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variables.jl 19.8 KiB
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Defines the functions that can be called on parts of an MRI sequence to query or constrain any variables.

In addition this defines:
- [`variables`](@ref): module containing all variables.
- [`VariableType`](@ref): parent type for any variables (whether number or JuMP variable).
- [`get_free_variable`](@ref): helper function to create new JuMP variables.
- [`add_cost_function!`](@ref): add a specific term to the model cost functions.
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- [`set_simple_constraints!`](@ref): call [`apply_simple_constraint!`](@ref) for each keyword argument.
- [`apply_simple_constraint!`](@ref): set a simple equality constraint.
- [`get_pulse`](@ref)/[`get_gradient`](@ref)/[`get_readout`](@ref): Used to get the pulse/gradient/readout part of a building block
- [`gradient_orientation`](@ref): returns the gradient orientation of a waveform if fixed.
import JuMP: @constraint, @variable, Model, @objective, objective_function, AbstractJuMPScalar, QuadExpr, AffExpr
import StaticArrays: SVector
import MacroTools
import ..Scanners: gradient_strength, slew_rate, Scanner
import ..BuildSequences: global_scanner, fixed, GLOBAL_MODEL
Parent type of all components, building block, and sequences that form an MRI sequence.
abstract type AbstractBlock end

function fixed(ab::AbstractBlock)
    params = []
    for prop_name in propertynames(ab)
        push!(params, fixed(getproperty(ab, prop_name)))
    return typeof(ab)(params...)

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    adjust_internal(block, names_used; kwargs...)

Returns the adjusted blocks and add any keywords used in the process to `names_used`.

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This is a helper function used by `adjust`. 
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function adjust_internal end


Returns whether a sequence, building block, or component can be adjusted

Can return one of:
- `:false`: not adjustable
- `:gradient`: expects gradient adjustment parameters
- `:pulse`: expects RF pulse adjustment parameters
adjustable(::AbstractBlock) = :false

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abstract type AnyVariable end
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A sequence property that can be constrained and/or optimised.
It acts as a function, so you can call it on a sequence or building block to get the actual values (e.g., `v(sequence)`).
It can return one of the following:
- a number
- a vector of number
- a NamedTuple with the values for individual sequence components
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mutable struct Variable <: AnyVariable
    name :: Symbol
    f :: Function
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    getter :: Union{Nothing, Function}
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struct AlternateVariable <: AnyVariable
    name :: Symbol
    other_var :: Symbol
    from_other :: Function
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    to_other :: Union{Nothing, Function}
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    inverse :: Bool

    variable_defined_for(var, Val(type))
Check whether variable is defined for a specific sub-type.
variable_defined_for(var::Variable, ::Val{T}) where {T <: AbstractBlock} = hasmethod(var.f, (T, ))

Main module containing all the MRIBuilder sequence variables.
All variables are available as members of this module, e.g.
`variables.echo_time` returns the echo time variable.
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New variables can be defined using `@defvar`.

Set constraints on variables by passing them on as keywords during the sequence generation,
e.g., `seq=SpinEcho(echo_time=70)`.

After sequence generation you can get the variable values by calling
For the sequence defined above this would return 70. (or a number very close to that).
baremodule variables
    @defvar([getter, ], function(s))

Defines new [`variables`](@ref).

Each variable is defined as regular Julia functions embedded within a `@defvar` macro.
For example, to define a `variables.echo_time` variable for a `SpinEcho` sequence, one can use:
@defvar echo_time(ge::SpinEcho) = 2 * (variables.effective_time(ge, :refocus) - variables.effective_time(ge, :excitation))

Multiple variables can be defined in a single `@defvar` by including them in a code block:
@defvar begin
    function var1(seq::SomeSequenceType)
    function var2(seq::SomeSequenceType)

Before the variable function definitions one can include a `getter`.
This `getter` defines the type of the sequence component for which the variables will be defined.
If the variable is not defined for the sequence, the variable will be extracted for those type of sequence components instead.
The following sequence component types are provided:
- `pulse`: use [`get_pulse`](@ref)
- `gradient`: use [`get_gradient`](@ref)
- `readout`: use [`get_readout`](@ref)
- `pathway`: use [`get_pathway`](@ref)
e.g. the following defines a `flip_angle` variable, which is marked as a property of an RF pulse.
@defvar pulse flip_angle(...) = ...
If after this definition, `flip_angle` is not explicitly defined for any sequence, it will be extracted for the RF pulses in that sequence instead.
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macro defvar(func_def) 
    return _defvar(func_def, nothing)

