3.12:
stage: test stage: test
image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py35-wxpy4-gtk2 image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py312-wxpy4-gtk3
<<: *test_template <<: *test_template
test:3.6: test:3.13:
stage: test stage: test
image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py36-wxpy4-gtk2 image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py313-wxpy4-gtk3
<<: *test_template <<: *test_template
stage: test
image: python:3.10
<<: *test_rules
- docker
- bash ./.ci/
############# #############
# Style stage # Style stage
############# #############
...@@ -191,33 +199,37 @@ test:3.6: ...@@ -191,33 +199,37 @@ test:3.6:
style: style:
stage: style stage: style
image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py35-wxpy4-gtk2 image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py310-wxpy4-gtk3
<<: *test_template <<: *test_template
variables: variables:
TEST_STYLE: "true" TEST_STYLE: "true"
########### #############
# Doc stage # Pages stage
########### #############
# I would like to have separate doc deploys for
# both the main and latest release branches,
# but this is awkward with gitlab pages. So
# currently the most recently executed pages
# job is the one that gets deployed.
build-doc: pages:
<<: *only_upstream <<: *only_release_branches
<<: *patch_version
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
stage: doc stage: doc
image: python:3.5 image: pauldmccarthy/fsleyes-py310-wxpy4-gtk3
script: script:
- bash ./.ci/ - bash ./.ci/
artifacts: artifacts:
expire_in: 1 day
paths: paths:
- doc/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME - public
############# #############
...@@ -227,10 +239,10 @@ build-doc: ...@@ -227,10 +239,10 @@ build-doc:
build-pypi-dist: build-pypi-dist:
<<: *only_releases <<: *only_releases
<<: *patch_version <<: *check_version
stage: build stage: build
image: python:3.5 image: python:3.10
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
...@@ -244,53 +256,17 @@ build-pypi-dist: ...@@ -244,53 +256,17 @@ build-pypi-dist:
- dist/* - dist/*
<<: *only_releases
<<: *patch_version
stage: build
image: continuumio/miniconda3
- docker
- bash ./.ci/ fslpy "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"
expire_in: 1 day
- dist/conda-bld
############## ##############
# Deploy stage # Deploy stage
############## ##############
<<: *only_upstream
<<: *setup_ssh
stage: deploy
when: manual
image: python:3.5
- docker
- build-doc
- bash ./.ci/
deploy-pypi: deploy-pypi:
<<: *only_releases <<: *only_releases
<<: *setup_ssh <<: *setup_ssh
stage: deploy stage: deploy
when: manual when: manual
image: python:3.5 image: python:3.10
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
...@@ -302,19 +278,18 @@ deploy-pypi: ...@@ -302,19 +278,18 @@ deploy-pypi:
- bash ./.ci/ - bash ./.ci/
<<: *only_releases <<: *only_releases
<<: *setup_ssh <<: *setup_ssh
stage: deploy stage: deploy
when: manual when: manual
image: python:3.5 image: python:3.10
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
dependencies: dependencies:
- build-conda-dist - build-pypi-dist
script: script:
- bash ./.ci/ - bash ./.ci/ "$ZENODO_URL" "$ZENODO_TOKEN" "$ZENODO_DEPOSIT_ID"
Paul McCarthy <> Paul McCarthy <>
Michiel Cottaar <> Michiel Cottaar <>
Matthew Webster <> Matthew Webster <>
Sean Fitzgibbon <> Sean Fitzgibbon <>
\ No newline at end of file Martin Craig <>
Taylor Hanayik <>
Evan Edmond <>
Christoph Arthofer <>
Fidel Alfaro Almagro <>
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
Copyright 2016-2018 University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Copyright 2016-2023 University of Oxford, Oxford, UK