macro defvar(getter, func_def) 
   return _defvar(func_def, getter)

function _defvar(func_def, getter=nothing)
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    if getter isa Symbol
        getter_dict = Dict(
            :pulse => get_pulse,
            :gradient => get_gradient,
            :pathway => get_pathway,
            :readout => get_readout,
        if !(getter in keys(getter_dict))
            error("label in `@defvar <label> <statement>` should be one of `pulse`/`gradient`/`pathway`/`readout`, not `$getter`")
        getter = getter_dict[getter]

    function adjust_function(ex)
        if ex isa Expr && ex.head == :block
            return Expr(:block, adjust_function.(ex.args)...)
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        if ex isa Expr && ex.head == :function && length(ex.args) == 1
            push!(func_names, ex.args[1])
            return :nothing
            fn_def = MacroTools.splitdef(ex)
            push!(func_names, fn_def[:name])
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            new_def = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
            new_def[:name] = Expr(:., Expr(:., :variables, QuoteNode(fn_def[:name])), QuoteNode(:f))
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            new_def[:args] = esc.(fn_def[:args])
            new_def[:kwargs] = esc.(fn_def[:kwargs])
            new_def[:body] = esc(fn_def[:body])
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            new_def[:whereparams] = esc.(fn_def[:whereparams])
            return MacroTools.combinedef(new_def)
        catch e
            if e isa AssertionError
                return ex
    new_func_def = adjust_function(func_def)
    function fix_function_name(ex)
        if ex in func_names
            return esc(ex)
            return ex
    new_func_def = MacroTools.postwalk(fix_function_name, new_func_def)

    expressions = Expr[]
    for func_name in func_names
        push!(expressions, quote
            if !($(QuoteNode(func_name)) in names(variables; all=true))
                function $(func_name) end
                variables.$(func_name) = Variable($(QuoteNode(func_name)), $(func_name), $getter)
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            if variables.$(func_name) isa AlternateVariable
                error("$($(esc(func_name)).name) is defined through $(variables.$(func_name).other_var). Please define that variable instead.")
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            if !isnothing($getter) && variables.$(func_name).getter != $getter
                if isnothing(variables.$(func_name).getter)
                    variables.$(func_name).getter = $getter
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                    name = variables.$(func_name).name
                    error("$(name) is already defined as a variable for $(variables.$(func_name).getter). Cannot switch to $($getter).")
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    args = vcat([e.args for e in expressions]...)
    return Expr(
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@defvar function duration end
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Duration of the sequence or building block in ms.
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function def_alternate_variable!(name::Symbol, other_var::Symbol, from_other::Function, to_other::Union{Nothing, Function}, inverse::Bool)
    setproperty!(variables, name, AlternateVariable(name, other_var, from_other, to_other, inverse))
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def_alternate_variable!(:spoiler_scale, :qval, q->1e-3 * 2π/q, l->1e-3 * 2π/l, true)
def_alternate_variable!(:qval, :qval_square, sqrt, q -> q * q, false)
def_alternate_variable!(:qval_square, :qvec, qv -> sum(q -> q * q, qv), nothing, false)


The norm of the [`variables.qvec`](@ref).


Spatial scale in mm over which the spoiler gradient will dephase by 2π.

Automatically computed based on [`variables.qvec`](@ref).

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for vec_variable in [:gradient_strength, :slew_rate]
    vec_square = Symbol(string(vec_variable) * "_square")
    vec_norm = Symbol(string(vec_variable) * "_norm")
    def_alternate_variable!(vec_norm, vec_square, sqrt, v -> v * v, false)
    def_alternate_variable!(vec_square, vec_variable, v -> v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2] + v[3] * v[3], nothing, false)
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The norm of the [`variables.gradient_strength`](@ref).


The norm of the [`variables.slew_rate`](@ref).

for name in [:slice_thickness, :bandwidth, :fov, :voxel_size]
    inv_name = Symbol("inverse_" * string(name))
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    def_alternate_variable!(name, inv_name, inv, inv, true)

for (name, alt_name) in [
    (:TE, :echo_time),
    (:TR, :repetition_time),
    (:Δ, :diffusion_time),
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    def_alternate_variable!(name, alt_name, identity, identity, false)

Alternative name to compute the [`variables.echo_time`](@ref) of a sequence in ms.


Alternative name to compute the [`variables.repetition_time`](@ref) of a sequence in ms.


Alternative name to compute the [`variables.diffusion_time`](@ref) of a sequence in ms.

Parent type for any variable in the MRI sequence.
Each variable can be one of:
- a new JuMP variable
- an expression linking this variable to other JuMP variable
- a number
Create these using [`get_free_variable`](@ref).
const VariableType = Union{Number, AbstractJuMPScalar}

    get_free_variable(value; integer=false, start=0.01)

Get a representation of a given `variable` given a user-defined constraint.

The result is guaranteed to be a [`VariableType`](@ref).
get_free_variable(value::Number; integer=false, kwargs...) = integer ? Int(value) : Float64(value)
get_free_variable(value::VariableType; kwargs...) = value
get_free_variable(::Nothing; integer=false, start=0.01) = @variable(GLOBAL_MODEL[][1], start=start, integer=integer)
get_free_variable(value::Symbol; integer=false, kwargs...) = integer ? error("Cannot maximise or minimise an integer variable") : get_free_variable(Val(value); kwargs...)
function get_free_variable(::Val{:min}; kwargs...)
    var = get_free_variable(nothing; kwargs...)
    add_cost_function!(var, 1)
function get_free_variable(::Val{:max}; kwargs...)
    var = get_free_variable(nothing; kwargs...)
    add_cost_function!(-var, 1)
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Get the main pulses played out during the sequence.
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This has to be defined for individual sequences to work.

Any `pulse` variables not explicitly defined for this sequence will be passed on to the pulse.
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Get the main gradients played out during the sequence.
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This has to be defined for individual sequences to work.
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Any `gradient` variables not explicitly defined for this sequence will be passed on to the gradient.
function get_gradient end

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Get the main readout events played out during the sequence.
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This has to be defined for individual sequences to work.

Any `readout` variables not explicitly defined for this sequence will be passed on to the readout.
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function get_readout end
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Get the default spin pathway(s) for the sequence.

This has to be defined for individual sequences to work.
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Any `pathway` variables not explicitly defined for this sequence will be passed on to the pathway.
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function get_pathway end


Returns the gradient orientation.
function gradient_orientation end
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function (var::Variable)(block::AbstractBlock, args...; kwargs...)
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    if !applicable(var.f, block, args...) && !isnothing(var.getter)
        apply_to = var.getter(block)
        if apply_to isa AbstractBlock
            return var(apply_to, args...; kwargs...)
        elseif apply_to isa NamedTuple
            return NamedTuple(k => var(v, args...; kwargs...) for (k, v) in pairs(apply_to))
        elseif apply_to isa AbstractVector{<:AbstractBlock} || apply_to isa Tuple
            return var.(apply_to, args...; kwargs...)
            error("$(var.getter) returned an unexpected type: $(typeof(apply_to)).")
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    return var.f(block, args...; kwargs...)
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# Special case for BuildingBlock events
function (var::Variable)(event::Tuple{<:VariableType, <:AbstractBlock}, args...; kwargs...)
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    if applicable(var.f, event, args...; kwargs...)
        return var.f(event, args...; kwargs...)
    # falling back to just processing the `AbstractBlock`
    return var(event[2], args...; kwargs...)

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function (var::AlternateVariable)(args...; kwargs...)
    other_var = getproperty(variables, var.other_var)
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    apply_from_other(res::VariableType) = var.from_other(res)
    function apply_from_other(res::AbstractVector{<:VariableType}) 
            return var.from_other(res)
        catch e
            if e isa MethodError
                return var.from_other.(res)
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    apply_from_other(res::NamedTuple) = NamedTuple(k => apply_from_other(v) for (k, v) in pairs(res))
    return apply_from_other(other_var(args...; kwargs...))
    add_cost_function!(function, level=2)

Adds an additional term to the cost function.

This term will be minimised together with any other terms in the cost function.
Terms added at a lower level will be optimised before any terms with a higher level.

By default, the term is added to the `level=2`, which is appropriate for any cost functions added by the developer,
which will generally only be optimised after any user-defined cost functions (which are added at `level=1` by [`add_simple_constraint!`](@ref) or [`set_simple_constraints!`](@ref).

Any sequence will also have a `level=3` cost function, which minimises the total sequence duration.
function add_cost_function!(func::AbstractJuMPScalar, level=2)
    push!(GLOBAL_MODEL[][2], (Float64(level), func))

add_cost_function!(func::Number, level=2) = nothing

    set_simple_constraints!(block, kwargs)

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Add any constraints or objective functions to the variables of a [`AbstractBlock`](@ref).

Each keyword argument has to match one of the functions in [`variables`](@ref)(block).
If set to a numeric value, a constraint will be added to fix the function value to that numeric value.
If set to `:min` or `:max`, minimising or maximising this function will be added to the cost function.
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function set_simple_constraints!(block::AbstractBlock, kwargs)
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    real_kwargs = Dict(key => value for (key, value) in kwargs if !isnothing(value))
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    for (key, value) in real_kwargs
        var = getproperty(variables, key)
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        if var isa AlternateVariable
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            if var.other_var in keys(real_kwargs)
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                error("Set constraints on both $key and $(var.other_var), however they are equivalent.")
            invert_value(value::VariableType) = var.to_other(value)
            invert_value(value::Symbol) = invert_value(Val(value))
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            invert_value(::Val{:min}) = var.inverse ? Val(:max) : Val(:min)
            invert_value(::Val{:max}) = var.inverse ? Val(:min) : Val(:max)
            invert_value(value::AbstractVector) = invert_value.(value)
            apply_simple_constraint!(getproperty(variables, var.other_var)(block), invert_value(value))
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            apply_simple_constraint!(var(block), value)

    apply_simple_constraint!(variable, value)

Add a single constraint or objective to the `variable`.

`value` can be one of:
- `nothing`: do nothing
- `:min`: minimise the variable
- `:max`: maximise the variable
- `number`: fix variable to this value
- `equation`: fix variable to the result of this equation

    apply_simple_constraint!(variable, :>=/:<=, value)

Set an inequality constraint to the `variable`.

`value` can be a number of an equation.
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::AbstractVector, value::Symbol) = apply_simple_constraint!(sum(variable), Val(value))
apply_simple_constraint!(variable, value::Nothing) = nothing
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::NamedTuple, value::Nothing) = nothing
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::VariableType, value::Symbol) = apply_simple_constraint!(variable, Val(value))
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::VariableType, ::Val{:min}) = add_cost_function!(variable, 1)
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::VariableType, ::Val{:max}) = add_cost_function!(-variable, 1)
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::VariableType, value::VariableType) = @constraint GLOBAL_MODEL[][1] variable == value
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::AbstractVector, value::AbstractVector) = [apply_simple_constraint!(v1, v2) for (v1, v2) in zip(variable, value)]
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::AbstractVector, value::VariableType) = [apply_simple_constraint!(v1, value) for v1 in variable]
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::Number, value::Number) = @assert variable  value "Variable set to multiple incompatible values."
function apply_simple_constraint!(variable::NamedTuple, value)
    for sub_var in variable
        apply_simple_constraint!(sub_var, value)
function apply_simple_constraint!(variable::NamedTuple, value::NamedTuple)
    for key in keys(value)
        apply_simple_constraint!(variable[key], value[key])
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::VariableType, sign::Symbol, value) = apply_simple_constraint!(variable, Val(sign), value)
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::VariableType, ::Val{:(==)}, value) = apply_simple_constraint!(variable, value)
apply_simple_constraint!(variable::VariableType, ::Val{:(<=)}, value::VariableType) = apply_simple_constraint!(value, Val(:>=), variable)
function apply_simple_constraint!(variable::VariableType, ::Val{:(>=)}, value::VariableType)
    @constraint GLOBAL_MODEL[][1] variable >= value
    if value isa Number && iszero(value)
        @constraint GLOBAL_MODEL[][1] variable * 1e6 >= value
        @constraint GLOBAL_MODEL[][1] variable * 1e12 >= value


Returns a generic version of the `BaseSequence`, `BaseBuildingBlock`, or `BaseComponent`

- Sequences are all flattened and returned as a single `Sequence` containing only `BuildingBlock` objects.
- Any `BaseBuildingBlock` is converted into a `BuildingBlock`.
- Pulses are replaced with `GenericPulse` (except for instant pulses).
- Instant readouts are replaced with `ADC`.
function make_generic end


Constraints [`variables.gradient_strength`](@ref) and [`variables.slew_rate`](@ref) to be less than the [`global_scanner`](@ref) maximum.
function scanner_constraints!(bb::AbstractBlock)
    for (var, max_value) in [
        (variables.slew_rate, global_scanner().slew_rate),
        (variables.gradient_strength, global_scanner().gradient),
        value = nothing
            value = var(bb)
        for v in value
            if v isa Number || ((v isa Union{QuadExpr, AffExpr}) && length(v.terms) == 0)
            apply_simple_constraint!(v, :<=, max_value)
            apply_simple_constraint!(v, :>=, -max_value)